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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
Name: _______Class key__________
Period: ________________________
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The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Topic 12.1 assignments
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Date Assigned
Date Due
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
What is DNA?
Objective: Describe the genetic information coding for traits.
 Although the _environment_ _influences_ how an organism
develops, the __genetic__ information that is held in the
_molecules_ of DNA ultimately _determines_ an organism’s
 ___DNA___ achieves its __control__ by determining the
__structure__ of __proteins__.
 Within the structure of ___DNA___ is the _information_ for
life—the complete _instructions_ for manufacturing all the
proteins ___for___ an _organism_.
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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
How is DNA found?
Objective: Describe how DNA is found in organisms.
 __Bodies__ are made up of ___cells___
 All ___cells___ run on a set of _instructions_ spelled out in
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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Topic: “Transforming” Principle
Objective: Describe Frederick Griffith’s work on bacteria.
 Frederick Griffith
o Streptococcus pneumonia bacteria
 was working to find cure for pneumonia
o harmless live bacteria (“rough”) mixed with heat-killed
pathogenic bacteria (“smooth”) causes fatal disease in
o a _substance_ passed from dead bacteria to live
bacteria to __change__ their _phenotype_
 “Transforming Principle”
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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Topic: “Transforming” Principle
Objective: Describe Frederick Griffith’s work on bacteria.
 _Transformation_ = __change__ in phenotype
o _something_ in heat-__killed__ bacteria could still
__transmit__ __disease__ -causing properties
Website upload 2015
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Topic: “Transforming” Principle
Objective: Describe Avery, McCarty, & MacLeod’s research.
 DNA is the “Transforming Principle”
 Avery, McCarty & MacLeod
o purified both DNA & proteins separately from
Streptococcus pneumonia bacteria
o Which will change non-pathogenic bacteria?
 injected __protein__ into bacteria
 __no effect__ effect
 injected ___DNA___ into bacteria
 _transformed_ harmless _bacteria_ into
virulent bacteria
Website upload 2015
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Confirmation of DNA
Objective: Describe Hershey & Chase’s experiment for DNA.
 Hershey & Chase
o classic “blender” experiment
o worked with _bacteriophage_
 __viruses__ that __infect__ bacteria
o grew phage viruses in 2 media, radioactively labeled
with either
S in their proteins
P in their DNA
o _infected_ bacteria __with__ labeled __phages__
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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Hershey & Chase-Blender experiment
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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
“Blender” Experiment
Objective: Describe Hershey & Chase’s experiment for DNA.
 Radioactive phage & bacteria in blender
S phage
 radioactive proteins stayed in supernatant (liquid)
 therefore viral __protein__ did _NOT_ _enter_
P phage
 radioactive DNA stayed in pellet
 therefore viral ___DNA___ did __enter__ bacteria
o Confirmed DNA is “transforming factor”
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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
Name: ________________
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Period: ____________________
Carefully remove this sheet from your packet to hand in.
Work silently and alone to complete this graded exercise.
Check for Understanding
1. DNA is the only factor that controls how an organism will
develop. Explain if this is true or false.
2. Describe what provides instructions to an organisms’ cells.
3. Describe the concept of the transformation principle.
4. What is a bacteriophage?
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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
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The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Structure of Nucleotides
Objective: Describe the structure for units of DNA.
 ___DNA___ is a _polymer_ made of _repeating_ subunits
called _nucleotides_ (the monomer).
 _Nucleotides_ have three parts: a simple __sugar__, a
_phosphate_ __group__, and a _nitrogenous_ ___base___.
 In DNA there are ___four___ possible _nucleotides_ , each
containing one of these four bases.
 The _phosphate_ groups and _deoxyribose_ molecules form
the __backbone__ of the chain, and the nitrogenous
___bases___ stick out like the ___teeth___ of a zipper.
Website upload 2015
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Chargaff’s DNA Rules
Objective: Describe compositional rules for DNA makeup.
 DNA composition: “Chargaff’s rules”
o __varies__ from species to species
o ___All___ 4 bases ___not___ in __equal__ quantity
o __bases__ present in characteristic __ratios__
 for humans:
 A = __30.9__ %
 T = __29.4__ %
 G = __19.9__ %
 C = __19.8__ %
Website upload 2015
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
DNA Paired Bases
Objective: Describe how DNA is constructed from base pairs.
 DNA structure
o double helix
 2 __sides__ like a __ladder__
 Bases match together
o A pairs with T
 A: T
o C pairs with G
 C:G
Website upload 2015
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Structure of DNA
Objective: Describe how the DNA structure was discovered.
 James __Watson__ and Francis __Crick__ worked out the
three-dimensional __structure__ of ___DNA___, based on
work by Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins.
 Watson and Crick also proposed that ___DNA___ is shaped
like a long __zipper__ that is __twisted__ into a ___coil___
like a spring.
o Because ___DNA___ is composed of ____two____
strands __twisted__ together, its shape is called double
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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
DNA Structural Models
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The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Anti-parallel Strands
Objective: Describe how DNA strands run opposite directions.
 The structure of DNA
 ___Anti___ -parallel __strands__
o ___DNA___ molecule has “_direction_ ”
o _complementary_ strand ___runs___ in _opposite_
Website upload 2015
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Nucleotide Sequences
Objective: Describe the importance of sequences in DNA.
 The __sequence__ of nucleotides __forms__ the unique
__genetic__ information of an organism. The __closer__ the
_relationship_ is _between_ two _organisms_, the more
__similar__ their ___DNA___ nucleotide _sequences_ will be.
 Scientists use nucleotide _sequences_ to __determine__
evolutionary _relationships_ among organisms, to determine
whether two _individuals_ are__related__, and to
__identify__ bodies of __crime__ victims.
Website upload 2015
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Topic: Organizing & Packaging
Objective: Describe DNA levels of organization and structure.
Website upload 2015
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Objective: Describe the 1st level of DNA structure & packaging.
 Nucleosomes
 “Beads on a string”
o ___1st___ level of DNA packing
o __histone__ proteins
 ____8____ protein _molecules_
 _positively_ charged __amino__ acids
 ___bind___ tightly to _negatively_ charged
8 histone
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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
Notes page:
Website upload 2015
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
Name: ________________
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Period: ____________________
Carefully remove this sheet from your packet to hand in.
Work silently and alone to complete this graded exercise.
Check for Understanding
1. Describe the basic structure of a molecule of DNA.
2. What are the ratios of the four bases in human DNA?
3. If you study one side a DNA molecule that starts with a 3’
subunit, what will that side of the molecule end with?
4. What is the diameter of an individual DNA helix?
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Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
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The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch
Unit 3 Genetics – Unit 12 Molecular genetics: (12.1) DNA-class key
Notes page:
Website upload 2015
The Living Environment ’14-‘15
Mr. Murdoch