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Review Questions
Chapter 3
1. Define the following terms:
A. Amygdaloid nucleus
B. Anterior medullary velum
C. Cerebral aqueduct
D. Corona radiata
E. Inferior cerebellar peduncle (restiform body)
F. Inferior colliculus
G. Insula (isle of Reil)
H. Internal arcuate fibers
I. Lateral geniculate body
J. Lateral lemniscus
K. Medial lemniscus
L. Medial longitudinal fasciculus
M. Middle cerebellar peduncle (brachium)
N. Pineal
O. Principal (inferior) olivary nucleus
P. Pyramidal decussation
Q. Red nucleus
R. Reticular formation
S. Semiovale center
T. Spinocerebellar tract
U. Substantia nigra
V. Subthalamic nucleus
W. Superior cerebellar peduncle (brachium conjunctivum)
X. Superior colliculus
Directions: Each of the following questions or statements are followed by five suggested
answers. Select the best answer in each case.
2. Which of the following statements does not describe correctly the ventricular cavity?
A. The lateral ventricles are shaped like a butterfly in the forebrain.
B. The third ventricle forms a vertical slit between the two thalami.
C. The cerebral aqueduct is the narrow opening in the midbrain.
D. The fourth ventricle forms a wedge-shaped cavity in the dorsal pons.
E. The fifth ventricle is shaped like the pyramid in the brainstem.
3. Which of the following statements is not true of the descending motor fibers?
A. They are shaped like a crown (corona radiata) dorsolateral to the corpus callosum.
B. They coalesce to form the internal capsule.
C. They descend through the midbrain as pes peduncle.
D. They join together in the medulla to form the pyramids.
E. They are scattered and diffuse in the spinal cord.
4. Which of the following is not a medullary structure?
A. Decussation of pyramidal fibers
B. Inferior olivary nucleus
C. Medial lemniscus
D. Cerebral aqueduct
E. Reticular neuronal circuitry
5. Which of the following structures is not located in the pons?
A. Middle cerebellar peduncle
B. Inferior olivary nucleus
C. Lateral lemniscus
D. Fourth ventricle
E. Medial lemniscus
6. Which of the following structures is not seen on a cross section of the midbrain?
A. Cerebral aqueduct
B. Pes peduncle
C. Pyramid shaped motor fibers
D. Substantia nigra
E. Red nucleus
7. Which of the following structures demarcates the tectal and tegmental regions in the
A. Corpora quadrigemina
B. Decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle
C. Reticular formation
D. Red nucleus
E. Cerebral aqueduct
8. Which of the following structures is located dorsal to the cerebral aqueduct in the
A. Substantia nigra
B. Red nucleus
C. Pes peduncle
D. Corpora quadrigemina
E. Oculomotor nerve nucleus
9. Which of the following structures forms the medial boundary of the thalamus?
A. Lateral ventricles
B. Third ventricle
C. Interventricular foramen
D. Fourth ventricle
E. Cerebral aqueduct
10. Which of the following structures separates the thalamus from the globus pallidus?
A. Genu of the internal capsule
B. Anterior limb of the internal capsule
C. Posterior limb of the internal capsule
D. External capsule
E. Extreme capsule
11. Which of the following structures forms the roof of the lateral ventricles?
A. Corpus callosum
B. Thalamus
C. Hypothalamus
D. Cingulate gyrus
E. Basal ganglia
12. Which of the following structures forms the medial wall of the inferior horn of the
lateral ventricle in the temporal lobe?
A. Septum pellucidum
B. Thalamus
C. Caudate nucleus head
D. Hippocampus and amygdala
E. Superior temporal gyrus
13. Degeneration of the pars compacta region of the substantia nigra, which is
characterized by tremor, muscular rigidity, flexed posture, and dysarthria, is associated
with which of the following conditions?
A. Huntington disease
B. Parkinson disease
C. Wilson disease
D. Stroke
E. Transient ischemic attack
14. Which of the following structures receives cerebellar projections through the crossed
fibers of the superior cerebellar peduncle and transmits this feedback to the motor cortex
and to the spinal motor nuclei?
A. Cerebellum
B. Inferior olivary nucleus
C. Superior olivary nucleus
D. Red nucleus
E. Vestibular nucleus
15. The medial lemniscus fibers mediate which of the following functions?
A. Discriminative touch and proprioception
B. Pain and temperature
C. Audition and equilibrium
D. Vision and audition
E. Smell and taste
16. Which of the following structures is located medial to the lenticular nucleus but
lateral to the thalamus?
A. Internal capsule
B. External capsule
C. Insular cortex
D. Claustrum
E. Third ventricle
17. A cross section of the high cervical spine contains all of the following except the
A. dorsal lemniscus (fasciculus gracilis and cuneatus) system.
B. lateral spinothalamic tract.
C. spinocerebellar tract.
D. medial lemniscus.
E. corticospinal tract.
18. Which of the following cranial nerves exits the midbrain medial to the pes peduncle
(corticospinal) fibers?
A. Oculomotor
B. Facial
C. Optic
D. Vestibulocochlear (vestibuloacoustic)
E. Trigeminal
19. Which of the following structures forms the medial wall of the lateral ventricles at the
frontal horn?
A. Anterior commissure
B. Septum pellucidum
C. Thalamus
D. Head of caudate
E. Corpus callosum
20. A hemorrhage in the dorsal lateral region of the caudal medulla, affecting the fibers
of the gracilis and cuneatus, is likely to result in loss of
A. fine discriminative touch ipsilaterally.
B. eye movements.
C. diffuse touch bilaterally.
D. pain and temperature universally.
E. motor control bilaterally.
21. A cross section of the low medulla (at the level of the sensory decussation) will
contain all of the following structures except the
A. gracilis and cuneatus nuclei.
B. spinothalamic tract fibers.
C. pyramidal (corticospinal) fibers.
D. cerebral aqueduct.
E. internal arcuate fibers.
22. Which the following statements is not true of the lateral geniculate body?
A. It transmits visual information to the visual cortex.
B. It is embryologically a diencephalic structure.
C. It is a thalamic nucleus.
D. It receives afferents from the optic nerve/tact.
E. It relays auditory projections to the primary auditory cortex.
23. Four round brainstem structures (corpora quadrigemina) are located dorsally in the
A. telencephalon.
B. diencephalon.
C. metencephalon.
D. mesencephalon.
E. myelencephalon.
24. The substantia nigra, whose depigmentation involves the melanin-containing cells
associated with Parkinson disease, is located in the
A. pons.
B. medulla.
C. midbrain between the red nucleus and the cerebral aqueduct.
D. diencephalon between the thalamus and the internal capsule.
E. midbrain between the red nucleus and the pes pedunculi.
25. Degeneration involving which of the following structures is associated with
Huntington chorea?
A. Globus pallidus
B. Thalamus
C. Red nucleus
D. Caudate nucleus
E. Substantia nigra
26. Which of the following structures is not located in the medulla?
A. Inferior olivary nucleus
B. Fornix
C. Pyramidal decussation
D. Internal arcuate fibers
E. Inferior cerebellar peduncle
27. The cerebellum projects to the motor cortex through the fibers of the
A. spinal cord and thalamus.
B. inferior cerebral peduncle and thalamus.
C. superior cerebellar peduncle and thalamus.
D. middle cerebellar peduncle and thalamus.
E. pes peduncle and red nucleus.
28. Which of the following is a mesencephalic structure?
A. Third ventricle
B. Substantia nigra
C. Interventricular foramen
D. Inferior horns of the lateral ventricle
E. Cingulate gyrus
29. A hemorrhage in the ventral-caudal (lower) pons selectively involving the descending
pyramidal (corticospinal) fibers (before the decussation) on the right will cause
A. weakness/paralysis in the upper extremity only.
B. weakness on the left half of the body.
C. weakness on both (left and right) sides of the body.
D. weakness on the entire right side of the body.
E. weakness/paralysis in the lower extremity only.
30. All of the following terms refer to the corticospinal tract fibers at different neuraxial
levels except the
A. internal capsule.
B. corona radiata.
C. cerebellar peduncle.
D. crus cerebri/pes pedunculi.
E. pyramidal (corticospinal) fibers.
31. Oculomotor (CN III) nerve exits the midbrain in close proximity to the corticospinal
(pes pedunculi) fibers. A vascular pathology of the nerve and motor fibers will result in
which of the following symptoms?
A. Ipsilateral nerve palsy and a contralateral hemiparesis
B. Ipsilateral nerve palsy and an ipsilateral hemiparesis
C. Ipsilateral hemiparesis with contralateral nerve palsy
D. Ipsilateral hemiparesis and ipsilateral nerve palsy
E. Bilateral hemiplegia and bilateral nerve palsy
32. A coronal rostral section at the anterior horns of the lateral ventricles will show all of
the following structures except the
A. globus pallidus.
B. interhemispheric fissure.
C. genu of corpus callosum.
D. internal capsule, anterior limb.
E. head of the caudate.
33. A hemorrhage in the caudal medulla involving the medial lemniscus is likely to result
A. loss of pain in the extremity ipsilateral to the site of lesion.
B. loss of discriminative touch from the ipsilateral upper and lower limbs.
C. bilateral loss of discriminative sensation.
D. contralateral loss of discriminative sensation.
E. ipsilateral loss of pain and contralateral loss of discriminative touch.
34. The site of the crossing (decussation) of the sensory (discriminative touch) fibers is in
A. pons.
B. medulla.
C. thalamus.
D. internal capsule.
E. midbrain.
35. Which of the following foramina connects the lateral and third ventricles?
A. Cerebral aqueduct
B. Interventricular foramen of Monro
C. Intraventricular aqueduct
D. Foramen Magendie
E. Foramen Luschka