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Chapter 14 Practice Test:
1.Social psychologists focus on the:
a. person
b. situation
c. personality
d. traits
2.Which of the following defines the fundamental attribution theory?
a. too quick to judge someone
b. attribute a person’s personality traits to the personality of their family members
c. overestimate the influence of the situation and underestimate the influence of the
d. overestimate the influence of personality and underestimate the influence of the
3.How does the fundamental attribution error change depending on the
culture(Western culture, vs. East Asian culture)?
4.Which of the following responds to snap judgments and gives us fast results?
a. peripheral route persuasion
b. central route persuasion
5.Which of the following is an example of the foot-in-the-door phenomenon?
a. I ask you to wash one of my shirts and then I ask you to do all my laundry the next
b. I ask you to wash all of my laundry two weeks in a row.
c. I ask you to give me a ride one week and I offer to give you a ride the next week.
d. I offer to give you a ride week after week because I am a nice person, which shows
that I am also a genuine person.
6.Both the Stanford Prison Experiment of 1972 and the Abu Ghraib prison scandal
are an example of what?
7.When do we experience cognitive dissonance?
a. when our attitudes and actions agree
b. when we feel very strongly about something
c. when our attitudes and actions disagree
d. when we feel that we have made the right decision
8.What is the chameleon effect?
9. Automatic mimicry help us to _________________.
a. rationalize the situation
b. empathize
c. interpret
d. deduce the situation
10. TRUE or FALSE: Mimicry can only have beneficial effects.
11. Typically, we conform to _________________.
a. avoid rejection
b. understand the situation from another point of view
c. gain social approval
d. only a & b
e. only a &c
f. all of the above
12. Paul tells me that Indianapolis is the capital of Indiana. I thought the capital was
Houston, but I go with Paul because I think his answer sounds more accurate. How
would we define this situation?
a. normative social influence
b. informational social influence
c. group social influence
d. none of the above
13. Stanley Milgram is most known for his obedience experiment. Milgram found
that obedience among participants is highest when:
a. authority figure was behind closed doors
b. a student was giving the orders to the participants
c. authority figure was right next to the participant
d. authority figure was giving instructions over the phone
14. Social facilitation may be defined as strengthened performance in others’
presence. When do people perform the best?
a. on tougher tasks, such as learning nonsense syllables or solving complex
multiplication problems
b. when the participants are not very good at the task
c. when the participants are very good at the task
d. none of the above
15. What is the term psychologists use to demonstrate how people feel LESS
accountable when part of a group and therefore, worry less about what others
16. In terms of group polarization, does discussion among like-minded people tend
to strengthen or weaken preexisting attitudes?
17. Which of the following terms is characterized by a situation in which group
members suppress or self-censor their dissenting views in order to preserve the
good feeling of the group?
a. groupthink
b. group polarization
c. normative social influence
d. social facilitation
18. You are organizing a meeting of fiercely competitive political candidates. To add
to the fun, friends have suggested handing out masks of the candidates’ faces for
supporters to wear. What phenomenon might these masks engage?
19. To those in one ethnic group, members of another ethnic group often seem more
alike than they really are in attitudes, personality, and appearance. What is this
phenomenon called?
20. Which of the following stimuli does NOT evoke hostility?
a. hot temperatures
b. physical pain
c. compliment
d. cigarette smoking
21. The mere exposure effect means that repeated exposure to novel stimuli
_________________ (increases/decreases) our liking for them.