* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
FINDINGS ON LIFE 2 Training Needs MEANS OF DELIVERY Main need: curricular areas driving development of cross skills self respect resilience self confidence autonomy leadership problem solving decision making critical thinking and creativity risk assessment and management time and stress management Training Needs Other less mentioned cross skills •Use of foreign language •ICT •Literacy Training Needs All target groups emphasized the importance of Interpersonal , Learn to Learn, Communication and Entrepreneurship Skills. Some skills are more related with attitudes, others with behaviours Employers and Org. supporting Disadvantaged People also stress importance of ITC-Use of Foreign languages - Literacy Org. supporting disadvantaged consider that this group deal hardly with frustration and give up easily at the first obstacle – “I don’t like it”, that’s the excuse. They need different approaches Numeracy was mentioned by one group MEANS OF DELIVERY Involve local authorities in entrepreneurial initiatives, thus adapting the pack of skills to local needs (e.g. creativity in a textile region has a different expression from a wine region) Enhance connections between schools and business world. We learn: • through doing, •side-by-side with those who have experience •and when we are well succeeded Increase internships opportunities and coached work experiences sooner ( confidence and self esteem) MEANS OF DELIVERY MEANS OF DELIVERY Use new techniques/strategies, such as visualization Improve learning methods of languages, giving conversation the leading role Insert actuality in Literacy – issues linked to the students reality Final thought Irrespective of how final kit will look like, we have to take into consideration that it also: •Will necessarily enhance personnel development process •Should drive a new educational Culture – life skill’s role must be upgraded to a level similar to traditional disciplines •Must help educational institutions to adapt to change and labour market requirements