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Biology First Semester Final Exam Review
NOTE: It is important that to use the textbook, previous assignments and
supplementary resources from the semester. Check our class website for resources that
you may have lost.
Themes of Biology / Scientific Method
1. List the eight themes of biology. Be prepared to match the appropriate theme to a
specimen, picture or something that clearly illustrates that theme.
2. Know the characteristics of living things.
3. Identify the steps involved in the Scientific Method.
4. Know the different elements of a scientific experiment: hypothesis, constants, control,
independent variable, dependent variable, theory.
5. Define list the five levels or organization in multicellular organisms.
1. Be prepared to answer questions about microscopes: their parts, the concept of “field
of vision” and how to estimate cell size. Refer back to the notes titled “Basic Concepts
of Microscopy”.
2. Be able to calculate magnification.
3. Define the relationship between magnification and field of view size.
4. Understand the differences between electron, stereo and standard compound
Chemistry of life
1. Identify the four major organic compounds for life (carbohydrate, lipid, protein, and
nucleic acid) and what their function is.
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration:
1. Know the chemical reactions of photosynthesis and respiration. What are the reactants
and products of each reaction?
2. Know the purpose of each process (photosynthesis and cellular respiration).
Cell Structure & Function:
1. State the cell theory.
2. Identify all the parts of a typical cell and explain what their function is.
3. Know cell organelles, their structures and functions. (nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum,
Golgi body, mitochondria, vacuole, chloroplast, lysosome, ribosome, cell wall, and cell
4. Compare animal and plant cells and be able to recognize one from the other.
5. Distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Define each one. Give examples of
each cell type.
Cell Transport:
1. Define homeostasis and describe how a cell maintains this condition through modes of
passive and active transport.
2. Define osmosis and predict what how a cell will react to different situations: will it lose
water and shrink in size, gain water and possibly explode, or remain the same size.
3. Compare passive transport mechanisms (such as osmosis, facilitated diffusion, and
simple diffusion) with active transport mechanisms (such as the sodium/potassium
pump, endocytosis and exocytosis).
DNA and Protein Synthesis
1. Describe the structure and function of DNA.
2. Explain what nucleotides are and what they are composed of.
3. Explain what is meant by “complementary base pairing”.
4. Explain how DNA replicates itself, including the enzymes that are involved.
5. Explain what a genetic mutation is and its potential affects.
6. Explain the differences are between RNA and DNA.
7. Describe in detail the process of protein synthesis, including the specifics of
transcription and translation.
Cell Reproduction:
1. Explain what homologous chromosomes are.
2. Describe the different stages of a cell’s life cycle (Interphase, Mitosis, and Cytokinesis).
Know what specific events happen during each stage and be prepared to know the
correct sequence of these stages.
3. Compare animal cell mitosis to plant cell mitosis. How are they different?
4. Define meiosis. Explain the importance of this process and how it is similar / different
from mitosis.
5. Explain the difference between haploid vs. diploid cells. How many chromosomes would
be found in each type of cell?
6. Define nondisjunction (when a cell has an extra chromosome) and describe at least one
conditions associated with it.
7. Recognize a karyotype and explain what kinds of information can be determined from it.
Mendelian Genetics:
1. Explain heredity and the significance of Gregor Mendel’s work.
2. Explain Mendel’s Law of Independent Assortment and Law of Segregation.
3. Identify male and female genotypes based on X and Y chromosomes.
4. Understand and can differentiate between simple dominance, incomplete dominance,
co-dominance, and sex-linked traits.
5. Construct, complete and interpret results from doing Punnett Square problems
involving one trait, two traits and sex linked traits.