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Optional Final Test
-At least a half page long per question (single space).
-No hand-written! Print out and staple them
-As you know, the optional final test score would replace your worst test score if it is better than your
worst score.
-You will get a course grade “F” if you simply “copy” your answers from my lecture notes or your
classmate’s answers.
-Turn it in to me in MCB 316 on December 3, 2015 (between (11:00am-Noon).
-You will get a course grade “F” if you simply “copy” your answers from my lecture notes or your
classmate’s answers.
-Absolutely no later than the time frame!!!!!! I do not accept your exam if it is late.
1. Define the concepts of id, ego, and super-ego and explain how they interact.
2. List and explain four ways of assessing personality often employed by psychodynamic therapists.
3. Explain Freud’s psychosexual development theory, and discuss how the theory explains personality
4. Discuss why people strive for superiority.
5. Describe Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and show how this theoretical scheme is related to the
actualization process.
6. According to Rogers, what are the major therapeutic conditions that foster personal growth?
7. What are the differences between the true self and the social self? How are they related to personal
8. Give Rogers' reasons why satellite relationship outside a marriage can be healthy, and also give your
reasons why the satellite relationship outside the marriage is either healthy or unhealthy.
9. Discuss how Skinner defined personality development.
10. Assess Skinner's theory in terms of the six criteria for judging the worth of a scientific theory.
11. Name at least five operant conditioning procedures that have been used to eliminate socially
undesirable behavior.
12. Explain characteristics of models that are likely to affect observers' imitative behavior?
13. What is triadic reciprocal determinism?
14. Explain why aggressive behaviors portrayed in the mass media lead people to learn violent behaviors
(even if the models were punished for their aggressive behaviors).
15. List four sources affecting efficacy expectations proposed by Bandura and explain them.
16. How did Bandura define personality development? Make sure to include factors affecting the
personality development and explain them.
17. What is your opinion about the effects of mass media on the development of personality (i.e.,
aggression)? Defend your answer.
18. What did you learn from this course? Discuss how you plan to utilize them in your life.