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Name: __________________________ Period: ___
Section 5.4
Heredity 2 Reading Guide
1. What are the two types of reproduction? (1) _________________________ (2) _______________________
2. Eggs and sperm are both specialized cells called __________________.
3. The offspring from sexual reproduction are genetically _________________________, because they have a
mixture of _______________ from both parents.
4. Asexual reproduction is the creation of offspring from a __________ parent and does not involve the joining
of ________________. The offspring that result are genetically _______________ to each other and to the
single parent.
5. Most prokaryotes reproduce through ____________________, which is the asexual reproduction of a
single-celled organism by division into ______________________________________________________.
6. Fill-in the following table with 2 advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction:
7. Some eukaryotes also reproduce asexually through _____________________________________________.
8. Complete the following table with descriptions/details of 3 forms of asexual reproduction in eukaryotes:
9. What forms of reproduction does the sea anemone use?
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Name: __________________________ Period: ___
Section 6.1
Heredity 2 Reading Guide
1. What are the two major groups of cell types in the human body?
2. What are somatic cells? ___________________________________________________________________
3. What are germ cells? _____________________________________________________________________
4. Where are gametes located in the body? ______________________________________________________
5. DNA in the ________________________ cells can be passed on to offspring.
6. What are homologous chromosomes?
7. Chromosome pairs 1 through 22 are __________________, which contain genes for traits not related to
gender, and the 23rd pair are the _________ chromosomes which __________________________________.
8. XX = ________________ XY = ________________
9. Are homologous chromosomes identical to each other? _____ Explain:
10. The fusion of an egg and sperm is called _________________________.
11. Body cells have the ___________ chromosome number, while gametes have the _________ number.
12. Humans: haploid number (n) = __________, diploid number (2n) = __________
13. How many autosomes are present in each human gamete? _______ How many sex chromosomes? _____
14. Complete the following table to summarize the differences between mitosis and meiosis:
Makes diploid cells
Makes genetically unique cells
Happens throughout lifetime
Involved in sexual reproduction
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Section 6.2
15. Meiosis is a form of nuclear division that creates _____ haploid cells from one ____________ cell. This
process involves _____ rounds of cell division, with each round having _____ phases.
16. Meiosis reduces the ________________________ and creates ___________________________.
17. Homologous chromosomes are very similar to one another and carry the same genes, but they are not
_____________ of each other. In contrast, sister chromatids are _____________ chromosomes that remain
attached by the centromere.
18. In the box to the right, draw and label 1 pair of homologous chromosomes and each of the
4 sister chromatids.
19. In the following table, list each stage of meiosis and provide a brief description of each stage.
Meiosis I
Meiosis II
20. Homologous chromosomes separate in Meiosis _____, while sister chromatids separate in Meiosis _____.
21. What does sperm contribute to an embryo? ___________________________________________________
22. What does an egg contribute to an embryo? ___________________________________________________
23. How is spermatogenesis different from oogenesis?
24. What are polar bodies? ____________________________________________________________________
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Name: __________________________ Period: ___
Section 6.3
Heredity 2 Reading Guide
25. What are traits? _________________________________________________________________________
26. What is genetics? ________________________________________________________________________
27. Who laid the groundwork for much of our understanding of genetics? ______________________________
28. How did Mendel’s views on inheritance differ from the views of other scientists of his time?
29. What were the 3 key choices Mendel made about his experiments:
(1) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(2) ____________________________________________________________________________________
(3) ____________________________________________________________________________________
30. What kind of organism did Mendel choose? ______________________ Why?
31. What does purebred mean? ________________________________________________________________
32. What is a cross (in terms of genetics)? _______________________________________________________
33. Mendel concluded that traits are inherited as discrete units, which we now call _______________________.
34. What two conclusions make up Mendel’s law of segregation:
(1) ___________________________________________________________________________________
(2) ___________________________________________________________________________________
Section 6.4
35. What is a gene? _________________________________________________________________________
36. What is an allele? ________________________________________________________________________
37. Homozygous refers to when the 2 alleles are __________________________, while heterozygous refers to
when the 2 alleles are ________________________________.
38. What is a genome?
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39. Genotype refers to the _______________________________________________ of a specific set of genes,
while phenotype would be the _____________________________ characteristics, or traits, of an individual.
40. What is a dominant allele?
41. What is a recessive allele?
42. Fill in the table below with the missing parts:
homozygous dominant
43. What factors besides alleles can affect phenotype?
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Name: __________________________ Period: ___
Section 6.5
Heredity 2 Reading Guide
44. True or False: Gregor Mendel developed the Punnett Square.
45. What is a Punnett square?
46. On a Punnett square, the axes represent _____________________________________ while the grid boxes
show ________________________________________________________________________________.
47. Why does each parent contribute only 1 allele to the offspring?
48. A monohybrid cross involves _______ trait, while a dihybrid cross involves _______ traits.
49. What is the genotypic ratio of the offspring in Figure 6.15? _______________________________________
50. What is the phenotypic ratio of the offspring in Figure 6.15? ______________________________________
51. What is a test cross?
52. What was the phenotypic ratio in the Mendel’s F2 generation dihybrid cross? ____________________
53. What is the law of independent assortment?
54. Probability predicts the _________________ number of occurrences, not the __________________ number
of occurrences.
55. To calculate the probability that 2 independent events will happen together, __________ the probability of
each individual event.
56. In Figure 6.18, the probability of getting one coin that is heads up and one coin that is tails up is _________.
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Name: __________________________ Period: ___
Section 6.6
Heredity 2 Reading Guide
57. What is the major advantage of sexual reproduction?
58. What are 2 ways that sexual reproduction helps create and maintain genetic diversity?
(1) __________________________________ (2) _______________________________________
59. Which does sexual reproduction create: new alleles or new combinations of alleles?
60. How is the production of unique genetic combinations an advantage to organisms and species?
61. What is crossing over?
62. In which phase of meiosis does crossing over occur? __________________ of Meiosis ____
63. Are chromosomes in a duplicated or an unduplicated state when crossing over occurs? _________________
64. Because crossing over results in new combinations of genes, it is also called _________________________,
which generally refers to any ______________________________________________________________.
65. Genes farther apart on a chromosome are more likely to be ______________ when crossing over occurs.
66. The tendency for 2 genes that are located close together on a chromosome to be inherited together is called
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Name: __________________________ Period: ___
Section 7.1
Heredity 2 Reading Guide
1. What is a carrier?
2. List the example provided of a disorder caused by a recessive allele:
3. List the example provided of a disorder caused by a dominant allele:
4. Mendel did not know about chromosomes; he only studied traits produced by genes on ________________.
5. What are genes called that are located on sex chromosomes? ________________________________
6. In humans, how does a gamete from a male determine the sex of the offspring?
7. For what are the genes on the Y chromosome responsible? _______________________________________
8. How are sex-linked genes expressed differently in the phenotypes of males and females?
9. What is X-chromosome inactivation?
Section 7.2
10. What is incomplete dominance? ____________________________________________________________
Give an example: ________________________________________________________________________
11. What is codominance? ____________________________________________________________________
Give an example: ________________________________________________________________________
12. Traits produced by 2 or more genes are called ____________________. Example: ____________________
13. What is an epistatic gene? _____________________________________. Example: ___________________
14. Genes and ____________________ also interact to determine human traits. Example: _________________
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