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APS Science 2011
APS Science Curriculum Unit Planner
Biology – Introduction to Genetics
Stage 1: Desired Results
Grade Level/Subject
Enduring Understanding
All living things reproduce and pass on genetic information.
Unifying Understanding
NSES (grade level)
AAAS Atlas
(3) Form and composition are related to function.
(8) Living things have survival needs.
BIO.5 The student will investigate and understand common
mechanisms of inheritance and protein synthesis. Key concepts
d) prediction of inheritance of traits based on the Mendelian laws of
e) historical development of the structural model of DNA;
f) genetic variation;
C.2.2 Most of the cells in a human contain two copies of each of 22
different chromosomes. In addition, there is a pair of chromosomes that
determines sex: a female contains two X chromosomes and a male
contains one X and one Y chromosome. Transmission of genetic
information to offspring occurs through egg and sperm cells that contain
only one representative from each chromosome pair. An egg and sperm
unite to form a new individual. The fact that the human body is formed
from cells that contain two copies of each chromosome – and therefore
two copies of each gene – explains many features of human heredity,
such as how variations that are hidden in one generation can be
expressed in the next.
G.1.1 Individuals and teams have contributed and will contribute to the
scientific enterprise.
G.2.1 Science distinguishes itself from other ways of knowing and from
other bodies of knowledge through the use of empirical standards,
logical arguments, and skepticism, as scientists strive for the best
possible explanations about the natural world.
G.3.3 Occasionally there are advances in science and technology that
have important and long-lasting effects on science and society.
UCP.2 Evidence, models, and explanation. (Options for Inquiry)
A.1.3, A.1.4, A.1.5, A.1.6, A.2.4 Science as Inquiry
The genetic information encoded in DNA molecules is virtually
the same for all life forms. 5C/H4b
Some new gene combinations make little difference, some can
produce organisms with new and perhaps enhanced capabilities, and
APS Science 2011
some can be deleterious. 5B/H1
The sorting and recombination of genes in sexual reproduction
results in a great variety of possible gene combinations in the offspring
of any two parents. 5B/H2
The information passed from parents to offspring is coded in
DNA molecules, long chains linking just four kinds of smaller
molecules, whose precise sequence encodes genetic information.
Genes are segments of DNA molecules. Inserting, deleting, or
substituting segments of DNA molecules can alter genes. An altered
gene may be passed on to every cell that develops from it. The resulting
features may help, harm, or have little or no effect on the offspring's
success in its environment. 5B/H4*
Gene mutations can be caused by such things as radiation and
chemicals. When they occur in sex cells, they can be passed on to
offspring; if they occur in other cells, they can be passed on to
descendant cells only. The experiences an organism has during its
lifetime can affect its offspring only if the genes in its own sex cells are
changed by the experience. 5B/H5
The many body cells in an individual can be very different from
one another, even though they are all descended from a single cell and
thus have essentially identical genetic instructions. 5B/H6a
Different parts of the genetic instructions are used in different
types of cells, influenced by the cell's environment and past history.
Heritable characteristics can include details of biochemistry and
anatomical features that are ultimately produced in the development of
the organism. By biochemical or anatomical means, heritable
characteristics may also influence behavior. 5B/H7** (SFAA)
Essential Questions
 What makes you who you are?
 Why are people so different looking?
 How are characteristics of living things passed on through generations?
 Are there patterns in inheritance?
 What are gene mutations?
 Is a mutation always a “mistake”?
 Is heredity predictable?
Knowledge and Skills
Students should know:
 Sexual reproduction, genetic recombination, and random mutations lead to greater diversity in
 6.1 Gametes have half the number of chromosomes that body cells have. Body cells are diploid,
gametes are haploid. Asexual reproduction results in genetically identical offspring while sexual
reproduction results in genetically different offspring. In sexual reproduction, the offspring
receive half of the genetic material from each parent and are therefore unique individuals.
APS Science 2011
6.2 The process of meiosis reduces the number of chromosomes in half.
6.3 Mendel’s research showed that traits are inherited as discrete units and the patterns are
predictable. Geneticists apply mathematical principles of probability to Mendel’s laws of
inheritance in predicting simple genetic crosses.
 6.4 Genes encode proteins that produce a diverse range of traits. Students should know the
meaning and use of the words: gene, allele, heterozygous, homozygous, genome, genotype,
phenotype, dominant, and recessive.
 6.5 Trait inheritance follows the rules of probability.
 6.6 Independent assortment and crossing over during meiosis result in genetic diversity. The
sorting and recombination of genes in sexual reproduction results in a great variety of gene
combinations in offspring. Genetic recombination and mutations may or may not alter
phenotypes. Altered phenotypes may or may not be deleterious.
 7.1 Some traits are sex-linked.
 7.2 Phenotype is affected by many different factors. Students will understand how some alleles
interact with each other and the environment.
 7.4 A combination of methods is used to study human genetics
 7.3 Genes can be mapped to specific locations on chromosomes.
Students should be able to:
 Recognize the stages of meiosis a cell is in by viewing its chromosomes. Identify stages when
crossing-over and non-disjunction occur.
 Describe how does meiosis contribute to genetic variation.
 Model meiosis and compare and contrast it with mitosis both in number and types of cells
 Explain Mendel’s experiments and how they demonstrate the laws of inheritance.
 Calculate probabilities from simple genetic combinations.
 Use Punnett Squares to predict the gametes for monohybrid and dihybrid crosses, given parental
 Describe instances where phenotypes are affected by many factors.
 Interpret a karyotype.
 Arrange and interpret a pedigree.
 Identify different chromosomal mutations.
Stage 2: Assessment Evidence
Prior Knowledge and Skills
 Stages of mitosis.
 Experimental design.
 Chromosomes contain genes.
 Administer Ch 6 and portions of Ch 7 Diagnostic Test - Assessment Book pp. 107-108, and 127128.
APS Science 2011
Formative Assessment
 Modeling activities
 Chart comparing and contrasting
mitosis and meiosis
 Webquest: Dog Breeding (use as
an intro to traits or midway
through unit)
 Webquest: Tracking Family
 Section quizzes
Summative Assessment
 Possible Performance Task: Students could take the role of a
genetic counselor. Students investigate a genetic disorder
and counsel patients who want to have a child without the
disorder. Describe the disorder in terms of alleles (dominant,
recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, etc.). Create
pedigrees of the couple’s family history and describe the
couple’s probability of having a child with that disorder
using Punnett Squares.
 Unit Test
Stage 3: Learning Plan
References to Adopted Materials
 Ch 6 Meiosis and Mendel pp. 166-197 and portions of Ch 7 Extending Mendelian Genetics pp. 198223.
 Use Lesson Plan pp. 42-49 (Ch 6) and pp.50-55 (Ch 7) for daily plan and suggestions for
differentiation both by level and by interest.
 The Lab Binder Unit 3: Genetics offers paper and electronic versions of investigations, mini-labs
and practice sheets.
Suggested Investigations
 6.1 Intro Chromosomes and meiosis. Give students materials listed under “Teacher Demo” and have
them develop a model of a chromosome. Review the terms: chromosome, sister chromatids,
centromere. Students make a chart / cut and paste activity comparing body cells (somatic cells) to
sex cells (gametes). Do data analysis, p. 172.
 6.2 Using “chromosomes” created during intro, have students look at the photograph on p. 167.
Have students work in groups and ask students to determine a method of reducing the chromosome
number in half. Students can do the “Hands-on Activity” on pp. 174-175 to model meiosis or review
their model by watching meiosis animation (Animated Biology at
 6.3 Preview vocabulary and present Mendel’s experiments (or video clip from United Streaming
listed below).
 6.4 Review vocabulary from the previous section and do an investigation in which students need to
use the terms: dominant, recessive, homozygous, etc. Baby Genes Activity – Flinn Scientific
#FB1575 or similar investigation (example: Rebops) are helpful. Students use “gene” cards to
determine genotypes and phenotypes of offspring. Mouse Breeding (one and two trait
investigations) at (free 30 day memberships available if you do not have a
Gizmo membership) is also an interactive way to practice using terms and concepts. There are links
to Dragon Genetics and Mendel’s experiments under Animated Biology at and under
suggested websites.
 6.5 Use genotypes from above investigations and practice using to predict genotypic and phenotypic
ratios. Punnett Squares can be found in the Lab Binder. Other resources: Quick lab: Using a
Testcross p. 185. Options for Inquiry: Probability Practice p. 193. Hands-on Activity p. 186 to
model independent assortment. Practice setting up and interpreting a dihybrid cross using Ch6
Investigation p188. Virtual Lab: Breeding Mutations in Fruit Flies found at
 6.6 (This may have been incorporated into 6.1) Sexual reproduction and crossing over increase
genetic diversity
APS Science 2011
7.1 The chromosomes on which genes are located can affect the expression of traits. Quick lab: Sexlinked Inheritance p. 202
 7.2 Phenotype is affected by many different factors. Codominance lab p. 208.Other possibilities:
Genetic word problems or a simulated blood typing lab.
 7.4 Interpreting and using pedigrees and karyotypes. Options for Inquiry Investigation: Pedigree
Analysis p. 218, pedigree and probability practice under animated biology (Ch 7) or Pedigree
Investigator: (directions, pedigree, and activity)
 Online Karyotyping Activity - online interactive simulation using actual human karyotype images.
Students investigation chromosomal abnormalities and diagnose patients using karyotypes they
complete. (Go to patient histories after reading the introduction.)
 Other possibility: Breed Wisconsin Fast Plants
Outdoor Education Applications
 N/A
Web Sites
 How is Sex Determined?
 Comparison of Mitosis and Meiosis
 Life’s Greatest Miracle – watch clips from an excellent DVD about human development:
 Various websites mentioned above in investigations
 Online Biology at Resources available after creating a login and password. Under
Ch 6 & Ch 7:
o Animated Biology: View Meiosis, How Genotype Affects Phenotype, Mendel’s
Experiment BUT a better option is: , Human Chromosomes
(karyotyping mentioned in investigations is better), and Tracking Traits does not work.
o Virtual Lab: Breeding Mutations in Fruit Flies
o Reviews
o Quizzes
o Webquest: Selective Breeding (Ch 6) and Genetic Heritage (Ch 7)
o SciLinks
o Teacher Toolkit: link to Colorblind Simulation
 Nova: Life’s Greatest Miracle – excellent animations of meiosis and crossing-over.
 Nova: Cracking the Code – long but informative video that tracks the race to get credit to map out
Human Genome Project. Vignettes of genetic disorders (Tay-Sachs, Cystic Fibrosis, etc.) and
research are interesting and compelling.
Online clips
Biologix: Introduction to Classical Genetics and Monohybrid Crosses (29:06). First ten minutes
provides a nice overview of Mendel’s experiment and vocabulary – use sections as necessary. Would
not recommend viewing entire video during class. (Discovery Streaming)
APS Science 2011
Field Trips
 N/A
 N/A