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Exploration Lab
o Modeling
o Using scientific methods
o Describe the events that
occur in each stage of
o Relate mitosis to senetic
o pipe cleaners of at least
two different colors
o varn
wooden beads
white labels
Before You Begin
The cell cycle includes all of the phases in
the life of a cell. The cell cycle is a repeating
sequenceof cellular growth and division during the life of an organism. Mitosis is one of
the phasesin the cell cycle. Mitosis is the
process by which the material in a cell's
nucleus is divided during cell reproduction.
In this lab, you will build a model that will
help you understand the events of mitosis.
You can also use the model to demonstrate
the effects of nondisiunction and mutations.
1. Write a definition for each boldface term in
the paragraph above and for the following
terms: chromatid, centromere, spindle
fiber, cytokinesis.
2. Where in the human body do cells undergo
3. How does a cell prepare to divide during
interphase of the cell cycle?
4. Based on the objectives for this lab, write a
question you would like to explore about
A: Design a Model
1. Work with the members of your lab group
to design a model of a cell that uses the
materials listed for this lab. Be sure your
model cell has at least two pairs of chromosomes and is about to undergo mitosis.
You Ghoose
will explore
?. what
b. how to constructa cell membrane
G. how to showthat your cell is diploid
d. how to show the locationsof at leasttwo
geneson eachchromosome
€. how to showthat chromosomesare
2. Write out the plan for building your model.
Have your teacher approve the plan before
you begin building the model.
CHAPTER6 Chromosomesand Cell Reproduction
Build the cell model your group
designed.CAUTION: Sharp or
pr*nted objects can cause injury. Handle
-issors carefully. Promptly notify your
bacher of any injuries. Use your model to
demonstrate the phasesof mitosis. Draw
md label each phase you model.
Itrseyour model to explore one of the questbns written for step 4 of Before You
Begin. Describe the stepsyou took to
erylore the question.
Test Hypotheses
;er each of the following questions by
miting a hypothesis. Use your model to test
hypothesis,and describeyour results.
ri Cltokinesis follows mitosis. How will the
size of each new cell that is formed followrng cytokinesis compare with that of the
original cell?
,3 Sometimes two chromatids fail to separate
during mitosis. How might this failure
affect the chromosome number of the two
new cells?
t- A mutation is a pennanent change in a
gene or chromosome. What effect might a
mutation in a parent cell have on future
generations of cells that result from the
parent cell?
G: Cleanup and Disposal
8'g "":1""::
Clean up your work areaand all lab
Y equipment. Return lab equipment to
its proper place. Wash your hands thoroughly before you leave the lab and after
you finish all work.
Analyze and Gonclude
1. Analyzing Results How do the nuclei
you made by modeling mitosis compare
with the nucleus of the model cell you
started with? Explain your result.
2. Evaluating Methods How could you
modify your model to better illustrate the
process of mitosis?
3. Recognizing Patterns How doesthe
genetic makeup of the cells that result from
mitosis compare with the genetic makeup
of the original cell?
4. Inferring Gonclusions How is mitosis
5. Further Inquiry Write a new question
about mitosis or the cell cycle that could be
explored with your model.
Do researchin the library or media center
to answer these questions:
1. How often do different cells of the
human body undergo mitosis?
2. What are some common chemicals
that disrupt the cell cycle?
Use the following Internet resourcesto
explore your own questionsabout mitosis
or the cell cycle.
CHAPTER6 Chromosomesand Cell Reproduction
' . Modeling
o Using scientific methods
o Describe the events that occur in each stageof mitosis.
. Relate mitosis to genetic continuity.
o pipe cleaners of at least two different colors
o yaITI
r wooden beads
o white labels
r scissors
The cell cycle includes all of the phasesin the life of a cell. The cell cyele is a
repeatingsequenceof cellular growth and division during the life of an organism.
Mitosis is one of the phasesin the cell cycle. Mitosis is the process by which the
material in a cell's nucleus is divided during cell reproduction. br this lab, you will
build a model that will help you understandthe eventsof mitosis. You can also use
the model to demonstratethe effects of nondisjunction and mutations.
l. Write a definition for each boldface term in the paxagraphabove and for the
following terms: chromatid, centromere,spindle fiber, cytokinesis. Use a
separatesheet of paper.
2. Where in the human body do cells undergo mitosis?
5. How does a cell prepare to divide during interphase of the cell cycle?
4. Based on the objectives for this lab, write a question you would like to
explore about mitosis.
Copyright @ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. AI rights reserved.
and CellReproduction
Mitosis continued
l. Work with the members of your lab group to design a model of a cell that
uses the materials listed for this lab. Be sure your model cell has at least two
pairs of chromosomesand is about to undergo mitosis.
You Choose
As you design your model, decide the following:
a. what question you will explore
b. how to construct a cell membrane
c. how to show that your cell is diploid
d. how to show the locations of at least two
genes on each chromosome
e. how to show that chromosomes are
duplicated before mitosis begins
2. Write out the plan for building your model. Have your teacher approve the
plan before you begin building the model.
5. ,1\.
Build the cell model your group designed.CAUTION: Sharp or pointed
objects ean cause irfury. Handle scissors carefully. Promptly notify
your teacher of any i4iuries. IJseyour model to demonstratethe
phasesof mitosis. Draw and label eachphaseyou model.
4. Use your model to e;plore one of the questionswritten for step 4 of Before
You Begin. Describe the steps you took to e4plore the question.
Copyright @ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
and CellReproduction
Answer each of the following questionsby writing a hypothesis.Use your model
to test each hypothesis, and describe your results.
. 5. Cytokinesis follows mitosis. How will the size of each new cell that is formed
following cytokinesis compare with that of the original cell?
6. Sometimestwo chromatids fail to separateduring mitosis. How might this
failure affect the chromosome number of the two new cells?
7.A mutation is a permanent changein a gene or chromosome.What effect
might a mutation in a parent cell have on future generationsof cells that
result from the parent cell?
Dispose of paper and yarn scraps in the designatedwaste container.
Clean up your work areaand all lab equipment.Return lab equipmentto
its proper place. Washyour hands thoroughly before you leave the lab
and after you finish all work.
Analyzeand Conclude
l. Analyzing Results How do the nuclei you made by modeling mitosis compare
with the nucleus of the model cell you started with? E4plain your result.
@ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Holt Biology
and CellReproduction
Modelin Mitosiscontinued
2. Evaluating Methods How could you modify your model to better illustrate
the process of mitosis?
5. RecognizingPatterns How does the genetic makeup of the cells that result
from mitosis compare with the genetic makeup of the original cell?
4. lnferring Conclusions How is mitosis important?
5. Further lnquiry Write a new question about mitosis or the cell cycle that
could be explored with your model.
Copyright @by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.An rights reserved.
Holt Biology
and CellReproduction
' . Modeling
. Using scientific methods
r Describe the events that occur in each stageof mitosis.
r Relate mitosis to genetic continuity.
. pipe cleaners of at least two different colors
o y&ITt
o wooden beads
o white labels
. scissors
The cell cycle includes all of the phasesin the life of a cell. The cell cycle is a
repeating sequenceof cellular growth and division during the life of an organism.
Mitosis is one of the phasesin the cell cycle. Mitosis is the process by which the
material in a cell's nucleus is divided during cell reproduction. In this lab, you will
build a model that will help you understand the events of mitosis. You can also use
the model to demonstratethe effects of nondisjunetion and mutations.
l. Write a definition for each boldface term in the paragraph above and for the
following terrns: chromatid, centromere,spindle fiber, cytokinesis. Use a
separatesheet of paper. Answers appeaxin the TE for this lab.
2. Where in the human body do cells undergo mitosis?
in the human body except in most nerve and skeletal
muscle cells
5. How does a cell prepare to divide during interphase of the cell cycle?
During interphase, the cell grows, duplicates its chromosomes and
organelles, and assembles microtubules.
4. Basedon the objectives for this lab, write a question you would like to
explore about mitosis.
Answers will vary. For example: How many ehromosomes
nucleus have after mitosis
will each new
has occured?
Copyright @ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All
and CellReproduction
l. Work with the members of your lab group to design a model of a cell that
uses the materials listed for this lab. Be sure your model cell has at least two
pairs of chromosomesand is about to undergo mitosis.
You Choose
As you design your model, decide the following:
a. what question you will explore
b. how to construct a cell membrane
c. how to show that your cell is diploid
d, how to show the locations of at least two
geneson each chromosome
e. how to show that chromosomesare
duplicated before mitosis begins
2. Write out the plan for building your model. Have your teacher approve the
plan before you begin building the model.
The cell model the students build may vary. For example: The students may
use the yarn to represent the cell membrane and spindle fibers, the pipe
cleaners to represent the chromosomes, the beads to represent the centromeres,
and the labels to indicate
the genes on the chromosomes.
5. ,,1\. Build the cell model your group designed.CAIITION: Sharp or pointed
objects cam camseinjurry. Handle scissors carefully. Promptly notify
your teacher of any irfuries. Use your model to demonstratethe
phasesof mitosis. Draw and label eachphaseyou model.
4. Use your model to explore one of the questionswritten for step 4 of Before
You Begin. Describe the steps you took to explore the question.
Answers will vary.
@ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Holt Biology
and CellReproduction
Modelin Mitosiscontinued
Answer each of the following questionsby writing a hypothesis.Use your model
to test each hypothesis, and describe your results.
5. Cytokinesisfollows mitosis. How will the size of each new cell that is formed
foltowing cytokinesis compare with that of the original cell?
Each new cell will initially
be smaller than the original
cell that divides.
6. Sometimestwo chromatids fail to separateduring mitosis. How might this
failure affect the chromosome number of the two new cells?
of one of the chromosomes
having two copies of that chromosome
will result
in one of the new cells
and the other cell having none.
7.A mutation is a permanent changein a gene or chromosome.What effect
might a mutation in a parent cell have on future gOnerationsof cells that
result from the parent cell?
All of the cells in the subsequent generations of cells will carry the
Dispose of paper and yarn scraps in the designatedwaste container.
Clean up your work area and all lab equipment.Return lab equipmentto
its proper place. Washyour hands thoroughly before you leave the lab
and after you finish all work.
Analyzeand Conclude
l. Analyzing ResultsHow do the nuclei you made by modeling mitosis compare
with the nucleus of the model cell you started with? Eaplain your result.
The nuclei students
made should be the same as the nucleus of the original
cell except that the chromosomes in the original cell are not replicated until
right before mitosis.
Copyright @ by Holt, Rinehart and Mnston. All rights reserved.
Holt Biology
and CellReproduction
2. Evaluating Methods How could you modify your model to better illustrate the
process of mitosis?
Answers will vary. Students could mention that the pipe eleaners do not
show how the shapes of the chromosomes
change as they are pulled apart.
5. RecognizingPatterns How does the genetic makeup of the cells that result
from mitosis compare with the genetic makeup of the originat cell?
The genesfound in the cells that result from mitosis are the sameas the
genes in the original cell. The chromosomes replicate before cell division.
One copy of each gene goes to each new cell.
4. lnferring ConclusionsHow is mitosirsimportarrt?
Answers will vary. Students should mention that mitosis preseryes the
chromosome number and genetic makeup of cells.
5. Further Inquiry Write a new question about mitosis or the cell cycle that could
be explored with your model.
Answers will vary. For exarnple:TVhathappensif the DNA is not replicated
before mitosis begins?
Copyright @ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Holt Biology
and CellReproduction