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Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology ©2007 Global Science Books
The Golgi Apparatus –
A Key Organelle in the Plant Secretory Pathway
Sally L. Hanton1 • Loren A. Matheson1 • Laurent Chatre1 • Federica Brandizzi1,2*
1 Department of Biology, 112 Science Place, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5E2, Canada
2 Department of Energy, Plant Research Laboratory, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
Corresponding author: * [email protected]
The secretory pathway in plants mediates the transport of cargo molecules from their site of synthesis to other compartments within the
pathway as well as to the cell wall. At the centre of this system is the Golgi apparatus, a transport hub that is responsible for receiving,
modifying and sorting proteins for transport to their destinations. Several recent publications have investigated the routes and transport
mechanisms that connect the Golgi apparatus with other secretory organelles, including exciting new links with non-secretory organelles
such as plastids. This review therefore focuses on the multiple roles of the Golgi apparatus in the secretory pathway and its connections
with other organelles within the plant cell.
Keywords: Protein transport, imaging, endoplasmic reticulum
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................................................................ 69
THE ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM......................................................................................................................................................... 69
ER-TO-GOLGI TRANSPORT..................................................................................................................................................................... 70
ER EXPORT SIGNALS............................................................................................................................................................................... 70
COPI-MEDIATED RETROGRADE TRANSPORT.................................................................................................................................... 71
NON-GOLGI ER EXPORT ROUTES......................................................................................................................................................... 71
THE PLANT GOLGI APPARATUS............................................................................................................................................................ 72
GOLGI STACK BIOGENESIS ................................................................................................................................................................... 72
STRUCTURE: GOLGI MATRIX................................................................................................................................................................ 72
POST-GOLGI TRANSPORT....................................................................................................................................................................... 72
TRANSPORT TO THE LYTIC VACUOLE ................................................................................................................................................ 72
TRANSPORT TO THE PROTEIN STORAGE VACUOLE ........................................................................................................................ 73
TO AND FROM THE PLASMA MEMBRANE.......................................................................................................................................... 73
CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES ................................................................................................................................... 74
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ......................................................................................................................................................................... 74
REFERENCES............................................................................................................................................................................................. 74
The secretory pathway of plants is essential to the transport,
sorting and modification of proteins destined for delivery to
different organelles within the cell or to the extracellular
space (Fig. 1; Matheson et al. 2006). The various secretory
organelles are linked together by different processes, starting with protein synthesis at the endoplasmic reticulum
(ER) membranes and ending with storage or degradation in
specific vacuoles, or secretion outside the cell via the plasma membrane. At the centre of this transport system lies
the Golgi apparatus. The Golgi apparatus not only mediates
the sorting and packaging of proteins received from other
organelles so that they can be delivered to their final destinations, but is also responsible for the modification of
glycan moieties attached to these proteins, which may
affect their eventual function within the cell.
The ER consists of a network of membranes that are contiReceived: 24 February, 2007. Accepted: 22 March, 2007.
nuous with the nuclear envelope and undergo constant
movement and remodelling (Fig. 2A; Irons et al. 2003;
Hanton et al. 2005a; Runions et al. 2006). The dynamic
behaviour of the ER in plants is dependent on an actinmyosin system, which has been shown to drive cytoplasmic
streaming, causing the movement of other organelles in the
cell (Knebel et al. 1990; Liebe and Menzel 1995; Hawes
and Satiat-Jeunemaitre 2001).
Proteins destined for the secretory pathway are
synthesised on the ER membranes: soluble proteins pass
through the membrane into the lumen, while membrane
proteins are inserted into the membrane and locked in by
specific motifs in the amino acid sequence (reviewed by
Vitale and Denecke 1999). Proteins known as chaperones
within the ER are involved in a variety of quality-control
processes to ensure that misfolded proteins are not released
or able to form aggregates (reviewed by Vitale and Denecke
1999; Vitale and Ceriotti 2004). If a protein is irretrievably
misfolded, degradation occurs in order that the constituent
amino acids can be recycled. Some proteins are retrotranslocated to the cytosol, where they are degraded in the
Invited Review
Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 69-76 ©2007 Global Science Books
Fig. 1 Schematic representation of the plant
secretory pathway and transport routes connecting the constituent organelles. The secretory pathway in plants is made up of various
different organelles and transport routes between them (represented by arrows). Organelles
such as the chloroplast and peroxisome have
recently been shown to have connections with
the secretory pathway, although they were not
previously thought of as “secretory” organelles.
This may result in the expansion of the system
termed the secretory pathway to include many
more parts of the cell. Proteins can exit the ER
and be transported directly to the protein storage
vacuole; Golgi modified proteins can also travel
to the protein storage vesicle via dense vesicles.
Cargo can be transported between the ER and
Golgi by either COPII-mediated or COPII-independent mechanisms, while transport from the
Golgi to the ER takes place in a COPI-dependent fashion. Post-Golgi transport can be directed to the plasma membrane, chloroplast, lytic
vacuole or prevacuolar compartment (PVC)/
multivesicular body (MVB)/late endosome via
clathrin-coated vesicles. Additional routes from
the PVC/MVB/late endosome to the TGN and
the lytic vacuole also exist. The endocytic pathway carries cargo from the plasma membrane to
the early endosome at which point it is thought
to be transported to the TGN or passed to a
PVC/MVB/late endosome.
cytoplasmic proteasome (Pedrazzini et al. 1997; Brandizzi
et al. 2003; Muller et al. 2005). A possible alternative to
this cytosolic degradation was put forward by Pimpl et al.
(2006), who showed that the ER-resident chaperone BiP
can be transported to the lytic vacuole, presumably in order
that misfolded proteins to which it is bound can be degraded.
the ER membrane at specific domains known as ER export
sites (ERES, Watson and Stephens 2005), from which transport intermediates are thought to bud, carrying cargo to the
Golgi apparatus. In plants, ERES were first visualised in tobacco leaf cells using a fluorescent fusion of a tobacco isoform of Sar1, which is recruited to ERES upon over-expression of membrane cargo proteins destined for the Golgi (da
Silva et al. 2004). These structures travelled in continual association with Golgi bodies, leading to the proposal of the
secretory unit model for ERES-Golgi interaction. This
model was supported by a later study using fluorescent fusions of Sec23 and Sec24, which label ERES in both the
presence and absence of membrane cargo (Stefano et al.
2006a). However, a study in tobacco BY-2 cells using Sec13
as a protein marker indicated that multiple ERES could
associate transiently with a single Golgi body, described as
a “kiss-and-run” mechanism (Yang et al. 2005). The use of
different marker proteins in different expression systems
makes it difficult to compare these studies directly, leaving
this topic open to debate.
A recent study presented evidence for the existence of
COPII vesicles in plant cells through electron microscopy
(Donohoe et al. 2007), some seven years after the isolation
of COPI vesicles from plants (Pimpl et al. 2000). Although
this is an important breakthrough in the study of ER-Golgi
transport, the existence of direct connections between the
ER and Golgi suggested earlier cannot be excluded at this
stage (Juniper et al. 1982; Harris and Oparka 1983). Further
study is required to characterise the transport intermediates
responsible for traffic between ER and Golgi.
One of the most important transport routes from the ER is
that to the Golgi apparatus. The early secretory pathway of
plants differs from that of mammals in several ways (reviewed by Hanton et al. 2005a), including the absence of
the ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) that is
found in the mammalian secretory pathway (Schweizer et
al. 1990; Appenzeller-Herzog and Hauri 2006). The mechanisms and machinery by which transport between ER and
Golgi occurs in plants remain the subject of much debate
(Hanton et al. 2006).
Two anterograde pathways exist: export from the ER to
the Golgi can occur via a COPII-mediated mechanism
(Phillipson et al. 2001; da Silva et al. 2004), or by a COPIIindependent mechanism (Törmäkangas et al. 2001), although less is known about the latter. To balance these
routes, a COPI-mediated mechanism retrieves cargo molecules from the Golgi to the ER (Pimpl et al. 2000; Stefano
et al. 2006a; Donohoe et al. 2007). COPI-independent retrograde routes have been identified in mammals (Girod et
al. 1999; White et al. 1999; Chen et al. 2003), homologues
of which may also exist in plants to balance the two anterograde routes.
The COPII machinery is composed of a group of proteins that are highly conserved between species (reviewed
by Lee et al. 2004; Hanton et al. 2006): a small GTPase
known as Sar1, and two heterodimeric structural subunits:
Sec23/24 and Sec13/31. These components are recruited to
It has been shown that soluble proteins can travel by a nonselective bulk flow route (Denecke et al. 1990; Phillipson et
al. 2001). However, the transport of membrane proteins appears to be significantly more complex. Studies of type I
The plant Golgi apparatus. Hanton et al.
be exported to the Golgi apparatus, and then have to be retrieved. In addition, certain membrane proteins such as
SNAREs reach the Golgi as part of the transport machinery
between ER and Golgi, and must therefore be recycled to
the ER to maintain efficient transport of proteins out of the
ER. A mechanism for retrieval of proteins to the ER is
therefore essential to the cell. This retrieval is mediated by
carriers coated with the COPI protein coat, consisting of the
small GTPase ARF1 and a heptameric complex of coat proteins termed coatomer (Malhotra et al. 1989).
Certain membrane proteins have a selective retrieval
system in place that is similar to that which mediates their
export from the ER. A signal in the cytosolic tail of the protein interacts with components of the COPI coat (Contreras
et al. 2004a; McCartney et al. 2004), causing the cargo to be
incorporated into the transport carrier for trafficking to the
ER. In the case of soluble proteins, direct interaction with
cytosolic coat components is impossible. Therefore, soluble
ER resident proteins possess a tetrapeptide H/KDEL motif
at their extreme C-terminus (Denecke et al. 1992), which is
thought to interact with the receptor protein ERD2 (Lee et
al. 1993), as has been shown in yeast (Lewis et al. 1990;
Lewis and Pelham 1992). This interaction allows receptormediated retrieval of the soluble protein to the ER.
Fig. 2 Fluorescent proteins are an important tool in visualising parts
of the secretory pathway. Various proteins have been established as
markers for different organelles in the secretory pathway. These micrographs demonstrate the usage of several markers alone or in combination
to show the distribution of some of the organelles. (A) The ER labelled by
spYFP-HDEL (Irons et al. 2003; Hanton et al. 2005a) exists as a meshlike network of membranes distributed throughout the cell cortex (arrowhead). Golgi bodies (labelled by TMcCCASP, Hanton et al. 2005b) can be
seen as dots within this network (arrow). (B) Both the Golgi apparatus and
prevacuolar compartments are distributed throughout the cytoplasm in
plant cells. In this image spGFP-BP80 (Hanton and Brandizzi 2006) was
used as a PVC marker (arrowhead), also faintly labelling Golgi bodies (arrow), which are visible due to the use of ERD2-YFP (Brandizzi et al.
2002b) as a marker. (C) The GTPase ARF1, which plays roles in both
Golgi-ER transport and trafficking to the lytic vacuole, is distributed at the
Golgi apparatus (arrow) along with the Golgi marker ST-GFP (Boevink et
al. 1998). ARF1-YFP (Stefano et al. 2006a) also labels additional dots
(arrowhead), which may be involved in the endocytic pathway (Xu and
Scheres 2005). (D) The marker BobTIP26-1-GFP (Reisen et al. 2003)
labels the vacuole membrane, or tonoplast. Membrane-bound structures
within the vacuole are frequently observed (arrowhead), although their
function is not yet known. Bars = 5 μm.
In addition to the transport routes between ER and Golgi
discussed above, various other routes from the ER exist that
do not appear to involve the Golgi apparatus. For example,
a variety of vesicle types appear to transport storage proteins directly from the ER to the protein storage vacuole in
seeds from different species (Levanony et al. 1992; HaraNishimura et al. 1998; Toyooka et al. 2000; Takahashi et al.
2005). These vesicles are then thought to be incorporated
into the vacuole through a mechanism similar to autophagy
(Levanony et al. 1992). It may be the case that these routes
exist only in seeds, in order to cope with the large amounts
of storage proteins that must be stockpiled in the protein
storage vacuole. It is thought that the majority of proteins
that travel by these routes do not require Golgi-mediated
modifications, making it unnecessary to expend energy on
transport to the Golgi followed by repackaging into a second type of carrier for subsequent transport to the protein
storage vacuole. In support of this hypothesis, glycosylated
proteins have been identified around the periphery of some
of the Golgi-independent vesicles (Hara-Nishimura et al.
1998), suggesting that a second transport route for Golgimodified proteins may exist between the Golgi apparatus
and the large transport vesicles themselves.
The early secretory pathway has also been implicated in
protein transport to peroxisomes, although it is not clear
whether the Golgi apparatus is involved. It appears that several peroxisomal proteins accumulate in specific subdomains of the ER (Lisenbee et al. 2003; Flynn et al. 2005;
Karnik and Trelease 2005), termed peroxisomal ER (pER,
Mullen and Trelease 2006). A transport route from the peroxisome to the ER has also been identified (McCartney et al.
2005), indicating the potential for protein cycling between
the two organelles, although the ER to peroxisome pathway
remains to be characterised. It has been suggested that peroxisomes may differentiate from the ER, although they can
also be generated through division of pre-existing peroxisomes (Lingard and Trelease 2006). It may therefore be the
case that some proteins are incorporated into nascent peroxisomes as they differentiate from the ER, while others
may be transported to pre-existing peroxisomes from pER
subdomains. Evidence has been presented indicating potential involvement of the Golgi in at least one peroxisomal
transport pathway (Mullen et al. 1999), but it is apparent
that further study is required to elucidate the transport
mechanisms that link the early secretory pathway with peroxisomes.
and type II membrane proteins showed that the length of
the transmembrane domain plays a role in regulating their
transport through the secretory pathway (Brandizzi et al.
2002a; Saint-Jore-Dupas et al. 2006). In addition to these
findings, three different types of export signals have been
identified in the cytosolic domains of plant transmembrane
proteins: di-hydrophobic, di-acidic and di-basic (Contreras
et al. 2004b; Hanton et al. 2005b; Yuasa et al. 2005). Analysis of a di-acidic motif in a type I protein indicates that the
presence of this functional export signal is sufficient to
overcome transport limitations incurred by a short transmembrane domain (Hanton et al. 2005b). Evidence for recognition of a di-hydrophobic motif by COPII components
in vitro has also been presented (Contreras et al. 2004b), indicating that selection of membrane cargo proteins bearing
export signals may be mediated directly by COPII. This
would then allow membrane cargo to be packaged into
transport carriers for export to the Golgi apparatus, whereas
soluble proteins might diffuse into the carriers and thus
travel via bulk flow.
By its very nature, bulk flow anterograde transport is not a
selective mechanism. This means that some soluble proteins that are not intended to leave the ER may accidentally
Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 69-76 ©2007 Global Science Books
brane cargo. This signal-mediated mechanism for the de
novo formation of ERES strongly suggests the existence of
a tightly-regulated feedback between cytosolic factors involved in cargo export and differentiation of membrane subdomains.
The active exchange of cargo between the ER and the Golgi
by means of balanced anterograde and retrograde transport
routes maintains the integrity of Golgi membranes and the
distribution of Golgi membrane proteins (Hanton et al.
2005a; Hawes and Satiat-Jeunemaitre 2005). This central
organelle of the plant secretory pathway is the sum of many
polarised stacks of membrane-bounded cisternae distributed
throughout the cytoplasm of plant cells (Fig. 2A-C). The
Golgi has functional roles in the glycosylation of proteins
and lipids, and in the production of polysaccharides for cell
wall biosynthesis. In transit through the organelle, proteins
and lipids are processed by Golgi-resident enzymes that
modify attached glycan chains. The products either take up
residence in the Golgi apparatus or are sorted at the trans
Golgi network (TGN) and packaged into vesicles for transport.
The fact that many individual mobile Golgi stacks exist
in a single plant cell sets the plant Golgi apparatus apart
from the secretory pathway of several other systems, including mammals and yeast (reviewed by Hanton et al.
2006). Each stack possesses polarity from the ER-adjacent
cis-face to the trans-face. Such polarity not only reflects
putative entry and exit points from the organelle, but also
dictates the distribution of the processing machinery
throughout the stack. It has been shown that the enzymes of
the N-glycan processing pathway are spatially arranged in
the order in which individual enzymes act sequentially on
their glycoprotein substrates (Saint-Jore-Dupas et al. 2006).
Studies in mammalian cells have suggested that the organisation of Golgi-resident enzymes is based on a COPI-independent, Rab-dependent mechanism (Bannykh et al. 2005);
however, very little is known in plants regarding the mechanisms of enzyme recruitment to individual cisternae.
Furthermore, how the complex architecture of the Golgi apparatus contributes to its efficient operation remains to be
fully elucidated.
Several suggestions have been put forward as to how the
Golgi apparatus maintains its structural integrity and its
identity from the ER. A group of proteins, collectively
known as the Golgi matrix, has been identified in mammalian and yeast cells. It is predicted that some of these proteins form the inter-cisternal elements, thus playing a role in
the regulation of traffic, whereas others tether and guide
vesicles (Mogelsvang and Howell 2006). Understanding the
Golgi matrix, and how its components work together to promote stack stabilisation, is expected to be crucial in gaining
a global appreciation for the function and organisation of
the Golgi apparatus in plants.
Golgins, a family of coiled-coil proteins, are thought to
be part of a Golgi matrix (Latijnhouwers et al. 2005a; Short
et al. 2005). The Arabidopsis genome encodes homologues
of mammalian and yeast peripheral and integral membrane
golgins (Latijnhouwers et al. 2005a). The first plant golgin
identified was AtCASP (for CCAAT displacement protein
alternatively spliced product), but its functions at the Golgi
apparatus have yet to be characterised (Renna et al. 2005).
A number of peripheral golgins contain a carboxy-terminal
GRIP domain, which is sufficient for Golgi targeting (Munro and Nichols 1999). One such golgin from Arabidopsis
has been characterised and fluorescent fusions of the GRIP
domain as well as the full length protein (AtGRIP) target the
Golgi apparatus through a mechanism that is dependent on
the small GTPase, ARL1 (Gilson et al. 2004; Latijnhouwers
et al. 2005b; Stefano et al. 2006b). The existence of other
putative Arabidopsis homologues to animal and yeast golgins has been suggested but these have yet to be investigated experimentally (Latijnhouwers et al. 2005a). In addition,
it is possible that the plant genome contains other plant-specific, golgin-type proteins that support the unique nature of
the plant Golgi apparatus. For example, the existence of a
plant-specific coiled-coil protein, MAF1 from tomato
(LeMAF1), which associates with the nuclear envelope and
Golgi apparatus, has been reported (Patel et al. 2005). It is
possible that proteins like LeMAF1 contribute to the establishment of unique features of the plant Golgi apparatus.
Organelle specific proteomics may become a useful strategy
to identify and isolate Golgi matrix proteins that might be
otherwise undetectable through bioinformatics (Rose et al.
2004; Dunkley et al. 2006).
Contrary to the mammalian Golgi apparatus, which dissipates during the process of cell division (Shorter and Warren 2002), the plant Golgi stacks remain intact during mitosis (Nebenführ et al. 2000). Interestingly, it was suggested
that plant and algal Golgi stacks multiply by division (Hirose and Komamine 1989). The signals that initiate the scission of Golgi membranes and the specific mechanisms that
lead to constriction and separation of the stacks are unknown. The evidence that Golgi stacks can divide does not
exclude the possibility that Golgi membranes can form de
It is tempting to speculate that the biogenesis of plant
Golgi stacks occurs in response to the need of a cell to
secrete. For example, ER export can be reversibly disrupted
by drugs, such as brefeldin A (BFA, Driouich et al. 1993;
Ritzenthaler et al. 2002). This drug affects the integrity of
the Golgi membranes and of ERES (da Silva et al. 2004).
Upon removal of BFA, the plant ER regenerates Golgi
stacks and associated ERES, and ER export is reconstituted
(Saint-Jore et al. 2002; da Silva et al. 2004; Stefano et al.
2006a). In addition, in Arabidopsis apical meristem cells,
the number of stacks doubles in number immediately prior
to the organelle partitioning between daughter cells that
occurs during mitosis (Segui-Simarro and Staehelin 2006).
The duplication of Golgi stacks during division may be
needed to deal with the increased necessity for delivery of
materials to the nascent cell wall. A recent report analysed
the response of plant cells to an increased need for secretion,
demonstrating that the plant ER is able to respond to an
increase in the number of membrane cargo proteins destined for the Golgi by recruiting COPII machinery onto
existing ERES as well as by generating new ERES (Hanton
et al. 2007). Both mechanisms were found to be dependent
on the presence of an active ER export motif in the mem-
In addition to the roles of the Golgi described above, a major function of this organelle is to mediate the sorting and
export of proteins that are destined for onward transport to
distal organelles in the cell. These include the lytic and storage vacuoles and their prevacuolar compartments, the plasma membrane and the chloroplast. In recent years, much
progress has been made in elucidating aspects of the transport to these compartments.
Proteins that are transported to the lytic vacuole are thought
to travel first to the prevacuolar compartment (PVC), and
thence to the vacuole (Fig. 2D). It has been shown that the
PVC exists as multivesicular bodies (MVB) in plants, which
can be stained by the dye FM4-64, indicating that this compartment also has an endocytic function (Tse et al. 2004).
Emerging evidence indicates that the PVC in plants may be
equivalent to the late endosome in other systems (Bolte et al.
2004b; Tse et al. 2004; Lam et al. 2007). Soluble proteins
rely on sorting signals to be targeted to the lytic vacuole; it
The plant Golgi apparatus. Hanton et al.
is generally believed that the so-called sequence-specific
sorting signals enable interaction of the cargo molecule
with vacuolar sorting receptors (VSRs) such as BP80
(Kirsch et al. 1996; Ahmed et al. 2000). It is not known at
which transport step this interaction occurs, but the cargoreceptor complex is thought to traffic from the Golgi to the
PVC, where dissociation occurs due to the lower pH of that
compartment (Kirsch et al. 1994). Recent studies have provided information on the mechanisms by which BP80 carries out its function within the cell (da Silva et al. 2005,
2006); disruption of the receptor cycling between PVC and
Golgi results in its delivery to the vacuole membrane and
secretion of its ligands out of the cell (da Silva et al. 2005),
demonstrating the importance of this cycling in vacuolar
transport. Signals within the cytosolic tail of BP80 were
also shown to be important in its transport, with a conserved YXX motif being essential for the correct delivery
of cargo molecules to the vacuole (da Silva et al. 2006).
Similar motifs interact with components of the clathrin coat
to induce the formation of clathrin-coated vesicles at the
trans-Golgi; indeed, an interaction between a μ-adaptin and
a VSR, both from Arabidopsis, has recently been demonstrated (Happel et al. 2004). da Silva et al. (2006) also provided evidence for an alternative BP80 route to the PVC,
via the plasma membrane and apparently involving endocytosis. This corresponds to findings in yeast by Deloche
and Schekman (2002), where the VSR Vps10 cycles between the plasma membrane and late endosome.
In addition to the information summarised above, several recent studies have identified regulatory molecules
that are involved in the transport steps between the Golgi
and lytic vacuole. The precise roles of these molecules are
not known as yet, but their identification opens the way for
in-depth characterisation studies. For example, a dominant
negative mutant of the Rab protein m-Rabmc, which localises at both the Golgi and PVC, results in reduced transport
of the soluble vacuolar cargo protein aleurain to the vacuole
at a post-Golgi step (Bolte et al. 2004a). Similarly, a
GTPase-activating protein (GAP) from Oryza sativa, which
interacts specifically with Rab proteins, mediates transport
from the Golgi to the lytic vacuole (Heo et al. 2005). However, this Rab-GAP also appears to be involved in transport
from the Golgi to the plasma membrane (Heo et al. 2005),
suggesting that it may control export from the Golgi apparatus rather than specific transport routes to certain organelles. The involvement of the actin cytoskeleton in vacuolar trafficking has also been studied (Kim et al. 2005). The
authors showed that a functional actin network is necessary
for the transport of soluble cargo molecules to the lytic vacuole. It appears that these molecules accumulate at the
trans-Golgi network, indicating that the Golgi-PVC transport step is disrupted. It may be the case that Golgi movement, which relies on actin filaments (Boevink et al. 1998;
Nebenführ et al. 1999), is necessary for the efficient transfer of proteins to the PVC, although this remains to be demonstrated directly. Finally, it is still unknown how the
transport step between PVC and vacuole occurs; it is not
clear whether this step involves fusion of the two organelles,
or vesicular transport between them. However, the putative
molecular machinery involved in this step is beginning to
be unravelled. A SNARE protein (SYP21) has been implicated in PVC to vacuole transport (Foresti et al. 2006), providing a starting-point for future investigations. Over-expression of SYP21 results in the accumulation of both soluble and membrane proteins in the PVC, as well as increased
secretion of soluble vacuolar cargo. This accumulation of
protein in the PVC is accompanied by an increase in the
size of these organelles, although their number is reduced.
These data indicate that SYP21 plays a role in PVC-vacuole transport, although the details of this mechanism remain
The complexity of the secretory pathway of plants is increased by the presence in some cell types of a second vacuole with a storage function (Paris et al. 1996). Transport of
proteins to the protein storage vacuole has been shown to
occur by a number of pathways, both via the Golgi and direct from the ER (reviewed by Vitale and Hinz 2005). These
routes may be specific to different proteins; those that require Golgi-mediated modification travel from the Golgi to
the protein storage vacuole via dense vesicles (Hohl et al.
1996), while those travelling direct from the ER to the protein storage vacuole utilise a variety of different vesicle
types (Levanony et al. 1992; Hara-Nishimura et al. 1998;
Toyooka et al. 2000; Takahashi et al. 2005). Evidence has
been presented for the involvement of receptor proteins in
the transport of cargo to the protein storage vacuole, regardless of the route taken (Shimada et al. 1997, 2002; Jolliffe et
al. 2004; Park et al. 2005); however, vacuolar sorting receptors have not been detected in dense vesicles (Hinz et al.
1999), suggesting that multiple mechanisms may be involved. Vacuolar sorting receptors that recognise storage
proteins have homology to BP80 (Shimada et al. 1997), but
it is not clear how the distinction is made between cargo
destined for the lytic vacuole and that intended for the protein storage vacuole, nor how the mechanisms of transport
ensure the correct delivery of these cargo molecules. Evidence has also been presented for the recycling of storage
protein receptors, in a similar manner to that of BP80 at the
PVC and Golgi (Shimada et al. 2006). These data together
suggest that a PVC-like compartment that is specific to the
protein storage vacuole may exist in addition to the PVC of
the lytic vacuole; it is also possible that the multi-vesicular
nature of the PVC (Tse et al. 2004) enables it to segregate
proteins destined for the different types of vacuole from one
another and to function in a dual capacity serving both vacuole types (Jiang et al. 2002).
Transport toward the plasma membrane has not been fully
characterised in plants. For soluble proteins without targeting signals, it has been shown that the default destination is
secretion from the cell (Denecke et al. 1990), indicating that
this process is not receptor-mediated. A recent study showed
that a di-acidic motif present in the cytosolic tail of a plasma
membrane-localised membrane protein is required for its
transport from the ER to the plasma membrane (Mikosch et
al. 2006); however, it seems likely that this motif operates at
the level of ER export, as has been shown for other di-acidic
motifs (Hanton et al. 2005b). Furthermore, it has been
shown that the length of the trans-membrane domain of type
I proteins strongly influences their arrival at the plasma
membrane (Brandizzi et al. 2002a). However, little is
known about the mechanisms that mediate transport
between the Golgi apparatus and plasma membrane in
plants. Clathrin-coated vesicles have been identified both at
the plasma membrane and the TGN (Lam et al. 2001), but
these might be involved in other processes such as vacuolar
sorting or endocytosis, rather than trans-port to the plasma
membrane. Various effector molecules have been identified
that appear to mediate transport to the plasma membrane
from the TGN (Preuss et al. 2004; de Graaf et al. 2005;
Zheng et al. 2005), but more information is required in
order to establish a model for transport from the Golgi to the
plasma membrane.
A major area of controversy is the identity of the endosomal compartments; these were initially labelled with the
Rab5 homologues Ara6 and Ara7 (Ueda et al. 2001), but
later studies showed that Ara7 can colocalise with PVC
markers such as BP80 (Bolte et al. 2004a; Kotzer et al.
2004). Two populations of endosomal compartments have
been reported (Ueda et al. 2004), giving rise to the possibility that the PVC may act as an endosomal compartment
Functional Plant Science and Biotechnology 1(1), 69-76 ©2007 Global Science Books
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Our knowledge of protein trafficking in the plant secretory
pathway, the organelles and transport mechanisms involved,
increases almost daily. The influence of the secretory pathway on non-secretory parts of the cell has become more
evident as new pathways are discovered. In recent years,
evidence for Golgi-mediated transport to the chloroplast
has been presented, indicating that even “non-secretory” organelles are involved in this transport system (Villarejo et
al. 2005; Nanjo et al. 2006; Radhamony and Theg 2006).
An understanding of the many pathways and processes surrounding the Golgi apparatus will undoubtedly help us to
form a complete picture of how the plant secretory pathway
contributes to cellular and tissue regulation.
This work was developed with grants awarded to F.B. from the
Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), the Canada Research
Chair (CRC) program, Natural Science and Engineering Research
Council of Canada (NSERC) and Department of Energy, Michigan State University. L.A.M. is supported by an NSERC post-doctoral fellowship.
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