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Unit 9 Review Notes
Cells have different shapes and sizes. Their shape depends on the job they do. Their
form (shape) follows their function (job)
Cells have a nucleus. The nucleus is the center of the cell and holds the directions for the
4 macromolecules in cells
Proteins – the food in a cell – hair, nails and muscles are made of these
Lipids – the fats in a cell – lipids are hydrophobic (they hate water) they also store energy
– cell membranes are made of these
Carbohydrates – the energy in a cell (cellulose in plants – Chitin in animals)
Nucleic Acids – hold all the instructions for the cell (DNA & RNA)
The Cell Theory:
 All living things have cells
 A Cell is the basic unit of life
 Only cells can make other cells
Benefit to being multicellular – live longer, grow bigger, have specialized cells
The cells of unicellular organisms divide to reproduce; those of multicellular organisms
divide to replace cells and to grow bigger.
Cell Organization
Cells work together to form tissues
Tissues work together to form organs
Organs work together to form organ systems
Organ systems work together to form an organism
 Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus – DNA is located in the nucleus
 Prokaryotic cells do not have a nucleus – DNA travels freely within the cell
Plant cells have two things animal cells do not – CELL WALL, CHLOROPLASTS,
Organelles – organs inside the cell
Golgi complex – (like college) gives Ribosomes a specific job and wraps them in the Golgi
complex where they become VESICLES.
Ribosomes – proteins inside a cell (food in a cell)
Mitochondria – like a battery – stored energy (shaped like a rod with lines inside)
Cytoplasm – the juice inside the cell – clear
ER (both rough and smooth) – tubes act as passage ways for ribosomes - creates the
ribosomes – lives near the nucleus – smooth part doesn’t have ribosomes on it, the rough
part does.
Nucleus – stores the DNA (the instructions) and is the brain of the cell
Cell Membrane – made up of lipids – protection and acts like a door
Lysosomes – digests waste
Vacuole – water filled sac
Chloroplasts – turn sunlight into food for plants only
*Cells are the building blocks of all life
Atoms are the basic building block of matter
Animal Cell
Cell Membrane
Rough ER
Golgi Complex
Smooth ER