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Download Morphology of Prokaryotic Cells
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Morphology of Procaryotic Cells I Characteristic of procaryotes tha t differ from euca ryotic cells. A 1. Do not ha ve nu cleus , mito chon dria, E .R. etc .. B C D E F G 1. Do not have microtubules or cytoskeleton H II Shapes an d arrangem ent of bacteria cells. A there are 3 ty pical shape s that bacteria are found in 1. Coccus (cocci = berries, spherical shape) 2. Bacillus (bacilli = little staffs, rod shape) 3. Spiral B cocc i arran gem ents 1. Single coccus 2. Diplococci 3. Streptococci 4. Tetrad 5. Sarcinae 6. Staphylococci C bacill i arran gem ents 1. Single bac illi 2. Diplob acilli 3. Streptobacilli D 4. Coccobacillus Type s of spiral bac teria 1. 2. a. Rigid b ody usu ally contains flag ella b. Flexi ble bo dy, m ove i n cor k scr ew m otion d ue to a xial fila me nt. 3. Structure of procaryotic organisms III Glycoc alyx/C apsule A. Components: sticky gelatinous polymer of polysaccharide and protein foun d on the o utside of the c ell wall. 1. Thick , highly org anized, and solidly fixed to the cell w all it is referred to as a capsule. 2. Thin lay er, unorga nized, loose ly held to the cell wall it is referred to as a slime layer. B. Function: 1. attachment, Allows the bacteria to attach to surfaces in its natu ral en viron me nt. 2. protect against dehydration, 3. keep s nutr ients i n the c ell. 4. Capsu le protects pathogens from phagocytosis by cells of the host. 5. Capsules may be a source of nutrition IV Flagella A. Com pone nts: 1. Filament: composed of proteins called flagellin that form the long hairlike structure that sticks out of the cell. (Not enclosed w/in the plasma membrane in prokaryotes) 2. Hook: wide structure that holds the filament and turns it like a propeller 3. Basal body anchors flagellum to the cell wall and plasma membrane. B. C. V Function: 1. Propulsion and taxis (chemotaxis) a. runs and tumbles b. Receptors for attractants and repellant Typ es of a rrang em ents 1. Monotrichous: a single flagellum at one end 2. Amphitrichous: a single flage llum at bo th ends of the cell 3. Lophotrichous: two or more flagella at one end of the pole. 4. Peritrichous: flagella all over th e cell. Axial filaments in spirochetes A Axial filam ent is located betwee n the outer sh eath and the cell wall. VI Fimbriae A Composition 1. Fimbriae are hairlike appendages made out of pilin (shorter, and thinner than flagella) B function 1. Use d for a ttachm ent an d co loniza tion of host. VI Pili A Composition 1. Pili are m ade out of p ilin protein to form a single lon g shaft connecting tw o bacteria together. B Function 1.