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Final Review Outline
To review for the final exam, you should review your notes, in class activities and
labs, textbook readings, vocabulary, and graphic organizers. The midterm covers all
topics covered after the midterm (Chapters 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13). The following
topics should be reviewed for the midterm exam:
Chapter 7: Cell Reproduction
• Spontaneous Generation
• Pasteur & Redi
• Cell Cycle
• Mitosis
• Cell Reproduction in Prokaryotes
• Meiosis
• Fertilization
Chapter 8: Principles of Genetics
• Mendel’s Experiments & Laws
• Phenotype & Genotype
• Punnett Squares
• Dihybrid Cross
• Probability
• Incomplete Dominance
• Codominance
• Multiple Alleles
• Sex Determination
• Sex-Linked Traits
• Polygenic Inheritance
• Continuous Variation
• Modifier Genes
• Environmental Influence
• Chromosome Theory of Heredity
• Pedigree Charts
Chapter 9: Chemistry of the Gene
• Scientists (Griffith, Hershey & Chase, Avery, Watson & Crick)
• Structure of DNA
• Transforming Principle
• Nucleotides
• DNA Bases
• DNA Replication
• Relationship between genes and proteins
• Codons & Amino Acids
Chapter 10: From Genes to Proteins
• Transcription
• Types of RNA (names, form, and function)
• Uracil
• Translation
• Introns & Exons
• Anticodons
• Process from DNA polypeptide
• Mutations & Variation
• Cancer
• Recombinant DNA
• Genetically modified organisms
Chapter 11: Human Genetic Disorders
• Autosomal Recessive (CF, Sickle Cell Anemia, Tay Sachs)
• Autosomal Dominant (Huntington’s)
• Sex-Linked (Color Blindness, Hemophilia)
• Chromosomal (non-disjunction, trisomy, Down Syndrome)
• Heterozygote Superiority
• Karyotype
• Fetoscopy
• Amniocentesis
• Chorionic Villus Biopsy
• Ultrasonography
• Genetic Screening
Chapters 12 & 13: Evolution
• Origin of Life
• Darwin & Lamarck
• Population Genetics
• Hardy-Weinberg
• Divergent Evolution
• Rate of Evolution
• Fossils
• Rock Layers
• Analogous Structures, Homologous Structures, Vestigial Structures
• Resistance
• Origin of Humans
The format of the test will be multiple choice.
Name _______________________________
Ms. Simon
CP Biology
Final Review Sheet
Directions: Answer all questions using complete sentences on a separate piece of
Cell Reproduction:
1. Diagram and explain Redi and Pasteur’s experiments.
2. Explain the difference between biogenesis and spontaneous generation.
3. What are the parts of the cell cycle?
4. What are the stages of interphase?
5. Name the phases of mitosis in order.
6. Name the phases of meiosis in order.
7. What is cytokinesis? How is it different in plants and animals?
8. How are mitosis and meiosis different?
9. By what means do prokaryotes reproduce?
10. What are homologous chromosomes?
11. Explain the difference between haploid and diploid, including what cells in
humans are haploid and which are diploid.
12. What is a centromere?
13. What organisms did Mendel use for his experiments? Why did he choose
these organisms? What traits did he observe?
14. Explain the difference between genotype and phenotype.
15. Complete the following crosses and give the genotype & phenotype ratios:
a. Qq x Qq
b. AaBb x AaBb
c. XNY x XNXn
16. What is the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance?
17. Human blood type is a great example of _________________________________.
18. Explain how an organism’s environment can influence its genes.
19. What is the genotype of sex chromosomes in human females? Males? Which
chromosome is associated with sex-linked traits
20. What is an autosome?
DNA & Protein Synthesis
21. Explain each of the following scientists’ contribution to biology: Watson &
Crick, Avery, Griffiths, Hershey & Chase.
22. Name the three parts of a nucleotide.
23. Draw and label a diagram of DNA. What is the shape called?
24. How do the nitrogenous bases pair in DNA? In RNA?
25. Explain the process of DNA replication, including what enzymes are involved.
26. Explain the process of protein synthesis, including all key terminology.
27. Define transcription.
28. Define translation.
29. What happens to mRNA before it leaves the nucleus?
30. What is a codon? Anticodon?
31. 3 bases together are called a ____________________. Each of these code for one
____________________________, which string together to form ________________________.
Two or more of these make a _______________________.
32. Name 3 types of mutations.
33. What is recombinant DNA? How are scientists able to form recombinant
DNA? What do scientists make with recombinant DNA?
34. What is a genetically modified organism?
35. What organism has been used to make insulin in the treatment of diabetes?
36. Explain how cancer works.
37. What is the difference between oncogenes and carcinogens?
Human Genetic Disorders
38. What does it mean if a genetic disorder is autosomal recessive? Autosomal
dominant? Sex-Linked? Chromosomal abnormality? Give an example of each.
39. Study the graphic organizer of genetic disorders!
40. What is heterozygote superiority? Give an example.
41. What is a karyotype? How can it be used?
42. Explain each of the 4 methods of diagnosis in the uterus.
43. How does someone get Down Syndrome?
44. Why is it more common for males to get sex-linked disorders than females?
45. Define evolution
46. What evidence is there for evolution?
47. What are analogous structures? Homologous structures? Vestigial
structures? Give three examples of each.
48. Explain Darwin’s theory of Descent with Modification.
49. Describe the process of natural selection.
50. What is geographic isolation?
51. Define adaptation.
52. Define speciation.
53. What types of molecules are used to make biochemical comparisons between
54. What is the human genus and species?
55. What was needed to evolve before there was a significant amount of O2 in the
56. What did Darwin conclude about the differences between the beaks of
Galapagos finches?