Download DNA Technology: What is it? Technology is the practical use of

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DNA Technology: What is it?
Technology is the practical use of Scientific knowledge; so DNA Technology is using what we know about the structure and
functioning of DNA to improve life through forensics(solving crimes/mysteries), bioinformatics,
pharmacology/nanotechnology (creating solutions for health and nutrition) Start by visiting the websites that I have listed in
this document and then search for others to learn about DNA technology regarding the topics of Human Genome Project,
Transgenic organisms, Genetically modified foods, Reproductive and Therapeutic Cloning, 3d printing, Gene therapy, DNA
testing and it’s uses, etc. Use the resources I provided you, and other sources you find to answer the following questions. You
need to find at least one source for each question other than what I have given you. You must give the source by providing
the web address and a summary with the heading from your source.
Part I: Type these questions, your source website(s) and the answers you find. Place these pages in the left side of a pocket
folder. This should be several pages in length. This information will be graded for daily grades and a quiz for the next two
weeks. If you prefer you can put this information in a Prezi instead of printing and putting in folder.
1. What is genetic engineering? Give examples.
2. What is rDNA (recombinant DNA and how is it made)?
3. What is the Human Genome? How was it determined?
4. What is Bioinformatics? List some databases that use DNA information.
5. What are transgenic organisms? How are they formed? Why do we form them? What is the difference between GMO and
GE? Give examples of Transgenic organisms; include genetically modified foods in your discussion, and their purposes.
6. Describe the process of cloning. What is the difference between Therapeutic and Reproductive cloning? Describe what we
might use each for.
7. Investigate different uses of 3D printing in biological systems. Give examples of what the latest news on the bio printing
8. DNA testing/profiling. Describe the process of creating a DNA profile through “gel electrophoresis”. Discuss uses for such
9. What is CRISPR? What are some of the latest findings using CRISPR? Gene editing?
10. Bioweapons? What are they and what role does Genetic Engineering have to do with their development?
Part II: Once you have completed your overview of DNA technologies, choose a topic(s) of your choosing to further
research. You need to find at least 5 additional sources on the topic(s) you chose. List all source websites on a “works
cited” page. Use the information that you gain from these sources to write an Essay.
DNA Technology: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly
Discuss the good that can come from these DNA technologies, the things that violate Bioethics and things that could just be
really scary about what we have the power to accomplish.
This Essay needs to be typed. Place the typed paper and works cited in the right side of the folder. If there are pictures or
diagrams that enhance your essay (i.e. glowing cat) either print these off with source information or include them in your
typed essay. This work will be graded for your assessment on this unit of study. The folder with all completed research and
response is due on, or before, Monday (2/13/2017). Use your computer time in class wisely. Please try to do your research
using resources/articles/videos that are current. Articles should be from the last year to two years if possible. Videos and
other sources should be within the last 5 years. (3d printed artificial kidney) (3d bioprinting)
(Articles about the pig/human embryo) (Genetic Engineering) (Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News) (Learn about DNA) (Crispr and BIoethics) (Human genome by chromosome) (What is Bioinformatics? Lists of databases) (Database and bioethics) (CSI? CODIS) (Cloning) (Recombinant DNA) (Video on GMO crops) (Gene therapy)