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Department of Biological Sciences
PCBS 130
Subject Code
Bio Sci 103
Subject Title
Fundamental of Genetics
Descriptive Title
Credit Unit(s)
3 hrs lec; 6 hrs. lab
Botany 11; Zoology 11; Basic Statistics
Course Description
The course deals with the study of heredity and variations among organisms, historical aspects of Mendelism, cytological and molecular basis of
inheritance, molecular genetic mutation and genes behavior in population. It also includes the synthesis of genetic principles and their practical application.
This course comes with a laboratory course to be familiar with techniques used in genetics study and some applications.
Course Outcomes
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
1. illustrate the chromosomal behavior during mitosis and meiosis in somatic and germ cell
2. identify and describe the processes of inheritance and the various factors that drive biological diversification,
3. explain the influence of heredity on future generation by setting down the key facts about human origin in a direct and simple manner,
4. connect the structure of DNA to its functions and describe the molecular process of gene expression from DNA to protein.
5. appraise the importance of the subject in medical field, in animal and plant breeding and in other biological disciplines; and
6. demonstrate behavior that is consistent with the core values of the university.
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Learning Outcomes
At the end of the unit, the students should
be able to:
1. Construct a timeline to trace the
development of genetics and at the
same time recognize the contribution
of significant persons in its gradual
progression as a science,
2. Prepare a report on the impact of
biotechnology and the new and
expanding fields of genetics,
3. Analyze the importance of the use of
model organisms in genetic studies,
4. Assess the profound effects of genetic
technology on society and as a matter
of public policy.
At the end of the unit, the students should
be able to:
1. Compare the basic structure, parts and
functions of the cell and how these
concepts relate to genetic function,
2. Relate the structure of chromosomes to
its function,
3. Explain the various stages of mitosis
and cite its importance in heredity.
Course Content
Unit I. Introduction to Genetics
1. Genetics Has a Rich and
Interesting History
2. From Mendel to DNA
3. Discovery of the Double Helix and
the Era of Molecular Genetics
4. Development of Recombinant
DNA Technology
5. Impact of Biotechnology
6. New Expanding Fields
7. Genetic Studies Rely on the Use
of Model Organisms
8. Living in the Age of Genetics
Teaching Strategies
Time Allotment
Timeline graphic
Library work,
Lecture discussion,
Power Point
Laboratory activities,
Film Viewing,
Current Issues
2 weeks
Quiz, recitation,
Written report
Reflection Journal
(graded with rubrics)
Participation in various
activities (graded with
rubrics), critical analysis
of current issues directly
or indirectly involving
genetic issues (absence
and/or lack thereof) on
government policies
affecting public interest/
opinion (graded with
Lecture discussion
Use of multimedia
materials, collaborative
learning, games,
laboratory activities
model preparation
2 weeks
Quiz, graded recitation,
written report
model presentation
practical exam (graded
with rubrics)
Laboratory Exercises
1. Types of Variations
2. Sexual and Morphological
Variation in Drosophila
Unit II. Mitosis and Meiosis
1. Cell Structure Determines Genetic
2. Chromosomes Exist as
Homologous Pairs in Diploid
3. Mitosis Equally Distributes
4. Meiosis Creates Haploid Gametes
and Enhances Genetic Variation
Evaluative Measures
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Learning Outcomes
4. Describe meiosis and relate its
significance in sexually reproducing
organisms as well as its role in
diversity, and
5. Distinguish the form and nature of
chromosomes between dividing and
non-dividing cells.
Course Content
5. Development of Gametes
6. Importance of Meiosis to Sexual
Reproduction Cycle
7. Cytological Nature of Mitotic
And Meiotic Chromosomes
At the end of the unit, the students should
be able to:
1. Prepare a reflection journal on the life
and times of Gregor Mendel and his
approach on genetic studies.
2. Interpret results of monohybrid,
dihybrid crosses, and of multiple traits.
3. Explain and laws of segregation and
independent assortment, and
demonstrate their application using
genetic problems.
4. Evaluate genetic results whether they fit
the established Mendelian ratios using
chi-square analysis.
5. Analyze inheritance patterns using
6. Identify specific family genetic trait and
construct and examine their own family
Unit III. Mendelian Genetics
1. Mendel’s Experimental
Approach to Study Inheritance
2. Monohybrid Cross
3. Dihybrid Cross
4. Inheritance of Multiple Traits
5. Rediscovery of Mendel’s Work
in the Twentieth Century
6. Independent Assortment
7. Laws of Probability Explain
Genetic Events
8. Evaluation of Genetic Data
Using Chi-Square
9. Pedigree Analysis
Teaching Strategies
Time Allotment
Evaluative Measures
Laboratory Exercise
1. Mitosis
2. Meiosis
3. Reproductive Cycles
Lecture discussions
2 weeks
Power Point presentations,
Collaborative learning,
Laboratory activities,
Model preparation
Quiz, graded recitation,
model presentation,
(graded with rubrics )
Participation in various
Practical exam
Board work / Problem
Solving about
Monohybrid, Dihybrid
and Polyhybrid crosses
Seat work on pedigree
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Learning Outcomes
Course Content
Laboratory Exercises
1. Ultrastructures of the Cell
2. Techniques Used in
Demonstrating Chromosomes
3. Chance, Probabilities &
Genetic Ratios
4. Statistical Concepts and Tools
At the end of the unit, the students should
be able to:
1. Distinguish between Mendelian and
Non-Mendelian inheritance patterns.
2. Discuss the various types of
non-Mendelian inheritance patterns and
explain examples for each.
3. Compare and contrast sex-limited and
sex-influenced inheritance.
4. Relate the influence of environment
on gene behavior.
5. Enumerate and explain types of
extranuclear inheritance.
Unit IV. Modification of
Mendelian Ratios
1. Incomplete or Partial Dominance
2. Codominance
3. Multiple Alleles
4. Lethal Alleles
5. Phenotypes are often affected by
more than one gene: gene
5.1. Epistasis
5.2. Novel Phenotypes
6. Pleiotropy
7. X-Linkage
7.1. X-Linkage in Drosophila
7.2. X-Linkage in Humans
8. Sex-Limited and Sex-Influenced
9. Genes and the Environment
9.1. Penetrance and Expressivity
9.2. Poison Effects
9.3. Temperature Effects
9.4. Onset of Genetic Expression
9.5. Genetic Anticipation
Teaching Strategies
Case study, lecture
discussion, multimedia
construction / preparation
of pedigree per family,
laboratory activities
Time Allotment
3 weeks
Evaluative Measures
Quiz, graded recitation
model presentation
practical exam (graded
with rubrics)
Problem Solving using
Non-Mendelian ratios
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Learning Outcomes
Course Content
10. Genomic Imprinting and Gene
11. Extranuclear Inheritance
11.1. Chloroplast
11.2. Mitochondria
11.3. Maternal Effect
Teaching Strategies
Time Allotment
Evaluative Measures
Laboratory Exercises
1. Gene Segregation in Drosophila
2. Modeling Monohybrid and
Dihybrid Crosses
3. Family Pedigree
4. Multiple Alleles: The ABO
Blood Groups in Human
At the end of the unit, the students should
be able to:
1. Define and describe types of sexual
2. Compare the two types of sex
3. Characterize persons with sex
chromosome aberrations which includes
Klinefelter, Turner, XXX, and XYY
4. Illustrate the regions of the human Y
chromosome showing specific genes
causing maleness in humans.
Unit V. Sex Determination and
Sex Chromosomes
1. Life Cycles Depend on Sexual
2. X and Y Chromosomes Were
First Linked to Sex
Determination Early in the 20th
3. The Y Chromosome Determines
Maleness in Humans
Lecture discussion,
3 weeks
Games, Use of
multimedia materials,
case study, library works,
laboratory activities
Graded recitation
Board work
Report (graded with
Participation in various
activities (graded with
Laboratory Exercises
1. Techniques in Demonstrating
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Learning Outcomes
At the end of the unit, the students should
be able to:
1. Explain the various terms relating to
chromosome mutations.
2. Characterize and differentiate the
various forms of chromosome
3. Relate chromosome mutation to
chromosomal abnormality.
Course Content
Unit VI. Chromosome
Mutations: Variation in Number
and Arrangement
1. Variation in Chromosome
Number: Terminology and Origin
2. Monosomy and Trisomy
3. Polyploidy
4. Deletion
5. Duplication
6. Inversion
7. Translocation
8. Fragile Sites in Human
Teaching Strategies
Time Allotment
Use of multimedia
materials, games, lecture
discussion, model
2 weeks
Use of multimedia
materials, games, lecture
discussion, model
2 weeks
Evaluative Measures
Model presentation
(graded with rubrics)
Laboratory Exercises
1. Karyotyping
At the end of the unit, the students should
be able to:
1. Explain the characteristics of the genetic
2. Recognize the evidences that led to the
establishment of DNA as the genetic
material in cells.
3. Describe the structure of DNA and
RNA, including their physical and
chemical properties.
4. State the similarities and differences
between DNA and RNA.
5. Differentiate the alternative forms of
Unit VII. DNA Structure and
1. Characteristics of the Genetic
2. DNA as the Genetic Material
3. Structure of DNA
4. Alternative Forms of DNA
5. Structure of RNA
Model presentation
(graded with rubrics)
Laboratory Exercise
1. Extraction of DNA
2. Molecular Model Building of
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Learning Outcomes
At the end of the unit, the students should
be able to:
1. Relate the complete structure of DNA
with its function.
2. Illustrate the semiconservative
replication of DNA.
3. Compare and contrast DNA replication
process between prokaryotes and
4. Define DNA recombination and discuss
its significance.
Course Content
Unit VIII. DNA Replication and
1. Semiconservative Replication
2. DNA Synthesis in Bacteria
3. DNA Replication in Eukaryotes
4. DNA Recombination
Use of multimedia
materials, lecture
Cooperative learning
Time Allotment
2 weeks
Evaluative Measures
Board work activities
Laboratory Exercise
1. Central Dogma of Molecular
At the end of the section, the students
Unit IX. The Genetic Code and
should be able to:
1. Point out the characteristics of the
1. Characteristics of the Genetic
genetic code.
2. Diagram the process of transcription
2. Transcription Synthesizes RNA
3. Explain and illustrate the function of
on a DNA Template.
RNA polymerase.
3. RNA Polymerase Directs
4. Contrast the difference of eukaryote and
Synthesis of RNA
prokaryote transcription.
4. Differences Between Eukaryote
5. Demonstrate the function of introns in
and Prokaryote Transcription
eukaryotic genes.
5. Intervening Sequences – Introns,
in Eukaryotic Genes
Learning Outcomes
Teaching Strategies
Course Content
Use of multimedia
materials, lecture
Cooperative learning
Teaching Strategies
Written report
Board work activities
Seat work on the use of
genetic code
Time Allotment
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Evaluative Measures
At the end of the unit, the students should
be able to:
1. Relate the structure of ribosomes to its
2. Explain and illustrate the process of
3. Compare prokaryote and eukaryote
translation process.
4. Analyze various types of protein
5. Describe protein function in relation
to protein structure.
Unit X. Translation and Proteins
1. Ribosome Structure and Function
2. Process of Translation
3. Eukaryotic Translation
4. Variation in Protein Structure
5. Functions of Proteins
At the end of the unit, the students should
be able to:
1. Compare genetic engineering and
2. Recognize the significance of genetic
engineering on agriculture and food
3. Identify the role of transgenic animals
in biotechnology.
4. State the concept of synthetic biology.
5. Express the importance of genetic
engineering in medical science and in
gene therapy.
6. Critique and/or justify the ethical,
social and legal impediments and
outcomes on the acceptance and/or use
of biotechnology and genetic
Unit XI. Applications and Ethics of
Genetic Engineering and
1. Uses of Genetically Engineered
2. Agricultural Revolution –
Influence of Genetic Engineering
3. Transgenic Animals
4. Emergence of Synthetic Biology
5. Transformation of Medical
Diagnosis Using Genetic
Engineering and Genomics
6. Gene Therapy
7. Ethical, Social, and Legal
Questions on Genetic
Engineering, Genomics, and
Learning Outcomes
Use of multimedia
materials, lecture
2 weeks
Quiz, recitation
Research work
Problem Solving
Converting transcript to
amino acid
2 weeks
Quiz, recitation
Research work
Critic a journal article
(graded with rubrics)
critical analysis of
current issues directly or
indirectly involving
genetic issues (absence
and/or lack thereof) on
government policies
affecting public interest/
opinion (graded with
Library work, article
analysis, small group
Course Content
Use of multimedia
materials, lecture
Library work, article
analysis, small group
Teaching Strategies
Time Allotment
Page 8 of 10
Evaluative Measures
At the end of the unit, students should be
able to:
1. Explain genetic variation in populations.
2. Analyze gene frequency distribution
using Hardy-Weinberg Law.
3. Discuss the effects of natural selection
on changes on allele frequency.
4. Describe the effects of mutations in
5. Explain how migration alters allelic
6. Identify the concept of genetic drift and
non-random matings.
7. Explain the meaning of speciation.
8. Illustrate evolutionary history using
Unit XII. Population and
Evolutionary Genetics
1. Genetic Variation in Populations
2. The Hardy-Weinberg Law
3. Application of the HardyWeinberg Law on Human
4. Natural Selection for Allele
Frequency Change
5. Mutations in Gene Pool
6. Migration and Gene Flow Alters
Allele Frequency
7. Concept of Genetic Drift
8. Non-Random Matings
9. Genetic Factors Leading to
10. Analysis of Evolutionary History
Using Phylogeny
Use of multimedia
materials, lecture
2 weeks
Quiz, recitation
Research work
Critic a journal article
(graded with rubrics)
Library work, article
analysis, small group
Suggested Learning Activities
lectures, recitations, discussions, experiments, research, drawings, reports, (written and oral), breeding of easily handled animals, and problem solving
Evaluative Measures
short and long quizzes, graded recitations, periodical examinations, laboratory exercises
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VI. Textbook
Klug, W. S., Cummings, M.R., Spencer, C.A., and Palladino, M. A., Essentials of Genetics. Eighth edition. Pearson Education. c. 2013.
Other References
Brooker, Robert J. Genetics, Analysis & Principles. 4th ed. Mc Graw-Hill Co., Inc. International ed., c. 2012
Hartl , Daniel L. Essential Genetics A Genomics Perspective. 6th edition. Sudbury, Massachusetts, Jones and Bartlett. c. 2013.
Hartwell, Leland. Genetics: From Genes to Genomes. McGraw Hill Education, 2011.
Hedrick, Philip W. Genetics of Population. Jones & Barlett Publishers, 2011
Hodge, Russ. Human Genetics: race population and disease, New York: Facts on File, c.2010.
Matthew, Alex. Modern Genetics New Delhi, India: Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors, c2010.
Russell, Peter J. Genetics: A Molecular Approach.3rd ed. San Francisco: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings,.c2010
Electronic Reference
Prepared by:
Chairman: Sgd. Mr. Ian Kenneth M. Cabrera
Members: Sgd. Dr. Eufrecina Jean D.R. Ramirez
Sgd. Agnes S. Magnaye
Sgd. Alicia I. Yu
Approved by
Sgd. Dr. Zenaida D.R. Los Baños
Head, Biological Sciences Department
April 21, 2015
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