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This study guide is intended to assist you in preparing for your lecture exam. It does not cover all possible
exam material. See your class notes and lecture text (readings are outlined in your syllabus), and assigned
readings. On the final you are not responsible for assigned readings from exams 1 and 2.
SCIENTIFIC METHOD - What is the scientific method? What are the goals of science? What types of
reasoning are used? Be able to identify the steps in an example. What is a theory and how is it
different from a hypothesis? How can you prove that a hypothesis is true?
ATOMS AND MOLECULES - What are the parts of an atom? Where is each part located and what are its
properties? What is an element? What is atomic number? How is atomic number different from
atomic mass? What are isotopes? What are energy levels? How do electrons move from one level (or
shell) to another? What is an orbital? How are orbitals different from energy levels? How many
electrons can an orbital hold? How many orbitals are contained on each of the first three energy
levels? Be sure you can diagram the electrons around an atom with a given atomic number. What
makes an atom stable? How do electrons in energy levels influence chemical bonds? Be sure that you
can diagram the electrons in a covalent bond. How are the three types of chemical bonds formed?
What are the properties of covalent bonds? What are the properties of ionic bonds? What are the
properties of hydrogen bonds? Know examples of each type of chemical bond. What are the special
properties of water? What causes these properties? How do polar and ionic molecules interact with
water? How do nonpolar molecules interact with water?
BIOLOGICAL MOLECULES - What is an organic molecule? What is a macromolecule? What are the four
major types of macromolecules that make up living things? In general how are macromolecules
assembled and disassembled? For each of the four main classes of macromolecules know the major
types, their basic structure, their functions in living organisms, and what monomers make up each
one. What are the four levels of protein structure and how are they determined? What are the three
main parts of an amino acid? How is DNA different from RNA? What are the three main parts of a
nucleotide? How does Chargaff's Rule relate to DNA structure? Where is each type of macromolecule
made in eukaryotic cells?
CELLS AND ORGANELLES - How do diffusion and surface to volume ratio influence cell size? What is
osmosis and how is it different from diffusion? What are the components of cell membranes and how
do they function? What characteristics separate life from the non-living world? What is the basic unit
of life? What are the major types of cells on Earth? How are they different? How are they similar?
How is the structure of bacterial cells different from eukaryotic and archaea cells? How is it similar?
For each of the three cell types you should know about the differences and similarities in their DNA
and cell walls as well as their overall structural differences. For eukaryotic cells know the basic
structure and function of each major organelle. Where is DNA in eukaryotic cells? What is made in
rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum? What is the function of the Golgi? What is inside
lysosomes? What important functions do lysosomes perform in cells? What is the function of
mitochondria? What kinds of cells have mitochondria? How did mitochondria originate? What is the
structure of mitochondrial DNA? What is the function of chloroplasts? What kinds of cells have
chloroplasts? What is the structure of chloroplast DNA?
ENERGY - What is energy? What are the two states of energy? What are the two laws of thermodynamics
and what do they mean? What happens to energy transferred in chemical reactions? What is an
endergonic reaction? What is an exergonic reaction? What is activation energy? How do enzymes
speed up chemical reactions? What is an active site? What is ATP? How do cells use ATP? Which
cells need ATP? How is energy released from ATP molecules?
CELLULAR RESPIRATION - What does cellular respiration do for the cell? Which types of living things
carry out cellular respiration? What are the four major steps of cellular respiration? What are the
starting reactants and end products for each step? Is oxygen required for glycolysis? What determines
whether acetyl-CoA enters the citric acid (=Krebs) cycle or gets converted to stored fat? What kinds
of food molecules are converted to acetyl-CoA? Where does the citric acid cycle take place? At what
stage of cellular respiration does oxygen get used? What step produces most of the CO2 waste? What
step of cellular respiration makes the most ATP?
PHOTOSYNTHESIS – What is a pigment? What happens when light is absorbed? What are the major
pigments in plants? Are all wavelengths (colors) of light equally used in photosynthesis? Which types
of living things carry out photosynthesis? Where in the cell does photosynthesis happen? What are
the starting reactants and end products of photosynthesis? What are the steps of photosynthesis? What
are the starting reactants and end products of each step? At what stage of photosynthesis is oxygen
released? How is the overall chemical reaction for photosynthesis similar to the overall reaction for
cellular respiration? How are they different?
CELL REPRODUCTION: MITOSIS & MEIOSIS – What is the term for bacterial cell division? What
happens when a bacterial cell divides? What molecules make up a Eukaryote chromosome? What is a
centromere, sister chromatid, and telomere? How can two meters of DNA fit into a single cell? How
many DNA molecules are in a chromosome just before mitosis? How many DNA molecules are in a
chromosome just after mitosis? What type of cell division do organisms use to grow and heal? What
happens during interphase? What are the major steps of mitosis and what happens in each? Where on
the chromosome do spindle fibers attach? What is the end result of mitosis? What is the end result of
cytokinesis? What type of cell division is required for sexual reproduction? How is meiosis different
from mitosis? What are the major steps in meiosis and what happens in each? What is a diploid cell
and how is it different from a haploid cell? What does crossing over do? What organisms must use
meiosis? What is the alternative to sexual reproduction? What is the advantage of sexual reproduction
over asexual reproduction?