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Cell Cycle and Mitosis Vocabulary
Scan the definitions given below. As you read pages 134-142 in your
textbook, write the correct vocabulary term in the blank in front of the
definition. Not all terms will be in yellow, so read the text carefully and use
the diagrams provided for extra help.
1. ________________ –the process of cell division including division of
the nucleus.
2. ________________–disorder caused when cells lose the ability to
control growth and continue to divide.
3. ________________–part of the cell cycle when the cell is not
4. _______________ –phase of the cell cycle where growth, organelle
replication and day to day life of a cell occur.
5. ______________ –phase of the cell cycle where replication or
synthesis of DNA and associated proteins happens before cells divide.
6. ______________–phase of the cell cycle when cells undergo
additional growth to prepare for cell division by making more organelles
and cytoplasm.
7. ______________–thread like structure within the nucleus containing
genes. Made of DNA coiled around proteins.
8. ______________- name given to “spaghetti-like” DNA when it is
wound loosely around histones.
9. ______________ –half of a duplicated chromosome. One of two
“sister” parts that makes half of the replicated chromosome which
looks like an “X”.
10. ______________–area where sister chromatids of a chromosome
attach to each other.
11. ______________- the name of the ends of a chromosome that are
absent of genes.
12. ______________ –series of events cells go through including growth,
DNA duplication, and eukaryotic cell division.
13. ______________– when the chromosomes coil up and become visible,
and the centrioles go to opposite sides of the cell.
14. ______________ –tiny microtubule structure located in the
cytoplasm that helps create the spindle fibers.
15. _____________–helps separate the chromosomes during mitosis. Fan
shaped structure made of microtubules.
16. ______________ –when chromosomes line up in the middle of the
cell during cell division.
17. ______________ –when the chromosome pair separates and moves
toward opposite sides of the cell during mitosis.
18. ______________ –when the chromosomes uncoil and disperse into a
tangle of dense material, and the nuclear membrane starts to reform.
19. ______________–Division of the cytoplasm and organelles during cell
division that results in two identical daughter cells.