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Types of Cells and Cell Structure
Multiple Choice. (3 points each)
1. All of the following are true about cell theory except
a. Cells are considered to be the basic unit of life.
b. All living organisms are made of cells.
c. Eukaryotic cells appeared on Earth before prokaryotic cells.
d. All cells come from pre-existing cells.
2. If you have only organelles, nothing can happen; if you have all the organelles together and
inside a membrane “life” can emerge. This is an example of
a. Cell theory
b. Open systems
c. Emergent properties
d. Cytology
3. Because some materials can enter/exit a cell in its natural environment, it is considered a(n)
a. closed system.
b. open system.
c. unicellular organism.
d. multi-cellular organism.
4. Light microscopes
a. use an electron beam pathway to produce an image of a specimen on a computer screen.
b. use lenses to magnify and direct light in relation to a specimen.
c. are more expensive than electron microscopes.
d. are used only to view dead specimens.
e. Both a and c
5. Prokaryotic cells
a. Appeared after eukaryotic cells.
b. Have a true nucleus.
c. Contain no organelles.
d. Contain DNA.
e. Both a and d
f. Both c and d
g. Both a and c
6. Prokaryotic cells are the most abundant cells on Earth.
a. True
b. False
7. Why do cells divide?
a. They become inefficient at moving food/wastes into and out of the cell as their surface area
to volume ratio decreases.
b. They become inefficient at moving food/wastes into and out of the cell as their surface area
to volume ratio increases.
c. Cells can only get so large.
d. Both a and c.
e. None of the above.
8. Cytology is the study of
a. Plants
c. Animals
b. Cells
d. Cytoplasm
9. All of the following are considered main parts to Eukaryotic cells except
a. Plasma (cell) membrane
b. Nucleus
c. Mitochondria
d. Cytoplasm
10. All the following are true about cell nuclei except
a. All cells contain a true nucleus
b. They are the “control center” of a cell
c. They contain genetic material
d. They have their own membrane (nuclear envelope)
e. Materials can move into and out of a cell’s nucleus
11. DNA that is tightly wound up is called
a. Chromatin
c. Chromosome
12. The primary location of ribosome synthesis.
a. Nucleus
c. Rough endoplasmic reticulum
b. Nucleolus
d. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
13. Why are ribosomes not considered organelles?
a. They are not found in all cells.
b. They make proteins.
c. They are not wrapped in a membrane.
d. Both a and c.
e. None of the above.
14. Bound ribosomes are located in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of prokaryotic cells.
a. True
c. False
15. Proteins that leave cells to be used elsewhere within an organism are synthesized in
a. RER
c. SER
b. Free ribosomes
d. the nucleolus
16. Free ribosomes are found ONLY in Eukaryotic cells; bound ribosomes are found in ALL cells.
a. True
b. False
17. Which of the following is NOT true about the Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)?
a. It is always found near a cell’s nucleus.
b. It is not found in prokaryotic cells.
c. It is involved in the synthesis of lipids, phospholipids, and carbohydrates.
d. It helps to detoxify blood; many are found in liver cells.
e. Many SER are found in muscle cells.
18. Which of the following is/are true about the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)?
a. RER helps with protein synthesis.
b. Ribosomes are bound to the inside of RER.
c. Proteins made by the SER are released into the cell.
d. It is composed of a network of small tubes called cisternae.
e. Both a and c.
f. Both b and d.
g. Both a and d.
The Golgi Apparatus modifies proteins by attaching sugars to proteins. These molecules are
a. Glucoproteins
b. Glycoproteins
c. Sugteins
d. Cellulitic-proteins
This organelle is composed of a phospholipid bilayer, is full of the digestive enzyme lysozyme, is
involved in digestion and recycling of cell parts, and acts as the “stomach” of a cell.
a. SER
b. RER
c. Vacuole
d. Lysosome
e. None of the above
The process of a cell “eating”.
a. Endocytosis
b. Exocytosis
c. Phagocytosis
d. Pinocytosis
Which of the following is NOT true of mitochondria.
a. Cellular respiration and energy release happens here.
b. It has its own DNA, ribosomes, and enzymes inside it.
c. They are believed to at one time been purple bacteria living independently.
d. They are found in a cell’s nucleus.
e. None of these.
This organelle is the site of photosynthesis in green plants; contains thylakoid, grana, and
a. Ribosomes
b. Bacteria
c. Chloroplast
d. Cell wall
Which of the following is/are NOT true about a cell’s cytoskeleton?
a. It helps to support and protect a cell’s structure.
b. It helps keep inner organelles organized.
c. It is composed of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments.
d. All of these are false
Which of the following have cell walls within its structure?
a. An apple
b. A leaf
c. A human being
d. Algae in a pond
e. Both a and d
f. Both a and b
Short answer. (5 points each)
26. In no more than 3 sentences, explain in detail what 3 structures specifically prokaryotic and
eukaryotic cells have in common with each other that are necessary to build a basic cell.
27. Cells are described as the basic unit of life and their composition is described as the “sum of its
parts.” In no more than 4 sentences, justify these two state statements.
Problem. (15 points)
28. Calculate the Surface Area (SA), Volume (V), and Surface Area to Volume Ratio (SA:V). SHOW
SA = ___________; V = ___________
SA:V = ___________________