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Plants and animals are made up of millions of tiny parts called cells.
Cells have even tinier parts that do different jobs to keep cells alive.
Cell is the smallest part of a living thing that can carry out all the
processes of life.
 Ex. cells take in nutrients- the materials they need to live and
grow. They also get rid of wastes.
 Created
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to beCorner
seen without a microscope.
Animal Cells
1. Cell Membrane
 surrounds and protects the cell
 allows water and nutrients to pass into the cell.
 Also allows waste to pass out of the cell.
2. Cytoplasm
 inside the cell membrane - “cell liquid” between the membrane and
3. Nucleus
 located in the center of the cell and controls the cell’s growth.
 Is called an organelle, or “little organ”
4. Organelle
 A small structure that does a certain job.
 Jobs- releasing energy, builds/transports proteins or removes waste.
 Float in the cytoplasm.
Cell Membrane
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Plant Cells
1. Cell wall
 surrounds the plant cell
 Protects the cell and helps the plant to keep its shape.
2. Cell membrane
 allows water and nutrients to pass into the cell.
 Also allows waste to pass out of the cell.
3. Nucleus
 located in the center of the cell and controls the cell’s growth.
 This is like the “brain” of the cell.
4. Chloroplasts
 Use light energy from the sun to make food for the plant.
 Contain green chemical called chlorophyll.
 Chlorophyll absorbs, or takes in, the energy of sunlight.
5. Cytoplasm
 jelly-like substance that fills the rest of the plant cell
 Most of the cell’s work takes place here.
Cell Wall
Cell Membrane
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Parts of Plant and Animal Cells
Cell Part
Controls the cells growth
Allows materials to move in and out
Cell Wall
Helps keep its shape
Jelly-like substance
Produce food for plants
Parts that do different jobs
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Plants Animals
Single-Celled Organisms
Plants, animals and humans are made up of millions of tiny cells (multi-celled
Some organisms are made up of only one cell (single-celled organisms)
1. Single-celled organisms are simple life forms
 Include: bacteria, amoebas and others.
 They move, find food, grow, and make new organisms.
2. Bacteria are one-celled organisms that do NOT have a nucleus.
 The material that is usually in a nucleus can be found all over the
cytoplasm instead.
 More bacteria on earth than any other living thing
 Some bacteria is helpful, and some is harmful.
 One handful of soil can contain billions of bacteria.
3. Amoebas are a kind of single-celled organism.
 They live everywhere including pond water, saltwater, animals, and
 Amoebas have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, and a nucleus
 They move by:changing their shape.
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Single-Celled Organisms
4. Algae are plant-like organisms that
 Live in water, moist places, and under rocks
 Among the oldest things on earth!
 Algae have a cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, and
 Algae produce most of the oxygen that you breathe!
5. How do single-celled organisms move?
 Tail-like parts called flagella
 Hairlike structures called cilia
 Paramecium also use their cilia to get food
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Multi-Celled Organisms
Multi-celled organism is made of up of more than one cell.
 Plants, animals and other living things.
 Made up of different kinds of cells that have certain jobs to
 Muscle cells, white blood cells, and nerve cells
 For example: the cells that make up your heart work
together to move oxygen and blood to other cells throughout
your body.
Nerve Cell
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Harmful Microorganisms
A microorganism is a living thing that is too small to be seen without a
• Microorganisms live everywhere on Earth.
• Soil, air and water
o Bacteria make up the largest group of microorganisms
– Fungi, algae, protozoa (amoebas and paramecium)
Harmful Microorganisms
Some harmful bacteria such as Salmonella or E Coli can make you sick.
 Harmful bacteria can be found in:
 Raw chick and other meat, raw eggs and other foods.
A virus is another microorganism that causes diseases
smaller than bacteria
NOT a living thing.
Viruses cause diseases, and they change as they reproduce
Examples: Colds, flu, and chicken pox.
Medicine that kills one virus cannot kill another virus.
Fungi is another harmful microorganism
 Causes diseases in plants and infections in people.
 Example: athletes foot, make food spoil (bread mold)
 Fungus rots food and wood
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Helpful Microorganisms
We could NOT live without Microorganisms.
 E-coli helps your body digest, or break down, the food you eat.
o Ex. Bacteria helps cows digest grass; termites could not digest
the wood they chew without bacteria.
 Humans use microorganisms to make certain foods.
o Turn milk into cheese and yogurt.
o Yeast to make dough rise
Bacteria and fungi are decomposers
 Without it, Earth would be covered with a layer of dead plants and
Algae are the main producers.
 Source of food and energy for living things.
 Puts oxygen into the air for animals to breathe.
Protozoa are helpful too.
 They are food for animals that live in water.
 Help remove harmful wastes from sewage at water treatment plants.
Living with Microorganisms
 Wash your hands after cooking.
 Antibiotics: medicines that cure diseases caused by bacteria.
o Kill harmful bacteria, but can kill helpful bacteria too.
o Eating yogurt can help put back the helpful bacteria.
Created by: Cammie’s Corner
Vocabulary – Words to Know
Cell: the smallest part of a living thing that can carry
out all the processes of life.
2. Cell membrane: a covering that surrounds and
protects a cell. It controls what enters and leaves the
3. Cytoplasm: a thick fluid that fills most of the space
inside a cell.
4. Nucleus: the “brain” of the cell. Directs the cell’s
5. Organelle: a small structure that does a certain job.
6. Cell wall: a stiff covering outside the cell membrane
of a plant cell.
7. Chloroplast: an organelle in plant cells that uses
light energy to make food.
8. Single-celled: made up of only one cell.
9. Bacteria: single-celled organisms that do not have a
10. Multi-celled: made up of more than one cell.
11. Microorganisms: an organism that is too small to be
seen without a microscope.
12. Antibiotic: a medicine that kills harmful bacteria.
Created by: Cammie’s Corner
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Created by: Cammie’s Corner