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Cells and the Cell Cycle
In 1838 Theodor Schleiden and Jacob Schwann proposed the cell
theory. Their proposal had two main tenets: that every living
organism is composed of one or more cells and that new cells can
arise only by the division of preexisting cells. Cell division is the
only path to immortality. Nondividing cells can live for as long as a
hundred years, but they always eventually die. Viruses are the one
apparent exception to the cell theory, but since they can replicate
only inside cells, their continued existence depends on the
continued reproduction of cells.
Since the early part of the twentieth century, scientists have
understood that the chromosomes carry genetic information. To
reproduce, cells must replicate their chromosomes and then
segregate them into two daughters. By the late 1950s the
demonstration that DNA was the genetic material and the
elucidation of its structure enabled biochemists to ask questions
about DNA replication. Advances in cell biology during the 1960s
identified the molecules that form the cytoskeleton that gives
cells their shape and organizes the segregation of chromosomes
and the division of cells. Thus by 1970, scientists understood the
basic composition of cells and could frame questions about the
molecular details of individual processes in the cell cycle. This
chapter describes the fundamental properties of cells and the cell
cycle, and introduces a series of experiments that raised fascinating
questions about the logical organization of the cell cycle.
Cells are complicated objects of many different types. The most
important distinction is between eukaryotic cells, whose DNA is
enclosed in a nucleus, and prokaryotic cells (such as bacteria)
which lack any distinction between nucleus and cytoplasm (Figure
1-1). This section attempts to identify the universal properties of
cells that are relevant to the cell cycle.
A cell is a cooperative of molecules capable of
reproducing itself
Cells are discrete entities that grow and divide. To do so, a cell
must have a number of components: a set of instructions and the
production facilities for making the molecules that will form the
next cooperative, a mechanism for dividing one cell into two, and a
defined boundary between itself and its environment across which
nutrients are imported and wastes exported.
The instructions are encoded in the sequence of DNA in the
chromosomes. During the cell cycle, the chromosomes have two
functions. As carriers of genetic information, they must be
duplicated by specialized replication enzymes and then segregated
into two daughter cells as a result of rearrangements in the
cytoskeleton that also divide the cell in two. In addition, they must
express their genes to direct the production of the two classes of
proteins: those that regulate the cell cycle and those that form the
components of the next generation of cells.
The border between the cell and its environment is defined by the
plasma membrane, which is composed of a mixture of lipids and
proteins. The plasma
membrane is impermeable to large molecules and to most of the
small molecules inside the cell. Membrane proteins mediate the
interactions between the cell and its environment. Transport
proteins bring nutrients into cells, export waste products, and
maintain the ionic composition of the cytoplasm, and membrane
receptors allow cells to respond to chemical signals sent by other
Eukaryotic cells have discrete organelles -- including the nucleus,
mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic
reticulum -- each bounded by one or two membranes. Exchanging
materials between organelles involves traffic of membrane vesicles
and proteins between organelles while exchanging proteins between
the cell and its environment involves vesicle traffic between
organelles and the plasma membrane.
Cells contain thousands of different proteins
How complicated is a cell? A reasonable guess is that a cell needs
between 2,000 and 5,000 different enzymes and structural
proteins to grow and divide. The amounts of different cell
components vary considerably: Some molecules, like ribosomal
proteins and RNAs, are present in millions of identical copies per
cell, others, like DNA, as only one or two.
Cells contain many different types of proteins, each specialized for
a particular role in the life of the cell. Important classes include the
enzymes that produce the building blocks for the synthesis of DNA,
RNA, and proteins and the enzymes that use these building blocks
to replicate DNA, transcribe DNA into RNA, and translate mRNA into
protein. The form and function of cells depend on the structural
proteins that form the cytoskeleton and on the motor proteins that
move objects, such as chromosomes, along elements of the
Enzymes that regulate protein phosphorylation play a crucial role in
regulating the cell cycle. Protein kinases transfer phosphate
groups from ATP to a particular amino acid in the target protein,
whereas protein phosphatases remove the phosphate groups
from the target proteins. The addition and removal of phosphate
groups can dramatically alter the behavior of the target proteins.
Many kinases and phosphatases show remarkable specificity for the
proteins they modify and act as molecular switches that control the
activity of their target proteins. Changes in protein
phosphorylation are by far the most common examples of the posttranslational modifications that regulate the activity of proteins
during the cell cycle.
Despite their complexity, most cells are very small. A typical
bacterial cell is less than 2 µm long, a typical human cell less than
20 µm in diameter (1 µm [micrometer or micron] is equal to 106m).
There are, however, some notable exceptions (Figure 1-2). A
frog egg, 1 mm in diameter, is large enough to contain about 109
bacteria or 105 postembryonic frog cells. In a given organism,
different types of cells can be of very different sizes, but within a
particular cell type, cell size is fairly uniform. We do not understand
what governs the size of particular cells.
Organisms are composed of cells
Although there are many cell types, almost all of them have the
ability to grow and divide. Some cells exist as autonomous
unicellular organisms. Each time the cell divides, the organism
reproduces, and cells physically interact only during the sexual
phase of the life cycle. Other cells interact and cooperate with
each other to form multicellular organisms. Most prokaryotes
are unicellular, whereaas eukaryotes have a wide range of lifestyles. Some, like yeasts, are unicellular; others, including most
plants and animals, are multicellular.
Multicellular organisms can be thought of as cooperatives devoted
to a common end, the growth and reproduction of the organism.
The cells grow and divide in complex architectural patterns,
differentiate into cells specialized for different functions, form
organs, and communicate with each other by chemical and
electrical signals. This book concentrates on the cell cycles of
unicellular organisms and multicellular animals. Although the spatial
pattern of cell division is exquisitely regulated in plants, we know
little about the molecules that regulate plant cell cycles.
In complex animals different cells are specialized for different
functions; mammals are estimated to have as many as 200 cell
types. Despite their complicated patterns of interdependence, cells
in multicellular organisms are distinct entities with considerable
autonomy. They are responsible for their own maintenance, and in
principle, they can grow and divide independently of their
neighbors. In practice, however, organisms regulate cell growth and
division according to a set of strict “social” rules. Violation of
these rules leads to cancer and ultimately the death of the
organism (see Chapter 9).
Earlier, we said that to complete a cell cycle, most cells must
replicate and segregate their chromosomes, grow and divide. A
significant minority of cell cycles fail to conform to this simple
definition. Rather than attempting a universal definition of the cell
cycle, we will simply describe the cycle of a typical human cell and
then discuss some of the variations exhibited by other cells.
The cell cycle is divided into four discrete phases
Rapidly dividing human cells have a cell cycle that lasts about 24
hours. The cell cycle is divided into two fundamental parts:
interphase, which occupies the majority of the cell cycle, and
mitosis:definition, which lasts about 30 minutes, ending with the
division of the cell. During interphase the DNA is diffusely
distributed within the nucleus, and individual chromosomes cannot
be distinguished. Little activity can be detected with a microscope,
although two important classes of processes are occurring.
Continuous processes occur throughout interphase and are
referred to collectively as growth. These processes include the
synthesis of new ribosomes, membranes, mitochondria,
endoplasmic reticulum, and most cellular proteins. Stepwise
processes occur once per cell cycle. For example, chromosome
replication is restricted to a specific part of interphase called S
phase (for DNA synthesis). S phase occurs in the middle of
interphase, preceded by a gap called G1 and followed by a gap
called G2 (Figures 1-3 and 1-4). After each chromosome has
replicated, the two daughter chromosomes remain attached to each
other at multiple points along their length and are referred to as
sister chromatids. In a typical animal cell cycle, G1 lasts 12
hours, S phase 6 hours, G2 6 hours, and mitosis about 30 minutes.
Cells assemble a spindle and segregate their
chromosomes during mitosis
Mitosis is a dramatic, coordinated change in the architecture of the
cell that segregates the replicated chromosomes into two identical
sets, and initiates cell division (Figure 1-5). The first sign that a
cell is about to enter mitosis is a period called prophase During
prophase the chromosomes condense; they become visibly distinct
from each other as very thin threads that shorten and thicken until
each chromosome can be resolved into a pair of sister chromatids.
Prophase ends when the nuclear envelope breaks down, abolishing
the distinction between nucleus and cytoplasm. Dramatic changes
also occur in the organization of microtubules, long fibers that
radiate throughout the cell from a microtubule organizing
center that is called the centrosome in animal cells and the
spindle pole body in yeasts and other fungi. Cells are born with
a single microtubule organizing center, which duplicates during
interphase. As mitosis progresses, the microtubule network
undergoes profound changes that lead to the formation of the
mitotic spindle, an array of microtubules shaped like an American
football with the centrosomes at its ends. (During mitosis,
microtubule organizing centers are often called spindle poles.)
Specialized regions of the chromosomes called kinetochores
attach them to microtubules. The two members of each pair of
sister chromatids attach to microtubules originating from opposite
poles of the spindle and move to a position midway between the
two spindle poles. When all the chromosomes are lined up like this,
the cell is in metaphase.
The cell remains briefly in metaphase before dissolving the linkage
between the sister chromatids, a critical event that marks the
beginning of anaphase. Because sister chromatids are no longer
held together, they separate from one another and move along the
microtubules to opposite poles of the spindle. As the
chromosomes near the poles, the physical process of cell division,
called cytokinesis, begins. A contractile ring pinches the cell into
two daughter cells, each containing a complete set of
chromosomes and a spindle pole. As cytokinesis proceeds, the
chromosomes decondense and acquire a nuclear envelope, reforming an interphase nucleus, and the microtubule array returns to
its interphase pattern.
The relative timing of cytokinesis and chromosome decondensation
varies in different cell types, making it difficult to define a precise
boundary between the end of mitosis and the beginning of
interphase. We consider the onset of anaphase to mark the end of
mitosis for two reasons: It is an easily observed and sharply defined
event, and it corresponds to an important change in the machinery
that regulates the cell cycle. We also choose this point to define
the end of one cell cycle and the beginning of the next.
The length of the cell cycle and the details of mitosis
vary among different cell types
The cell cycles of different organisms, and even of different cells
within the same organism, can appear quite different from each
other. For example, the behavior of the nuclear envelope varies
between multicellular and unicellular organisms (Figure 1-6). Most multicellular organisms have the
open mitosis just described, in which the nuclear envelope breaks
down and then re-forms. In contrast, many unicellular eukaryotes
have closed mitosis, in which the nucleus stays intact throughout
mitosis. In closed mitosis the spindle assembles inside the nucleus,
and the nucleus pinches in two after chromosome segregation is
complete. The details of cell division also vary among cell types:
Animal cells pinch in half, whereas plants and other organisms that
have rigid cell walls lay down a new cell wall in the center of the
cell. Nevertheless, all these cell cycles retain the four features of
the typical eukaryotic somatic cell cycle: growth, DNA
replication, mitosis, and cell division.
Under appropriate conditions many somatic cells grow continuously,
with a more or less constant cell cycle duration, varying from 24
hours for rapidly dividing mammalian cells to 90 minutes for yeast.
The duration of the cell cycle varies considerably within a
population of cells, however, with one cell often dividing a good
deal earlier or later than its neighbors (Figure 1-7). Some cells exist
for days, months, or years without growing or dividing but can be
induced to divide again. For example, liver cells normally neither
grow nor divide, but liver damage rapidly induces them to divide.
Other cells, such as neurons, have left the cell cycle irreversibly and
can never divide again.
Cell cycles of early embryos are naturally synchronous
Biochemical studies of the cell cycle require populations of cells
that proceed synchronously through the cell cycle. Cells in the
somatic cell cycle are usually not synchronous, making it necessary
to devise techniques to produce populations that are all in the same
part of the cell cycle. There are two ways to synchronize cells.
Induction synchronization uses special conditions, such as
treatment with drugs that block specific steps in the cell cycle, to
arrest all the cells at a particular point in the cycle. Removing the
block allows the arrested cells to proceed relatively synchronously
through the cell cycle. Selection synchronization isolates a
subpopulation of cells that are at the same point in the cell cycle by
exploiting a cellular property that changes as cells go through the
cell cycle. One popular method exploits the variation in cell size
during the cell cycle by using special centrifuges to sort cells by
size. All synchronization methods suffer from a serious limitation.
Because the duration of somatic cell cycles varies, the synchrony in
a population of cells decays rapidly as they are allowed to pass
through the cell cycle.
This disadvantage can be overcome by exploiting the natural
synchrony of the early embryonic cell cycles that occur in
fertilized eggs. It is easy to obtain large quantities of unfertilized
eggs from frogs and marine invertebrates and then fertilize them to
produce populations of cells that proceed rapidly and synchronously
through several cell cycles (see Figure 1-7). Much of our
information about the control of the cell cycle has come from
studying these highly simplified cycles, which simply subdivide the
egg into smaller and smaller cells without any growth between cell
divisions (Figure 1-8).
Although rapid, early embryonic cell cycles do obey the rule that
rounds of DNA replication alternate with rounds of chromosome
segregation. Certain specialized cell cycles, however, break this
rule. For example, the meiotic cell cycles that produce the
specialized cells involved in sexual reproduction follow one round of
DNA replication by not one but two rounds of chromosome
segregation (see Chapter 10).
To study the cell cycle we need ways of telling where individual
cells are in the cycle. Animal cells in mitosis are easily recognized
under the microscope; they lose the distinction between nucleus
and cytoplasm, and the condensed chromosomes align on the
Microscopy does not reveal, however, whether an
interphase cell is in G1, S phase, or G2.
The DNA content of a cell reveals its position in the cell
Cells in S phase can be detected by their ability to incorporate
labeled DNA precursors whose presence can be detected after
killing the cells. This method can be modified to determine the
fraction of cells in different parts of the cell cycle, but the
experiments are time-consuming and indirect. At present most
researchers use a technique, called flow cytometry, that
measures the amount of DNA in each cell of a population. A
population of cells is treated with a fluorescent DNA- binding dye
and passed one at a time through an exquisitely sensitive device
that measures the amount of dye bound to each cell and calculates
the amount of DNA present. The DNA content of G2 cells is
exactly twice that of G1 cells, and cells in S phase have an
intermediate DNA content that increases with the extent of
replication. A typical profile of DNA content in an asynchronous,
cycling population of mammalian cells is shown in Figure 1-9. There
are clear peaks of G1 and G2 cells, but because the cells in S phase
are spread over a range of DNA contents, the valley between the
G1 and G2 peaks is quite low.
Cell fusion experiments reveal the logic of the cell cycle
The production of two viable, genetically identical daughter cells
poses a number of problems. Cells must replicate their
chromosomes accurately and then segregate them into two
identical sets. These two activities must be coordinated with each
other. For example, since chromosome condensation prevents
further DNA replication, cells must not begin mitosis until they have
finished DNA replication. This is an example of the completion
problem, the requirement that certain processes in the cell cycle
be finished before others begin. Another problem that cells must
solve is the alternation problem: What mechanisms ensure that
each round of DNA replication is followed by a round of
chromosome segregation, rather than another round of DNA
An ingenious series of experiments performed in 1970 revealed the
existence of these problems and offered the first clues to how cells
solve them. New methods for synchronizing cells made it possible
to fuse populations of cells in different parts of the cell cycle to
each other. The first set of experiments fused cells in interphase
with cells arrested in mitosis. The results were striking (Figure 110). Fusing cells in G1, S phase, or G2 to mitotic cells produced
fusion products, or heterokaryons, in which the interphase nuclei
broke down and all the chromosomes condensed. These results
suggested that mitosis is dominant to other states in the cell cycle
and that mitotic cells contain factors that induce mitosis when
introduced into cells in other parts of the cycle.
In the second experiment, S phase cells were fused to G1 cells,
after which the G1 nuclei immediately began to replicate their DNA.
This result suggested that the cytoplasm of S phase cells contains
factors that can induce DNA replication in a G1 nucleus. The
heterokaryons made by fusing G1 cells to S phase cells did not
enter mitosis until the G1 nucleus had finished DNA replication.
This delay revealed the existence of feedback controls, cellular
mechanisms that can arrest the cell cycle at a checkpoint until
processes in the cell cycle are complete.
Fusing G2 cells to S phase cells produced a surprisingly different
result. Although the S phase nuclei continued to replicate their
DNA, the G2 nuclei did not initiate a new round of DNA synthesis,
and the heterokaryons did not enter mitosis until the S phase cells
had finished DNA replication. Since fusion of G1 cell to S phase
cells had shown that S phase cytoplasm contained an activator of
DNA synthesis, the failure of the G2 cells to indulge in a second
round of DNA replication was hard to explain. A simple
interpretation of this failure, which also suggests how cells solve
the alternation problem, invokes the concept of a block to
rereplication. This hypothesis postulates that once DNA has been
replicated, it becomes modified in some way that makes it
incapable of replicating again. If passage through mitosis removes
this block, the ability of G1 nuclei to replicate their DNA is neatly
explained, as is the necessity for a round of mitosis between each
round of DNA replication. The cell fusion experiments represented
an important conceptual advance in our understanding of the cell
cycle. Unfortunately, there was no easy way to convert these
experiments into assays for any of the molecules, such as a mitosis
promoting factor, that they suggested ought to exist.
Two other important types of coordination that occur in the cell
cycle were not revealed by the cell fusion experiments. One is the
coordination between the stepwise events of the cell cycle and the
continuous process of cell growth. Chapters 2 and 3 discuss how
the ability to induce DNA replication and mitosis is regulated by
requiring cells to reach a minimum size before they can perform
crucial stepwise events in the cell cycle. The other kind of
coordination is the regulation of the cell cycle by signals in the cell's
external environment, including the presence of nutrients and
signals from other cells. How these signals regulate the growth and
division of yeast and mammalian cells is discussed in Chapter 6.
In this chapter we have seen that the fundamental properties of
cells and the key questions about the cell cycle were well defined
by 1970. Yet the number of scientists investigating the cell cycle
remained conspicuously small until the late 1980s. In the
intervening years, understanding the cell cycle was widely
recognized as a central problem in biology, but many thought it
could not be solved until the basic processes of the cell cycle, such
as DNA replication and chromosome segregation, were well
understood. Although this attitude seemed highly reasonable at
the time, we shall see that, in reality, the conceptual advances in
understanding the regulation of the cell cycle did not require a
detailed knowledge of chromosome replication or segregation.
Alberts, B., et al. Molecular biology of the cell, 2nd ed. 1218 pp.
(Garland, New York, 1989). A comprehensive and detailed text
that provides a molecular description of cells and the activities they
Original articles
Rao, P.N., and Johnson, R.T. Mammalian cell fusion studies on the
regulation of DNA synthesis and mitosis. Nature 225, 159-164
Johnson, R.T., and Rao, P.N. Mammalian cell fusion: Induction of
premature chromosome condensation in interphase nuclei. Nature
226, 717-722 (1970). Two papers that describe the result of
fusing cells in different parts of the cell cycle.
Figure 1-1 Prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Electron micrographs of a human tissue-culture
cell and of the bacterium Escherichia coli. The human cell contains many discrete
membrane-bound compartments, the most prominent of which is the nucleus. By
contrast, the bacterium lacks any boundaries within its cytoplasm.
Not available
Figure 1-2 Cell size. A frog egg, sea urchin egg, human white blood cell, fission yeast,
budding yeast, and bacterium are shown at different magnifications to emphasize the
enormous range of cell size. The frog egg is 1 mm in diameter; the bacterium is only 1
µm in diameter.
Figure 1-3 Cell growth and DNA content during the cell cycle. The variation in the mass
of a cell and its DNA content through two cell cycles is shown. Mass increases
continuously throughout the cycle. By contrast, DNA content is constant through most of
the cycle, increasing during S phase as the DNA replicates,and then falling dramatically
during chromosome segregation.
Figure 1-4 Stages of the cell cycle. In adult vertebrates the most rapid cell cylces last
about one day. Mitosis (M) represents about 5% of the cell cycle, and there is a
substantial G1 gap between mitosis and DNA synthesis (S), as well as a G2 gap between
replication and mitosis.
Figure 1-5 Stages of mitosis. During prophase the centrosomes move to opposite sides
of the nucleus, and the chromosomes condense. The nucleus breaks down, and as the cell
progresses to metaphase, the chromosomes align on the center of the spindle,. At
anaphase the linkage between sister chromatids is broken, and the sisters segregate to
opposite poles. Finally, cytokinesis generates two daughter cells.
Figure 1-6 Open and closed mitosis. Most multicellular eukaryotes have open mitosis, in
which the nuclear envelope breaks down and the chromosomes visibly condense. Many
unicellular organisms, such as the budding yeast pictured here (bottom) , have closed
mitosis: The nuclear envelope does not break down, and chromosome condensation is
hard to see. Mitotic chromosome condensation does occur in budding yeast, but it can be
seen only with an electron microscope.
Figure 1-7 Different cell cycles. The shortest cell cycles occur in early embryos and can
last as little as 8 minutes. The length of each cycle is very constant. The cell cycle of
growing eukaryotic cells lasts from 90 minutes to more than 24 hours, its duration
varying considerably within a population of cells. Finally, postembryonic cells can leave
the cell cycle and remain for days, weeks, or even years without growing or progressing
through the cell cycle.
Figure 1-8 Growth in somatic and embryonic cell cycles. This idealized representation
compares the growth of a population of somatic cells, with the cleavage of a fertilized
egg. The population of somatic cells maintains a constant cell size because the cells grow
after each division. By contrast, the embryo divides without growing, producing smaller
cells with each succeeding cell cycle. The embryonic cell cycles are about 20 times
faster than those of the somatic cells.
Figure 1-9 DNA content varies during the cell cycle. Very sensitive spectrophotometers
can measure the amount of DNA in individual cells by detecting the fluorescence from
DNA-binding dyes. After many cells are passed through it, the machine (often called a
FACS [fluorescence-activated cell sorter] machine) provides a readout of the distribution
of cells with different DNA contents in the population. Cells in G2 have twice as much
DNA as do cells in G1, and cells in S phase have an intermediate amount. The relative
heights of the different peaks on the readout reveal the fractions of the population in
different phases of the cell cycle.
Figure 1-10 Cell fusion experiments. Fusing mammalian cells at different stages of the
cell cycle revealed the logic of the cycle. Fusing cells at any stage of the cell cycle to
mitotic cells produced hybrid cells in which all the nuclei entered mitosis (M). Fusing
G1 cells to S phase cells induced the G1 nucleus to enter DNA synthesis. By contrast,
fusing G2 cells to S phase cells did not induce the G2 nucleus to replicate its DNA,
demonstrating a block to rereplication. References: Rao, P.N. & Johnson, R.T. Nature
225, 159-164 (1970); Johnson, R.T. & Rao, P.N. Nature 226, 717-722 (1970).