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Science 9
Chapter 4 Practice Test
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. A gene is
a. another name for a chromosome.
b. a section of DNA that codes for a specific protein.
c. a tightly coiled strand of DNA.
d. produced in the Golgi body.
2. In the DNA molecule, the nitrogen bases are always found in pairs. The base A pairs with
a. the base C.
c. the base G.
b. the base T.
d. another base A.
3. The “genetic code” is made up of
a. the arrangement of sugar and phosphate groups along the DNA molecule.
b. the sequence of bases along the DNA molecule.
c. the pairs of chromosomes in a cell.
d. the proteins that make up a particular stretch of DNA.
4. A mutation causes a bacterial cell to begin producing a new protein. The mutation probably
a. changed the number of chromosomes in the bacterial cell.
b. led to a new combination of chromosomes in the bacterial cell.
c. changed the sequence of nucleotides within part of the bacterial DNA.
d. will not be passed on to daughter cells when the bacterial cell divides.
5. Where in the cell are the chromosomes located?
a. chloroplasts
c. nucleus
b. Golgi bodies
d. vacuoles
6. The endoplasmic reticulum is labelled on the diagram of the plant cell shown above. It is labelled as part
a. 1.
c. 9.
b. 2.
d. 11.
7. Part number 2 in the diagram of the green plant cell is responsible for making ribosomes. It is called the
____ 10.
____ 11.
____ 12.
____ 13.
____ 14.
____ 15.
____ 16.
____ 17.
____ 18.
____ 19.
a. Golgi body.
c. nucleus.
b. nucleolus.
d. vesicle.
Part number 11 in the diagram of the green plant cell is referred to as the “powerhouse” of the plant cell. It is
called the
a. Golgi body.
c. nucleus.
b. mitochondrion.
d. vesicle.
Part number 6 in the diagram of the green plant cell is a specialized organelle that sorts and packages proteins
for transport in the cell. It is called the
a. Golgi body.
c. nucleus.
b. mitochondrion.
d. vesicle.
Part number 1 is the control centre of the cell. It is called the
a. Golgi body.
c. nucleus.
b. mitochondria.
d. vacuole.
The type of mutation that benefits an individual
a. never happens.
b. is called a positive mutation.
c. happens every time an individual produces new cells.
d. happens only when a geneticist uses gene therapy.
A neutral mutation
a. does not affect the organism.
b. never happens since all mutations affect an individual.
c. cannot be transmitted to the next generation.
d. will not be seen until two or three generations have been produced.
Substances or factors that cause mutations in DNA are called
a. bacteria.
c. mutagens.
b. diseases.
d. mutations.
When a cell is preparing to reproduce, the chromatin in the nucleus forms into
a. chromosomes.
c. genes.
b. deoxyribonucleic acid.
d. ribonucleic acid.
The normal human cell carries
a. 23 separate chromosomes.
c. 46 separate chromosomes.
b. 23 pairs of chromosomes.
d. 46 pairs of chromosomes.
a. are small segments of DNA located at specific places on a chromosome.
b. are specific arrangements of bases in the DNA.
c. can vary in length from hundreds to thousands of bases.
d. can be all of the above.
One side of a gene segment is composed of the following bases: GTGCAATCGCTT. What would the bases
on the other side of the ladder be?
One side of a gene segment is composed of the following bases: AACGTCTGATCG. What would the bases
on the other side of the ladder be?
A specific protein is produced when
a. an RNA molecule brings the instructions to a ribosome.
b. a DNA molecule brings a chemical message to a ribosome.
c. a DNA molecule brings a chemical message to a Golgi body.
____ 20.
____ 21.
____ 22.
____ 23.
____ 24.
d. a vesicle receives a chemical message from the endoplasmic reticulum.
Gene mutation is
a. a change in the arrangement of bases in a gene.
b. always a bad thing for an organism.
c. easily corrected with surgery.
d. none of the above.
When a gene mutation occurs
a. one of the bases is left out of the sequence.
b. one of the bases is substituted for another.
c. a new base is added to the sequence.
d. any of the above could have occurred.
Which of the following are examples of mutagens?
a. Cigarette smoke, X rays, and UV radiation.
b. Cigarette smoke, pollutants such as pesticides, and some household chemicals.
c. X rays, radiation, and some forms of industrial waste.
d. All of the above are examples of mutagens.
Treatment for mutations that alter the genes is called
a. gene correction.
c. genetic manipulation.
b. gene therapy.
d. genetic surgery.
When mutations are corrected by inserting healthy genes, the result is
a. the correct proteins are produced.
b. the cell reproduces the new genetic material.
c. healthy genes are inserted into the chromosomes.
d. all of the above occur.
____ 25. What is the correct order for building a protein from a gene?
Ribosomes build the protein.
RNA is copied from the DNA in the nucleus.
RNA carrying the gene code is read by the ribosomes.
RNA is sent out into the cytoplasm.
a. II, IV, III, I
b. III, I, II, IV
c. II, III, IV, I
d. I, IV, III, II
Complete each statement.
26. DNA is found in the form of long strands called ____________________.
27. Each strand of DNA is divided up into functional units called ____________________.
28. Each gene is responsible for coding for a particular ____________________.
29. A DNA molecule looks somewhat like a coiled ladder. The rungs (or steps) of the ladder are made up of
Their names are : ____________________ ,____________________,__________________,
30. A DNA molecule looks somewhat like a coiled ladder. The sides of the ladder are made of phosphate and
31. Within the cell, the DNA is found in the ____________________.
32. Mutations of the DNA within the nucleus of a cell can be caused by exposure to ____________________.
33. The cell part responsible for controlling the flow of materials into and out of the cell is the
34. The message to produce a specific protein is carried from the DNA to the ribosome by means of