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Bio 392: Study Guide for Final
Exam Format: 190 questions - matching, multiple choice, AND diagrams.
Chapters Covered:
Chapter 10.1-10.3 – Cell Growth and Division
Chapter 11.1-11.4 – Introduction to Genetics
Chapter 14.1 and 14.2 – Pedigrees and Human Genetics
Chapter 12.1-12.4 – DNA and RNA
Chapter 15.1-15.3 – Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Chapter 16.1-16.3 – Evolution of Populations
Chapter 17.1, 17.2, 17.4 – The History of Life
Chapter 18.1-18.3 - Classification
Chapter 37.1-37.3 – Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
What to Study: Look over notes that we focused on in class, diagram worksheets,
study guides, and old quizzes/tests
How to Study: Spend a little time every night NOW! Make flash cards for the vocabulary
words listed, form study groups, review the key concepts found below
Vocabulary: The vocabulary words below will show up in the test somehow – could be part of
a separate vocabulary matching section or they could be used in some of the
multiple choice questions. You should be familiar with each of the words
Genetics Problems: Make sure you know how to solve for each of the types of genetics
problems (monohybrid, dihybrid, inc.dominance, codominance, sexlinked)
Diagrams: Cell cycle, Mitosis, Chromosome, DNA molecule,
The Heart, The Respiratory System
Chapter 10: Cell Growth and Division
Vocabulary: cell division, mitosis, cytokinesis, chromatin, sister chromatids, chromosome, interphase, G1
phase, S phase, G2 phase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, spindle fibers, centrioles, cell plate
Know or be able to:
o Why cells must replicate DNA and divide
o Compare surface area to volume
o The steps of the cell cycle- what happens during each phase
o The steps of mitosis- what is happening with the chromosomes in each
o Process of cytokinesis
o Differences between cell division in plant and animal cells
Chapter 11: Introduction to Genetics
 Vocabulary: genetics, fertilization, true-breeding, trait, hybrid, gene, allele, segregation, gamete, probability,
Punnett square, homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype, genotype, independent assortment, incomplete
dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, polygenic traits, homologous, diploid, haploid, meiosis, tetrad,
crossing-over, gene map
 Know or be able to:
o Explain what was learned from Mendel’s work with pea plants
o Determine the probability of a particular event(s) occurring
 Don’t forget the “And” rule (multiplication)
o Distinguish among the terms homozygous recessive, homozygous dominant, heterozygous, truebreeding, and hybrid
 Be able to provide genotypes based on being given these terms
o Distinguish among genotype and phenotype
o Perform genetic crosses and determine probabilities using Punnett squares
 Be able to do problems involving normal dominance, two-traits, incomplete dominance,
codominance, blood types, and sex-linked traits
o Identify and explain Mendel’s 4 main principles (refer to p. 272 in textbook)
o Distinguish among normal dominance, codominance, incomplete dominance, multiple alleles, and
polygenic traits
 Be able to identify examples of each
o Explain the importance of meiosis
o Describe what happens during each phase of meiosis I and meiosis II
 Focus on what happens to the chromosomes
 Know when tetrad formation and crossing-over occurs
o Distinguish among the type and number of gametes formed in males vs. in females
 Know how many sperm, eggs, and polar bodies are formed from one meiosis division
o Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis
 How many divisions
 How many cells produced (Are the cells formed genetically identical or different?)
 What types of cells undergo each process
 What is the purpose of each type of division
o Explain what it means for genes to be linked
o Explain what a gene map is
 Explain how the frequencies of crossing-over between genes can be used to create gene maps
Chapter 14-1 and 14-2: The Human Genome
Vocabulary: sex chromosome, autosome, pedigree, sex-linked gene
Know or be able to:
o Identify the types of human chromosomes
 Autosomes vs. sex chromosomes (how many total chromosomes in humans?)
o Explain how sex is determined (male vs. female)
o Explain how pedigrees are used to study human traits
 If given a pedigree, be able to provide information about it by analyzing it
Chapter 12: DNA and RNA
Vocabulary: Nucleotide, base pairing, chromatin, histone, replication, DNA polymerase, gene, messenger
RNA, ribosomal RNA, transfer RNA, transcription, RNA polymerase, promoter, intron, exon, codon,
translation, anticodon
Know or be able to:
o Know the components and structure of DNA
 What makes up the sides (backbone) of the DNA ladder
 What makes up the rungs of the DNA ladder
Identify the three parts of a nucleotide
Identify which bases are pyrimidines and which bases are purines
Know the following individuals and their contributions to the discovery of DNA as genetic material: Erwin
Chargaff, Rosalind Franklin, James Watson, and Francis Crick
Describe how DNA coils into a chromosome shape
 histones, nucleosomes, coils, supercoils, chromatin, chromosomes
Understand how DNA is replicated
Identify what enzymes are involved and explain their functions
Explain why it is called semi-conservative replication based on the resulting DNA molecules formed
Distinguish between DNA and RNA in terms of structure and function
Identify the three types of RNA and explain their functions
Describe the process of transcription
 Know what you start with and what you end with
 Know the role of promoters and mRNA in the process
 Know what enzyme is involved and what its function is
Describe the process of RNA editing
 Distinguish between introns and exons
Describe the process of translation
 Know what you start with and what you end with
 Know the roles of mRNA and tRNA in this process
Know what codons and anticodons are and how they are involved in the process
Explain how a protein is assembled based on the DNA code
 Know that 3 letters = 1 codon = 1 amino acid
Given sequences, know how to transcribe and replicate another sequence
Types of mutations
 Know Chromosomal (whole genes) vs. point mutations (nucleotides)
Chapter 15: Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Vocabulary: evolution, theory, fossil, Law of superposition, natural selection, artificial selection, acquired
characteristics, fitness, adaptation, struggle for existence, survival of the fittest, descent with modification,
common descent, homologous structures, analogous structures, vestigial structures, gradualism
Know or be able to:
o Charles Darwin’s contribution to science
o Darwin’s observations on the Voyage of the Beagle
o Ideas that shaped Darwin’s Thinking
 James Hutton: Gradualism
 Charles Lyell
 Thomas Malthus
 Jean Baptiste de Lamarck
Theory of evolution (2 parts)
o Be familiar with natural selection and the factors that come into play.
o Be familiar with four types of evidence for evolution: fossil record, anatomy, embryology, and
Chapter 16: Evolution of Populations
Vocabulary: gene pool, relative frequency, single-gene trait, polygenic trait, directional selection, stabilizing
selection, disruptive selection, genetic drift, founder effect, Hardy-Weinberg principle, genetic equilibrium,
speciation, reproductive isolation, behavioral isolation, geographic isolation, temporal isolation
Know or be able to:
o Gene pools and the graphs of a single gene trait vs. a polygenic trait
o Figuring out relative frequency and using it to determine if evolution is occurring
o Different types of selections and their graphs: directional, stabilizing, disruptive
o Different types of reproductive isolations (behavioral, geographic, temporal, and speciation
Chapter 17: Evolution of Populations
Vocabulary: gene pool, relative frequency, single-gene trait, polygenic trait, directional selection, stabilizing
selection, disruptive selection, genetic drift, founder effect, Hardy-Weinberg principle, genetic equilibrium,
speciation, reproductive isolation, behavioral isolation, geographic isolation, temporal isolation
Know or be able to:
o Gene pools and the graphs of a single gene trait vs. a polygenic trait
o Figuring out relative frequency and using it to determine if evolution is occurring
o Different types of selections and their graphs: directional, stabilizing, disruptive
o Different types of reproductive isolations (behavioral, geographic, temporal, and speciation
Chapter 18: Evolution of Populations
Vocabulary: gene pool, relative frequency, single-gene trait, polygenic trait, directional selection, stabilizing
selection, disruptive selection, genetic drift, founder effect, Hardy-Weinberg principle, genetic equilibrium,
speciation, reproductive isolation, behavioral isolation, geographic isolation, temporal isolation
Know or be able to:
o Gene pools and the graphs of a single gene trait vs. a polygenic trait
o Figuring out relative frequency and using it to determine if evolution is occurring
o Different types of selections and their graphs: directional, stabilizing, disruptive
o Different types of reproductive isolations (behavioral, geographic, temporal, and speciation
Chapter 37: Circulatory and Respiratory Systems
Vocabulary: myocardium, atrium, ventricle, pulmonary circulation, systemic circulation, valve, pacemaker,
aorta, artery, capillary, vein, atherosclerosis, plasma, hemoglobin, lymphocyte, platelet, lymph, pharynx,
trachea, larynx, bronchus, alveolus, diaphragm, nicotine, emphysema
Know or be able to:
o Explain why unicellular organisms do not have a circulatory system and large, multicellular organisms
do have a circulatory system
 Know that unicellular organisms just use diffusion to transport materials
o Distinguish between an open circulatory system and a closed circulatory system
o Identify the three main parts of the circulatory system
o Distinguish between pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation
o Distinguish between the right side and left side of the heart
 Know which carries oxygenated blood and which carries deoxygenated blood
o Identify the locations and functions of the various parts of the heart
 *Refer to Fig 37-3 on p.945 in your textbook*
o Identify the location and function of the pacemaker (SA node)
o Distinguish among arteries, capillaries, and veins in terms of their structures and functions
o Explain what blood pressure is and how it is measured
 Distinguish between diastole and systole
o Identify the different functions of blood
o Identify the components of blood
o Plasma and blood cells
o Distinguish among each type of blood cell according to its structure and function
o Red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), platelets
o Explain how blood types work in terms of antigens and antibodies
o Explain why certain blood transfusions cannot occur
o Identify the function of the lymphatic system and its main structures
o Identify the locations and functions of the various parts of the respiratory system
o *Refer to Fig. 37-13 on p. 957 in you textbook*
o Explain how breathing works
o Driving force = air pressure
o Explain how breathing is controlled
o Explain how the medulla oblongata knows when it is time to breathe
o Know that smoking can cause bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer
o Describe what these diseases are