Download “rough” the ribosome on the Endoplasmic reticulum are there to

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Plant Cells and Their
Curious George
Know-It-All Georgette
By: M. K.
Plant cells are eukaryotic. They have
13 parts to them, this is not including
the parts within the organelles.
Now, each slide will have information
on one of the 13 organelles.
We’ll start from the inside and work
our way outside.
• You should know what this part does.. ALL
• It tells the cell to eat, drink and takes out all
of it’s waste (or store the waste.)
• Without the Nucleus the whole cell would be
out of control. The cell wouldn’t know when
its hungry and if it had to do its waste.
Rough/Smooth Endoplasmic
Reticulum & Ribosome
These big words might scare you, but have no
fear I am here, to explain.
The rough Endoplasmic Reticulum have little
spherical ribosome on them which make it bumpy,
that’s why they are called “rough” the ribosome on
the Endoplasmic reticulum are there to create
proteins for the whole cell.
The smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum doesn’t
make proteins therefore, doesn’t need the
ribosome on itself. It just creates hormones and
fatty acids. The fatty acids are oily, making the
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum smooth.
You may be wondering “what does this
organelle do. What it does is transport calcium,
ions and other thing like that. Think of it as a
Buuuuuuurrrrrrrrrpppp… Whoa what was that?
That, my friend is a very, very satisfied
Vacuole the more it eats the more bigger its
stomach gets the less it eats the more flabbier its
stomach gets. So basically it acts like a balloon
Did you know that young plant cells usually
have many small vacuoles, but as the cells mature,
the vacuoles almost fuses into one large central
Also they don’t only store foods but their
wastes, now that’s gross!
This organelle is very rare in Plant
Cells but common in Animal cells.
It’s job is to kill bacteria that
attacks the cells, now you can probably
see why it’s rare in plant cells. Not many
bacteria would be after plants. Try to
think of a Lysosome as a warrior.
Golgi Apparatus
This organelles looks a lot like
Endoplasmic Reticulum but it’s functions
are similar to the Vacuole. It stores,
secretes (releases stuff out of its
pores) and makes the cell products. I
can’t really think what this resembles,
guess this is the only one you have to
Mitochondria provide the energy a cell
needs to move, divide and produce. Here
I’ll give you a better explanation. You could
call them the power plant of the cell. It
helps the Cell get energy, it’s what allows
the cell to do all types of activities.
The size of a Mitochondria is similar to
a bacteria . These battery like organelles
come in different shapes.
Chloroplasts tell what their role is right in
their name you might not have guessed
but they produce chlorophyll this the
substance needed in a plant to give it a
green, fresh looking colour. This organelle
has a membrane of its own.
Awwww man, my bag just ripped, guess I carried
to many things in it. Everything happens to me!
Like why doesn’t it happen to these Plant Cells,
they have such a thin, leafy layer?
First of all those cells are way more organized
and careful than you are, they don’t stuff
everything inside themselves, hoping it’ll fit in.
They may have lots of parts but they can hold
it. This is because they have a membrane which is
like skin. The role for this organelle is to keep
everything in, inside and everything out, outside,
kind of like a thermos.
“Finally away from that brainiac Georgette!
This swimming pool is so soothing.
“Hey George, where were you?”
“Away from you-I mean away from the
“ Oh I see, you know this swimming pool is a lot
like cytoplasm and we’re like the little proteins or
particles in it. When we’re not needed, we just sit
in the cytoplasm waiting for us to be needed kind
of like sitting in a swimming pool until your mom
calls you .”
“Yeeeeaaahhh, mentioning that I think I’m
needed somewhere far away (from Georgette)!”
The Cell Wall
The Cell wall is like a membrane but unlike
the membrane which holds just the
cytoplasm and the things inside it, the cell
wall holds everything. It’s almost like a gift
wrapper which wraps up everything just like
this presentation.
Thank-You (for those who paid any attention whatsoever!)
The “Cell System”
Bank (Vacuole)
Castle Nuclear
Construction Worker
Pathway ( Endoplasmic Reticulum)
Power Plant
Soldiers (Lysosome)
Castle Wall