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The Cell
Lesson 8-9
Lesson 8–9: Building a Cell City
Instructional Outcomes
Maine Literacy Result:
C: Students will understand that cells are the basic units of life.
Content Learning Outcome: Student will demonstrate and synthesize knowledge of community
within a cell and the cell’s ability to function successfully as a system.
Teacher-created rubric: Building a Structure: Cell City Rubric
Literacy Support Strategies and Instruction
Before reading/learning:
During reading/learning:
Triple Journal Entry
Two Column Notes
Venn Diagram
After reading/learning:
Exit Slip
Before Reading/Learning (30 Minutes)
Literacy outcome:
Students will be asked to construct a list of services in their hometown that resemble the
functions of structures in an animal/plant cell.
Teacher preparation:
The teacher will post the question, What services in Madison do we have that resemble the
structures/functions in al animal/plant cell?
Template Example
Teacher facilitation:
The teacher will monitor as the students work in pairs using references such as,, or their
science textbook to complete the Think-Pair-Share activity.
The Cell
Lesson 8-9
At the end of Lesson 8:
The teacher asks each pair to contribute one local service and its connection to a cell organelle
to a list. The class list generated will be used as a reference for the construction of their city.
During Reading/Learning (40 Minutes)
Literacy outcome:
Students will demonstrate their cellular knowledge using their previously constructed Venn
Diagrams, Triple Entry Journals, and Two Column Notes in the construction of Cell City.
Teacher preparation:
Gather materials for this lesson. Suggested materials: Tinker Toys and/or Lincoln Logs.
Template Example:
Cell City Model Activity
Cell City Rubric
Teacher facilitation:
The teacher will distribute the model directions and the rubric to each group. The teacher will
show the groups the available materials, how to share the materials, and where to store their
completed models.
After Reading/Learning (10 Minutes)
Literacy outcome:
Students will reflect on and analyze various scenarios based on cell mutations.
Teacher preparation:
The teacher will post the Exit Slip Questions:
What happens to the other organelles in a cell if an organelle does not perform its
What might happen if the cell reproduces abnormally?
What might be some known diseases that are a result of abnormal cell
Teacher facilitation:
This writing can be conducted by a group or by individuals.
At the end of the class:
Students will pass in their exit slips.