The Rodeo as a Deviancy Generating Milieu
... 7. Crime: In the context of this thesis, crime means the violation of a law contained within a criminal code. 8. Culture: Culture refers to a common and unifying set of values, beliefs, and customs shared by a group of people. 9. Deviance: Deviance means an action or idea that violates the socially ...
... 7. Crime: In the context of this thesis, crime means the violation of a law contained within a criminal code. 8. Culture: Culture refers to a common and unifying set of values, beliefs, and customs shared by a group of people. 9. Deviance: Deviance means an action or idea that violates the socially ...
... From this complete universe of Neoism?! I have deliberately excluded the following subject found in most studies of Neoism?!: Historical account of Neoism?!, particularly of the recent past: Neoism?! in 1976, 1979 or 1984, 1989 and so forth. Neoism?! and public opinion as an entity, considering publ ...
... From this complete universe of Neoism?! I have deliberately excluded the following subject found in most studies of Neoism?!: Historical account of Neoism?!, particularly of the recent past: Neoism?! in 1976, 1979 or 1984, 1989 and so forth. Neoism?! and public opinion as an entity, considering publ ...
... concern showed when she knows that Lovborg was back to town alone, she immediately went to the city to seek him. Elvsted so worried about a many temptation that occurred in the town that can influence Lovborg. The minor characters in this play are Miss Juliana, Brack, and Berta. Miss Juliana Tesman ...
... concern showed when she knows that Lovborg was back to town alone, she immediately went to the city to seek him. Elvsted so worried about a many temptation that occurred in the town that can influence Lovborg. The minor characters in this play are Miss Juliana, Brack, and Berta. Miss Juliana Tesman ...
Resilience for public health - Glasgow Centre for Population Health
... Resilience at different levels: individual and collective resilience The understanding of factors that promote resilience for individuals has been shaped by research within the field of child development. In particular, investigations of how some young people flourish in challenging circumstances. S ...
... Resilience at different levels: individual and collective resilience The understanding of factors that promote resilience for individuals has been shaped by research within the field of child development. In particular, investigations of how some young people flourish in challenging circumstances. S ...
The ABC of Ambivalence: Affective, Behavioral
... responses is via the aforementioned presumed human motivation to be consistent. Consistency violations can be experienced as unpleasant and lead to a negative affective response, as shown, for example, in the context of cognitive dissonance (e.g., Zanna & Cooper, 1974). Based on the similarities bet ...
... responses is via the aforementioned presumed human motivation to be consistent. Consistency violations can be experienced as unpleasant and lead to a negative affective response, as shown, for example, in the context of cognitive dissonance (e.g., Zanna & Cooper, 1974). Based on the similarities bet ...
Dimensions of Hypocrisy 1 Hypocrisy
... cited above, Uriah Heep, Strom Thurmond and Ted Haggard furthered their own hidden and nefarious agendas by intentionally deceiving others. Clearly the intent to deceive exacerbates hypocrisy, but is the intent to deceive a precondition for hypocrisy? While some philosophers conjecture that hypocris ...
... cited above, Uriah Heep, Strom Thurmond and Ted Haggard furthered their own hidden and nefarious agendas by intentionally deceiving others. Clearly the intent to deceive exacerbates hypocrisy, but is the intent to deceive a precondition for hypocrisy? While some philosophers conjecture that hypocris ...
pan paniscus - Utrecht University Repository
... Zoo, containing 5 or less, 5 and 4 adult (and several younger ) individuals respectively, Parish (1996) found that females preferentially selected females over adult male group members as groomees. For the groups of the Wild Animal Park Planckendael, Stuttgart Zoo and Wuppertal Zoo, containing 4, 3 ...
... Zoo, containing 5 or less, 5 and 4 adult (and several younger ) individuals respectively, Parish (1996) found that females preferentially selected females over adult male group members as groomees. For the groups of the Wild Animal Park Planckendael, Stuttgart Zoo and Wuppertal Zoo, containing 4, 3 ...
exploring the latent structure of strength‐related attitude attributes
... 1968; Powell, 1977; Tedin, 1980), it has also been gauged by measuring elaboration (Brown, 1974). Treating measures of diVerent strength‐related attitude attributes as interchangeable is reasonable if one assumes that they each reflect the same underlying construct. The notion of conceptual overlap ...
... 1968; Powell, 1977; Tedin, 1980), it has also been gauged by measuring elaboration (Brown, 1974). Treating measures of diVerent strength‐related attitude attributes as interchangeable is reasonable if one assumes that they each reflect the same underlying construct. The notion of conceptual overlap ...
Non-Suicidal Self-Injury: The Movie Industry`s Influence on Its Stigma
... have increased, as have depictions of NSSI in the media. Therefore, some researchers believe that increased media exposure is contributing to increased rates of NSSI. Research has shown that NSSI is a coping mechanism and/or a cry for help among those who display such behaviors. However, studies als ...
... have increased, as have depictions of NSSI in the media. Therefore, some researchers believe that increased media exposure is contributing to increased rates of NSSI. Research has shown that NSSI is a coping mechanism and/or a cry for help among those who display such behaviors. However, studies als ...
Understanding Affirmative Action - Diversity
... by University of California - Berkeley on 09/23/09. For personal use only. ...
... by University of California - Berkeley on 09/23/09. For personal use only. ...
Attachment Style and Political Ideology: A Review of Contradictory
... Avoidant (dismissive) adult attachment is characterized by discomfort in being close to others, as well as difficulty trusting and depending on them. Such adults feel nervous when anyone gets too close—they feel that their romantic partner often wants to be more intimate with them than they would li ...
... Avoidant (dismissive) adult attachment is characterized by discomfort in being close to others, as well as difficulty trusting and depending on them. Such adults feel nervous when anyone gets too close—they feel that their romantic partner often wants to be more intimate with them than they would li ...
poster abstracts
... Which is worse: being socially attacked or rejected? We sought to answer that question by having participants imagine themselves in scenarios where they were excluded, aggressed upon or included by other group members. We found that overall, being excluded is indeed more threatening to fundamental n ...
... Which is worse: being socially attacked or rejected? We sought to answer that question by having participants imagine themselves in scenarios where they were excluded, aggressed upon or included by other group members. We found that overall, being excluded is indeed more threatening to fundamental n ...
Amour-Propre, Good and Bad - Western Political Science Association
... Rousseau “was sharply aware of the potential for damage…”)8, while Cooper and Neuhouser less so. Cooper correctly notes that “amour-propre never stops being dangerous—indeed, potentially calamitous—and hence needs to be sternly and thoroughly governed,”9 and suggests that Rousseau’s own attempt to ...
... Rousseau “was sharply aware of the potential for damage…”)8, while Cooper and Neuhouser less so. Cooper correctly notes that “amour-propre never stops being dangerous—indeed, potentially calamitous—and hence needs to be sternly and thoroughly governed,”9 and suggests that Rousseau’s own attempt to ...
A methodological approach to examining racial and ethnic
... important to recognize that this study emphasizes race, gender, and disability, but does not indicate exclusion of sexuality and class in aspect of intersectionality. I also included a chapter that discussed my own personal experiences because I felt it was essential for me to convey how my personal ...
... important to recognize that this study emphasizes race, gender, and disability, but does not indicate exclusion of sexuality and class in aspect of intersectionality. I also included a chapter that discussed my own personal experiences because I felt it was essential for me to convey how my personal ...
Beyond Use: Understanding Evaluation`s Influence on Attitudes and
... In this section, we present a framework for developing a better understanding of evaluation influence. As part of that framework, we classify change processes and outcomes that evaluations can influence in terms of three levels: individual, interpersonal, and collective.2 The levels indicate the loc ...
... In this section, we present a framework for developing a better understanding of evaluation influence. As part of that framework, we classify change processes and outcomes that evaluations can influence in terms of three levels: individual, interpersonal, and collective.2 The levels indicate the loc ...
Fritz Heider: Philosopher and Psychologist
... was a wanderer in the intellectual sense — taking daily walks for the purpose of analyzing a difficult concept or conducting a thought experiment. Because he was rarely in a hurry and would take the time to look more closely and deliberate more thoroughly than most of his peers, Heider was able to a ...
... was a wanderer in the intellectual sense — taking daily walks for the purpose of analyzing a difficult concept or conducting a thought experiment. Because he was rarely in a hurry and would take the time to look more closely and deliberate more thoroughly than most of his peers, Heider was able to a ...
The Impact of Intergroup Emotions on Forgiveness in Northern
... of emotions is that they are involuntary, in the sense that, once aroused, emotions cannot be defused at will (Zajonc, 1980). Thus, although a person may want to stop feeling angry, hostile, or resentful, directly trying to expunge these feelings may not be sufficient to stop them. In fact, efforts ...
... of emotions is that they are involuntary, in the sense that, once aroused, emotions cannot be defused at will (Zajonc, 1980). Thus, although a person may want to stop feeling angry, hostile, or resentful, directly trying to expunge these feelings may not be sufficient to stop them. In fact, efforts ...
HSL, Harpur Hill Buxton, SK17 9JN Telephone: 01298 218000
... Participant accounts and judgements of risk acceptance should not be taken at face value, especially for those living near high hazard sites. These expressed preferences may be influenced by experiential verification and issues of economic dependency, but could be more complex. Judgements that expre ...
... Participant accounts and judgements of risk acceptance should not be taken at face value, especially for those living near high hazard sites. These expressed preferences may be influenced by experiential verification and issues of economic dependency, but could be more complex. Judgements that expre ...
volunteering during unemployment:more skills but
... times a year) can have a positive effect on getting back into work. Similarly, for unemployed people with disabilities, volunteering several times a year had a positive effect but volunteering either more or less than that had no effect. Volunteering can have negative effects on re-employment and it ...
... times a year) can have a positive effect on getting back into work. Similarly, for unemployed people with disabilities, volunteering several times a year had a positive effect but volunteering either more or less than that had no effect. Volunteering can have negative effects on re-employment and it ...
Understanding Albert Camus` Absurd as Ambivalence, and its
... 13-14). Splitting is a reaction to ambivalence in the sense that it seeks to prevent conflicting feelings from coming into contact with each other, so that the bad does not destroy the good. Thus, bad and good are separated and exaggerated, making both poles increasingly extreme. In the struggle to ...
... 13-14). Splitting is a reaction to ambivalence in the sense that it seeks to prevent conflicting feelings from coming into contact with each other, so that the bad does not destroy the good. Thus, bad and good are separated and exaggerated, making both poles increasingly extreme. In the struggle to ...
The Blush: Literary and Psychological Perspectives
... characteristics, behaviours and thoughts and with the shame of bringing taboo subjects into the open. Yet it is unconvincing to distinguish modesty in terms of sexual content since this is also evident in shame, embarrassment, and so on. Modesty in the sense of humility is associated with a blush: W ...
... characteristics, behaviours and thoughts and with the shame of bringing taboo subjects into the open. Yet it is unconvincing to distinguish modesty in terms of sexual content since this is also evident in shame, embarrassment, and so on. Modesty in the sense of humility is associated with a blush: W ...
Chapter 2 Empowerment
... social influences operating in the selected environments can contribute to personal development by the interests and competencies they cultivate and the social opportunities they provide, which subsequently shape their possibilities of development (Bandura, 1989, 1997). The connection between the se ...
... social influences operating in the selected environments can contribute to personal development by the interests and competencies they cultivate and the social opportunities they provide, which subsequently shape their possibilities of development (Bandura, 1989, 1997). The connection between the se ...
8 How to Maximize Implementation Intention Effects Peter M.
... Attention Attraction During the Pursuit of Unrelated Goals. Will critical cues even attract attention when they occur during the pursuit of an unrelated goal? To test this, Wieber and Sassenberg (2006) conducted two attention disruption studies. In both studies, the disruption of attention through i ...
... Attention Attraction During the Pursuit of Unrelated Goals. Will critical cues even attract attention when they occur during the pursuit of an unrelated goal? To test this, Wieber and Sassenberg (2006) conducted two attention disruption studies. In both studies, the disruption of attention through i ...
PSPB in press 2017 - Open Research Exeter
... experiencing ambivalence, while competing views suggest that more mindful individuals might be more or less likely to feel ambivalent. We also propose that if mindfulness increases comfort with ambivalence, it can help buffer the link between the experience of ambivalence and negative affect. We tes ...
... experiencing ambivalence, while competing views suggest that more mindful individuals might be more or less likely to feel ambivalent. We also propose that if mindfulness increases comfort with ambivalence, it can help buffer the link between the experience of ambivalence and negative affect. We tes ...
Irony as a Means of Perception Through Communication Channels
... In Study 1 adults were tested for their comprehension of the concept of irony and its emotional valence, their self-perception of being ironic or non-ironic and their attitude to irony understood here as the social functions of ironic comments. In lieu of a verbal irony task [scenarios/stories where ...
... In Study 1 adults were tested for their comprehension of the concept of irony and its emotional valence, their self-perception of being ironic or non-ironic and their attitude to irony understood here as the social functions of ironic comments. In lieu of a verbal irony task [scenarios/stories where ...