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Biology Mid Term 2016
Scientific Method and Microscopes
A student wanted to see how different types of music affected students' pulse rates. She played different types
of music: heavy metal, rap, R&B, alternative, pop, country, and classical music.
1. What’s the independent variable:
2. Dependent Variable:
3. What part of the microscope supports the slide? (where the slide is place to view it)
4. What part of the microscope regulates the amount of light that passes through the stage?
5. What part of the microscope brings the slide into view on the lowest power (40x)?
6. Supports the body tube and the objectives
7. What part of the microscope rotates the lenses to switch from low to high power?
Biochemistry & Properties of Water
8. True or False: Water is denser in its solid form than in its liquid form.
9. Water droplets stuck to the web. Which property of water best explains the attachment
of the water to the spider web?
10. Water droplets on his toy from the sprinklers. Which property of water best explains
why the water droplets are able to form small water droplets?
11. Atoms are composed of (Name 3)
12. Water is polar or non-polar?
13. True or False: A covalent bond forms between two molecules of water.
14. True or False: Water's chemical and physical properties are quite similar to most other
15. What type of bond is found between oxygen & hydrogen within the water molecule?
16. Dietary fats are nonpolar and need a polar protein (enzyme) to transport it throughout
the blood stream. Ultimately we are able to absorb fats because a polar protein are:
Hydrophobic or hydrophilic
17. Building Blocks of carbohydrates, which include simple sugars like glucose and fructose
are examples of what Biomolecule?
A lipid that is composed of single bonds and some double bonds
saturated or unsaturated
19. A protein that increases that speed of a chemical reaction; catalysts; decrease
activation energy
20. Key source of “quick” energy for organisms. Composed of carbon, hydrogen, and
21 . In the laboratory, students pressed raw sunflower seeds between two pieces of paper
cut from a brown lunch bag. Oily dark spots appeared on the paper. The test confirmed the
presence of which biological macromolecule in the sunflower seeds?
22. Most biomolecules are made up of monomers, or smaller units joined together to make
larger compounds. Which of the following is the best example of a monomer?
a. the protein amylase
c. the sugar glucose
b. a sample of cooking oil
d. a strand of DNA
23. Which 2 monomers build lipids?
24. What are two ways water enters the atmosphere in the water cycle?
25. Plants remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in a process called
26. What cycle contains elements that are not usable directly from the atmosphere?
27. What are two processes capable of nitrogen fixation (breaking the triple bond)?
28. A decrease in burning fossil fuel would decrease what pollutant into the atmosphere?
29. What two agents convert nitrogen gas into forms that organisms can use?
a. Nitrogen-fixing bacteria and
c. Fertilizer and denitrifying
b. enzymes and nitrogen-fixing
d. Enzymes and ammonia
30. Which of the following correctly describes the flow of carbon in the carbon cycle?
a. Air  animals  plants
b. Plants  animals  air
c. Air  fossil fuels  animals
d. Fossil fuels  plants  animals
Cell Theory and Discovery
31. All living organisms are composed of:
32. All living things maintain a balance within their cells and the environment through the
process of:
33. Which of the following people was the one to name cells, “cells”?
34. Which are the 3 rules of the cell theory?
35. The function of the chloroplast is to:
36. This is the genetic make-up of an organism; it determines everything for the organism:
37. This is the region of the cell between the nucleus and the cell membrane:
38. The function of the lysosome is to:
39. Label the numbers of the structure above.
40. Refer to the illustration above. The cell uses structure 3
41. Refer to the illustration above. The cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic
42. Bacterial cells are prokaryotic. In comparison to a typical eukaryotic cell, they would be
bigger or smaller in size?
43. Which cellular process takes place in the ribosomes that are bound to the endoplasmic
44. The diagram above shows different parts of
human sperm cell. Which part is most likely
specialized for mobility?
45. Prokarytoic or Eukaryotic?
46. What type of organism
shown above?
might contain the cell
47. Cells may have different shapes and different numbers of organelles, depending on
their function. Which features do plant cells have that animal cells lack?
(Name 3)
48. What’s the function of the cell membrane in all cells?
Cell Transport
49. What process requires cellular energy to move molecules across the cell membrane
from a region of lower concentration to higher concentration?
50. What conclusion can be drawn from the diagram above?
A Only water molecules move into the cell by osmosis.
B Both water and salt molecules move into the cell by osmosis.
C Both water and salt molecules move into the cell by active transport.
D Only salt molecules move into the cell by active transport.
51. A biologist diluted a blood sample with distilled water. While observing the sample
under a microscope, she noted that the red blood cells burst. This bursting is most likely
the result of which process?
A active transport
C staining
B ingestion
D osmosis
52. The diagram below shows how a paramecium maintains homeostasis. A paramecium
normally lives in a hypotonic environment in which water continually diffuses into a cell.
To maintain homeostasis, the paramecium must pump out large amounts of water using a
contractile vacuole.
If the paramecium is then placed in a hypertonic environment, which of the following will
A Water will diffuse into the paramecium.
B Salt will be pumped into the paramecium by the vacuole.
C Salt will be pumped out of the paramecium by the vacuole.
D Water will diffuse out of the paramecium.
53. The diagram shows a cell and large particles. Many
substances, such as proteins and polysaccharides, are
too large to be transported into a cell. In a process
called endocytosis, the large particle is brought into the
cell. Which of the following statements correctly
summarizes this process?
A. Waste materials carry the particle into the cell.
B. The particle passes directly through a protein doorway in the cell membrane.
C. The particle passes directly through the phospholipids that make up the cell
D. The cell membrane surrounds the particle and forms a vesicle that is brought into
the cell.
54. The diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane is called osmosis.
Which description represents the effects of osmosis on a plant cell when the concentration
of sugar particles is greater inside the cell than outside?
A. Water diffuses into the cell, and the cell swells.
B. Water diffuses out of the cell, and the cell shrinks.
C. Water moves into and out of the cell at equal rates, and cell size remains the same.
D. Water is blocked from moving into or out of the cell, and cell size remains the
55. If it is observed that molecules move across the membrane in both directions, what
conclusion can be made about the state of the cell? (Hint: use vocab words)
56. A scientist treats a cell with a chemical that destroys ribosomes. As a result, which
chemical process will be stopped?
57. Which of these best explains why a freshwater aquarium would be dangerous for
saltwater fish?
A the tissues of the saltwater fish would absorb too much acid
B the organs of the saltwater fish would absorb too much proteins
C the organ system of the saltwater fish would consume too much energy
D the cells of the saltwater fish would gain too much water
58. In plant cells, the single large central sac like structure that is filled with liquid is
known as the:
59. Water moves into a cell placed in a(n) _____solution.
A. osmotic B. hypertonic
C. hypotonic
D. isotonic
60. Water moves out of a cell placed in a(n) _____solution.
A. osmotic B. hypertonic
C. hypotonic
D. isotonic
DNA Replication and Mitosis
67. Which of the following is NOT correct?
a. Mitosis is produces genetically identical cells
b. Interphase is part of the mitosis cycle
c. Metaphase occurs before Anaphase
d. All somatic (body) cells are produced by mitosi
68. Which answer gives the stages of mitosis in proper chronological order?
a. Anaphase, prophase, metaphase, telophase.
b. Metaphase, anaphase, telophase, prophase
c. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.
d. Interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase.
69. The information in the box identifies some of the organs of the kitten. Which of the following is
identical for every cell in each of the four organs?
A. amount of ATP
B. function of the cell
C. size of cells
D. genes in the DNA
Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis
1. When bonds are made energy is ___________, when bonds are broken energy is ___________.
2. Aerobic respiration produces ______ ATP, while each type of anaerobic respiration or fermentation produces ______
3. Name the type of reaction takes place in a muscle lacking 02 and may cause soreness:
4. Which process is the most efficient way to convert glucose into ATP?
5. How many carbon atoms does ONE molecule of glucose have?
6. What is the main purpose of the Krebs Cycle in Cell Respiration?
7. Which biomolecule is readily available for use by living cells and are stored in molecules of glucose:
8. How many molecules of ATP are produced for every ONE molecule of glucose?
9. Two organisms that can carry out anaerobic respiration are:
10. What product is always produced from either anaerobic or aerobic respiration?
Use the following diagram to answer the next two questions:
11. Which is true about ATP being converted into ADP? (circle all that apply)
phosphate is lost bonds are broken phosphates is gained
bonds are created
Write the process to the related reaction:
Aerobic Respiration
Anaerobic Respiration Photosynthesis None of these
C6H1206 + 602
6C02 + 6H20 + 38ATP
Makes a total of 2 ATP for the cell to do work
C02 + H20 + lactic acid + 2ATP
only happens in the presence of oxygen
makes Sugar
makes 38 ATP for the cell to do work
only happens in the chloroplasts
6C02 + 6H20 +
C6H1206 + 602
Is the most efficient way for cells to convert food into energy
Converting the sun’s energy into Sugar
22. The primary role of photosynthesis is to make what molecule (not the name, write the formula)?
23. The pigment in plants that makes them green is called what?
24. How is the oxygen we breathe produced in plants (hint: think about the products of the 2 stages in photosynthesis)?
25. What is the main purpose of the Calvin Cycle (light independent) in Photosynthesis?
26. Where does the CO2 in photosynthesis come from?
27. Energy captured in the light reactions is stored in what molecule in the dark reactions?
28. Of the three stages of cellular respiration, which stage if the most efficient at producing ATP?
29. In the absence of oxygen yeast makes _____________ and animals make ___________.
30. What are products are made in glycolysis?
31. People use a process done by single cell organisms to make bread, wine and beer. When baking dough, these
organisms release ethanol and CO2, which creates the light a fluffy texture in bread. What process is this paragraph
referring to?
32. During what stage are the majority of the electron carrying molecules made?
33. When a cell is lacking in sufficient amount of oxygen, the cell will undergo a process that allows minimal amounts of
ATP to be synthesized. What key molecule must be recycled in order to keep glycolysis going?
34. Which of the following organisms cannot undergo anaerobic respiration?
35. Plants undergo a process known as photosynthesis. This process contains two separate stages that synthesizes
products essential for cellular respiration. The first stage of photosynthesis produces __________ and the second stage,
which does not require sunlight produces ________.
36. The process described below in description B occurs in –
A. Plant cells only
B. Both Plant and Animal Cells
C. Animal Cells Only
D. All but plant cells
37. A student conducted an experimental investigation of the gas production of a water plant. She placed a funnel and test
tube upside-down over a water plant submerged in water and collected the gas that the water plant produced when kept
in sunlight. After several days, a large bubble of gas collected in the upside-down test tube. Given that the gas came from
the water plant, what are the contents of the bubble of gas collected in the test tube?
38. How are photosynthesis and respiration alike (hint: think about products and reactants)?
39. What is the purpose of fermentation in multicellular organisms (hint: your cell needs energy with or without oxygen)?
40. How many ATP molecules are created during the Krebs cycle (Hint: it ranges)?
41. The arrows in the diagram below represent the movement of materials. This movement of materials indicated by the
arrows is most directly involved in the processes of:
42. The final stage of aerobic respiration is the Electron Transport Chain. This stage is able to take place
because the presence of oxygen. Oxygen bonds with left over molecules from the electron transport chain.
What molecule is made when oxygen bonds with these electron carrying molecules (Hint: what element
drives the ETC?)
43. In which part of the leaf do light independent reaction occur?
DNA, Mitosis, Protein Synthesis
1. The process represented in the diagram produces a molecule that is complementary to
the template strand of DNA. What type of molecule is produced?
2. A photomicrograph of onion root tip cells during mitosis is shown below. Which phase of
mitosis is occurring in the cell indicated by the arrow?
3. A model of a DNA molecule is shown below. The arrow indicates what type of bond –
4. A codon chart is shown below. Which of these changes to the DNA triplet 3’ GCT 5’ will
affect the protein produced?
5. Which of these must occur during S phase of the cell cycle so that two daughter cells can
be produced during Mitosis?
6. How does DNA in cells determine an organism’s complex traits?
7. A segment of DNA produces
methionine, threonine, histidine, aspartate, and glycine when
translated. A substitution mutation occurs and causes the
synthesis of the segment shown above the codon chart.
What is the new peptide chain when the new DNA segment is
8. The diagram below represents the cell cycle. When cells leave the cell cycle, they exit
during G1 phase and then enter the G0 phase, a resting period. Most normal cells can
leave G0 phase and re-enter the cell cycle at G1 phase before entering S phase. Cancer
cells are different because they cannot enter G0 phase and are likely to do which of the
following? (Hint : G0 is a cell exiting the cycle)
9. Part of an important cellular process involving a DNA
strand is modeled below. What is the purpose of this
cellular process?
10. The model represents the change in the DNA content
of a cell during the cell cycle. Which Roman numeral represents the S phase?
11. A segment of DNA is represented in the illustration. How is the information for a specific
protein carried on the DNA molecule?
12. One of the ways to differentiate between two molecules is the identity of one of the four
nitrogenous bases that make up a section of the molecules. These two molecules are
called –
13. A student builds a model of a DNA strand.
Which of these models of a DNA strand shows bases that are complementary to the ones
on the student’s DNA model?
14. In the 1960s, the molecular biologist George Streisinger developed the strand-slippage
hypothesis. Streisinger noticed that mutations occurred in areas of DNA that contained
many repeated sequences. When a strand-slippage error occurs, an insertion mutation
can result. How does the insertion mutation affect the DNA?
15. Scientists can bioengineer skin in a laboratory to treat severe burns and other types of
skin injuries. This bioengineered tissue is grown from living cells. The cellular process
that enables the cells to grow and develop into tissue is –
16. The sequence of nitrogenous bases in DNA varies widely. The sequence of the bases in
DNA is most important for which of the following?
17. Checkpoints occur between the stages of the cell cycle. If a cell does not meet certain
criteria at the end of a stage, it will not move to the next stage. Which of these occurs just
before the cell centers the G2 stage of the cell cycle?
18. Sickle-shaped red blood cells result from a mutation in the gene that codes for
hemoglobin. This mutation results in sickle-cell anemia. A partial sequence of bases from
a normal hemoglobin gene and a sequence that results in sickle-cell anemia are shown
below. What type of mutation is shown in this sequence?
19. Telophase is a stage of a cellular process that begins after the chromosomes have
moved to opposite poles of the cell. During which cellular process does telophase occur?
20. Which of the following polypeptides is coded for by the mRNA sequence
21. In 1952, Rosalind Franklin took the x-ray photograph shown below, which gave the world
its first look at DNA. By studying this photograph, scientists gained
knowledge about the –
22. A mutation is least likely to affect a cell when the mutation produces a _____________
codes for the same __________________ as the original triplet
23. The process illustrated in the diagram is –
24. When a sequence of mRNA is copied from a DNA template, the process is known as –
25. Which of the following processes results in a chain of amino acids?
26. Which of the following processes occurs in the cytoplasm of a cell? Transcription or