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1. What type of transport through the membrane uses ATP? (ACTIVE TRANSPORT)
2. What is the job of the plasma membrane? (Maintains homeostasis by controlling what goes in and out of the cell)
3. What happens to water movement and a cell when it is placed in a hypertonic solution? (Moves out, cell shrinks)
4. What are the 3 reactants of photosynthesis? (sunlight, water, CO2)
5. List the four bio-macromolecules that we’ve discussed in this class? (Carbs, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleic Acids)
6. Why is a skin cell different from a muscle cell? (gene expression: have the same DNA, but only express certain genes)
7. What is the subunit or monomer for proteins? (AMINO ACIDS)
8. What are enzymes? (proteins that speed up chemical reactions in the body)
9. Which organelle is in charge of lipid synthesis? (Smooth ER)
10. A bunch of cells working together makes a ….? (TISSUE)
11. The job of the lysosome in a eukaryotic cell? (Digest/recycle)
12. Organs working together makes an….? (Organ system)
13. The prefix “hyper” means? (HIGH)
14. Where does the oxygen go that is produced during photosynthesis? (organisms take it in to carry out cellular respiration)
15. Synthesis means….? (To make/build)
16. Why is water considered ‘inorganic’? (It does not contain carbon)
17. According to the cell theory, all cells come from….? (Pre-existing cells)
18. What are the three parts of the plasma membrane? (phospholipids, cholesterol, and transport proteins)
19. What is the main function of DNA? (information storage/genetic information/instructions to make proteins)
20. ‘Poly’ means…..? (Many)
21. Where does cellular respiration take place in a eukaryotic cell? (mitochondria)
22. What is starch? (the molecule plants use to store glucose/polysaccharide)
23. When we refer to the plasma membrane as a bi-layer, ‘bi’ means….AND why is it called bi-layer? (TWO, there are two
layers of phospholipds)
24. Why is the nucleus important? (it houses DNA)
25. What do chloroplasts do? (carry out photosynthesis- change light energy to food energy)
1. The prefix “hypo” means? (LOW)
2. Osmosis is…? (the movement of water across a selectively permeable membrane)
3. Which organelle carries out protein synthesis? (RIBOSOMES)
4. If molecules are moving in and out of the cell at equal rates, what type of solution is it in? (ISOTONIC)
5. What is diffusion? (The movement of molecules from an area of high concentration to low concentration)
6. Which organelle is responsible for digestion and recycling? (Lysosomes)
7. A polymer is…? (A large molecule made of smaller molecule subunits)
8. What is the ratio of the elements Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen for a Carbohydrate? (for every Carbon, there are 2
Hydrogens and 1 oxygen atom, OR A 1:2:1 RATIO)
9. What are the subunits of a Lipid? (fatty acids and a glycerol molecule)
10. The job of the mitochondria is to convert ____ energy to ____energy? (food to ATP)
11. Tissues working together makes a ……? (ORGAN)
12. List three things you know about a prokaryotic cell? (could say: simple, only bacteria, no nucleus, single DNA strand, no
membrane bound organelles)
13. Why can’t any enzyme break down any molecule? (They have to fit like a puzzle piece, enzymes are built to only work
with specific molecules)
15. What is the job of the Golgi apparatus? (Sort, package, and transport proteins)
16. What are the 3 products of Cellular respiration? (ATP, CO2, Water)
17. Give three reasons why Folded membranes are an advantage to the cell? (efficient, more work done in small space,
creates compartments where different types of work can be done)
18. The endosymbiotic theory states that what two organelles used to be bacteria? (chloroplasts and mitochondria)
19. What is homeostasis? (maintaining an internal balance)
20. What is passive transport? (transport through the membrane WITH the concentration gradient AND using NO energy)
21. Why does your bicep muscle cells have more mitochondria than the skin cells of your pinky finger? (they use more
22. Why are neurons a different size and shape from liver cells? (They have a different function/gene expression)
23. What are three structures EVERY cell has in common? (could say: plasma membrane, genetic material (DNA),
cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, ribosomes)
24. What is the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration? (the glucose and oxygen made in
photosynthesis are used to make ATP in cellular respiration- they are a cycle/opposites)
25. Why do plant cells have mitochondria? (they still need to break down the glucose they make to create ATP)