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Download Life Science Preview Vocabulary Terms Vocabulary Quiz 1. Cells
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Life Science Preview Vocabulary Terms Vocabulary Quiz 1. Cells are the basic units of all living things. 2. The cell membrane regulates movement of stuff into & out of all cells. 3. The cell wall is the outer covering of plant cells. 4. The lysosome is a section of a cell in which waste removed. 5. The ribosome is a section of a cell that changes amino acids into proteins. 6. The nucleus is the largest structure of the cell that controls all of the cells activities. 7. The packaging of proteins for shipment is called the golgi body. 8. The endoplasmic reticulum transports materials throughout cell, making lipids & breaking down drugs. 9. DNA is the section of the cell that controls heredity. 10. The cytoplasm is a clear liquid that’s located inside a cell. 11. The chloroplast is a section of a cell where the process of photosynthesis occurs. 12. Organelles are structures that are located inside the cell. 13. The cell’s power plant is the mitochondria. The mitochondria produce energy called ATP. 14. ATP is energy that is produced by a cell. 15. Prokaryotic cells are the smallest cells on Earth. 16. Plants and animals are both made from eukaryotic cells. 17. Vacuoles are structures within a cell that stores water and food. 18. Enzymes are chemicals that digest food in a cell