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Advanced Genetics
Unit 1: All about chromosomes
Quiz Bowl
1. Metaphase is a sub-division of this phase of the cell cycle. [M, mitosis]
2. G1 + S + G2 = ___________. [interphase]
3. Its function is to help assemble small organelles known as ribosomes; it’s found
inside the nucleus. [nucleolus]
4. T or F? As the most complex organisms on the planet, humans possess the
highest number of chromosomes per cell. [F]
5. T or F? For diploid organisms, chromosomes come in sets of 3’s. [F]
6. T or F? The largest chromosomes are constructed from the greatest number of
DNA strands. [F]
7. Grainy, decondensed genetic material found inside the nucleus throughout
interphase. [chromatin]
8. States chromosomes are found throughout G2 of the cell cycle. [duplicated,
9. Reason why mules are not “successful” organisms. [Donkey has 62
chromosomes and the horse has 64. This cross results in a diploid organism
with an odd number of chromosomes.]
10. Condensing of chromosomes is accomplished via a process known as …
11. The name of the large number of proteins associated with the DNA molecule
which are crucial for supercoiling. [histones]
12. The long arm of a chromosome is known as the ____ arm. [q]
13. Human chromosome with its centromere almost at its end. [acrocentric]
14. Non-human chromosome with its centromere at the very end. [telocentric]
15. When mapping chromosomes, this point is “0”. [centromere]
16. The “p” representing the short arm of a chromosome stands for … [petite]
17. Chromosomes can be differentiated based on size, centromere position, and …
[banding patterns when stained]
18. A picture of a person’s chromosomes all lined up neatly in an organized fashion.
19. Karyotypes are useful for diagnosing this potential problem regarding a person’s
genome. [Unusual chromosome numbers or structures]
20. A gene’s address within the human genome is known as its … [locus]
21. A gene has a locus of Yq11.2. On what chromosome will you find this gene and
will it be on the short or long arm of that chromosome? {Y chromosome; long
22. Which gene is most likely closer to the centromere? Gene A with a locus of
7p19.7 or gene B with a locus of 7q23.1? [7p19.7]
23. A person with Down syndrome has 3 chromosomes at the 21st position. How
many total chromosomes would this person possess in each cell? [47]
24. Which sex chromosome is bigger with many more genes? [X]
25. Provide any chromosome pair in the human genome that represents autosomes.
[Pairs 1-22]
26. I draw a picture of a chromosome for you. What is wrong with my setup?
[Standard way of representing chromosomes is for the “p” arm to be on top and
the “q” arm to be on the bottom.]
27. Ends of chromosomes that have a connection to the aging process. [telomeres]
28. For one type of ant, possessing only 1 chromosome in each of its body cells, as
opposed to 2 chromosomes in each body cell for females, makes that ant a male.
What type of ploidy does this organism represent? [haploidy or monoploidy]
29. Two chromatids = 1 __________. [duplicated chromosome]
30. Nucleosomes take form when the chromosome engages in this. [supercoiling or
31. Metacentric chromosomes tend to be …. [larger in size]
32. Of the 2 classes of chromatin, this one tends to be associated with DNA that is
highly active and produces lots of RNA molecules. [euchromatin]
33. This class of chromatin tends to produce light bands along the chromosome
when stained. [euchromatin]
34. Most commonly used stain to produce chromosome banding. [Giemsa]
35. When viewing some karyotypes, you can witness really active regions of the
DNA if you happen to notice these features. [chromosome puffs]
36. These creatures are humans’ closest living relatives on this planet. This is
confirmed by comparing our chromosomes and our DNA. [chimps]
37. What determines the size of a chromosome? [The length of the single DNA
molecule from which it is constructed.]
38. When preparing cells to be used for karyotyping, they are exposed to a chemical
known as PHA. PHA is a mitogen. What’s a mitogen? [A chemical that
stimulates cells to begin dividing and go through mitosis.]
39. During karyotyping labs, after dropping chromosomes on slides, we make them
adhere to the slides by. … [exposing them to heat, high temperature, baking
them in an incubator]
40. The cells that provided these chromosomes came from human blood samples.
Specifically, the type of blood cells utilized were … [WBC’s]
41. This chromosome is unique in that it shows consider variation in length from
human to human. [Y]
42. Trisomy-21 is better known as … [Down syndrome]
43. 45, X0 is better known as … [Turner’s syndrome]
44. A “super male” has these sex chromosomes. [XYY]
45. When an organism does not need a portion of a chromosome, it shuts down this
portion. We call this “turning off” … [inactivation]