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All students, from all sections, welcome!
The Biology 120 Peer Mentors and the University Learning Centre Present:
Biol120 Mock Final Examination
Friday, April 10th, 2015
Time: 1:00 – 1:50pm (50 minutes)
Location: ARTS 146
Important note: This mock final exam was written by your Biology 120 Peer Mentors, not your
professors! It is designed to help you test yourself on topics and concepts covered in class
but should not be considered an exact preview of the final exam.
You are required to remain in your seat for 30 minutes, but are free to leave the room after 30
minutes (1:30pm). No talking, please! No use of electronic devices (ie. cell phones, lap tops,
This exam consists of 50 questions. Be sure to carefully read the questions and all possible
answers. Choose the most correct answer. Only select one answer per question.
You have 50 minutes to complete this exam.
We encourage you to take note of your start and finish time, or to keep track of how many
questions you were able to complete in the 50 minutes. This may help you to better judge
your time for the final exam.
Start Time: ________________
End Time: ________________
Questions completed: ___________
You are invited to return to the ART 146 ~2:00 for the Question and Answer period with your
Peer Mentors.
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, 1. Glycolysis occurs in:
a) Mammals
b) All eukaryotes
c) Bacteria and archaea
d) All of the above
2. The light independent reactions of photosynthesis occur in the:
a) Thylakoid membrane
b) Thylakoid lumen
c) Stroma
d) Lamella
3. The biggest difference between facultative anaerobes and strict anaerobes is:
a) facultative anaerobes must have a steady oxygen supply, while strict aerobes
require an oxygen-free environment.
b) there is no difference, they are exactly the same.
c) facultative anaerobes use a special kind of fermentation.
d) facultative anaerobes can function with and without oxygen, while strict anaerobes
can only function without oxygen.
4. In DNA replication, the new strand of DNA the ______________ grows ____________
away from the replication fork.
a) Lagging strand, continuously
b) Lagging strand, discontinuously
c) Leading strand, continuously
d) Leading strand, discontinuously
5. What are the outcomes of a missense mutation?
a) Multiple amino acid alterations
b) A single amino acid alteration
c) A premature stop codon and the end of the polypeptide chain
d) No change in the amino acid sequence at all
6. The kind of ATP synthesis that occurs in the Electron Transport Chain in Cellular
Respiration is called:
a) substrate-level phosphorylation
b) fermentation
c) photophosphorylation
d) oxidative phosphorylation
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, 7. In hamsters, brown fur (B) is dominant to white fur (b), and straight fur (S) is dominant to
curly fur (s). If you buy a brown hamster with straight fur from the pet store, what kind of
cross could you perform to determine whether or not your new pet is homozygous or
heterozygous dominant?
a) A di-hybrid cross with a homozygous dominant hamster
b) A test cross with a curly haired, white hamster
c) A test cross with another unknown dominant hamster
d) A monohybrid cross with a black hamster
8. How are the light reactions of photosynthesis similar to aerobic respiration?
a) Both processes synthesize NADPH
b) Both processes start with a glucose molecule
c) Both processes use a proton-motive force to generate ATP
d) ATP synthesis is called photophosphorylation in both processes
9. A red sunflower (whose parents were both red) is crossed with a yellow sunflower (whose
parents were both yellow) and each of the offspring have flowers that are a mix of red and
yellow. No offspring express an orange colour. Which type of inheritance does this kind of
sunflower show?
a) Codominance
b) Incomplete dominance
c) Complete Dominance
d) Epistasis
10. The RNA encoding a polypeptide that is transcribed from DNA is called _____, while the
RNA that has the anticodon and carries a specific amino acid is ______, and ______ is
the RNA component of ribosomes.
a) transfer RNA; ribosomal RNA; messenger RNA
b) messenger RNA; transfer RNA; ribosomal RNA
c) messenger RNA; translation RNA; ribosomal RNA
d) translation RNA; ribosomal RNA; messenger RNA
11. How many molecules of ATP can one molecule of NADH make in the Electron Transport
a) none
b) 1 molecule of ATP
c) 3 molecules of ATP
d) 38 molecules of ATP
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, 12. In the Calvin Cycle three molecules of _____ are fixed to synthesize ______ molecules of
G3P (a triose phosphate).
a) ATP, one
b) ATP, three
c) CO2, one
d) CO2, three
13. Which of the following is TRUE about DNA structure?
a) It has a backbone with a slight positive charge.
b) Each “rung” of the helix has either a pair of purines, or a pair pyrimidines hydrogen
bonded together.
c) The two strands of the helix are arranged in parallel.
d) None of the above.
14. During oxidative phosphorylation, the Electron Transport Chain builds a proton gradient
across_________ in eukaryotes.
a) the cell membrane
b) the inner mitochondrial membrane
c) the outer mitochondrial membrane
d) the nuclear membrane
15. During redox reactions, the molecule that donates an electron is said to be:
a) Reduced
b) Phosphorylated
c) Oxidized
d) Catabolized
16. Based on his experiments with pea plants, Mendel found he was able to predict that:
a) Half of the offspring will have the same genotype as one of their parents
b) As gametes are formed half the gametes carry one allele, and the other half carry
the other allele
c) The alleles of the genes that govern the two characters/traits segregate
independently during the formation of gametes
d) None of the above
17. How is ATP synthesized in photosynthesis?
a) Rubisco
b) A proton-motive force across the thylakoid membrane is used to synthesize ATP by
chemiosmosis using the chloroplast ATP synthase
c) A proton motive force is produced by NADH reduction and used by the ATP
d) Oxidative phosphorylation
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, 18. What are the three phases, in order, of cellular respiration?
a) Glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, pyruvate oxidation/citric acid cycle.
b) Glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation/citric acid cycle, oxidative fermentation
c) Glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation/citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation
d) Glycolysis, phosphate oxidation/citric acid cycle, oxidation phosphorylation
19. What type of inheritance is the following human pedigree (where a square represents a
male, a circle represents a female, and any shaded shapes indicate an individual who
HAS the trait) an example of?
Autosomal dominance
Sex-linkage on the X chromosome - recessive
Autosomal recessive
Sex-linkage on the Y chromosome - recessive
20. You are writing this mock final while breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon
dioxide. Which two sections of cellular respiration generates this CO2?
a) Glycolysis and pyruvate oxidation
b) Pyruvate oxidations and oxidative phosphorylation
c) Glycolysis and the citric acid cycle
d) Pyruvate oxidation and the citric acid cycle
21. What are the major products from photosynthesis that are used to perform carbon fixation
during the Calvin Cycle?
a) NADPH and ATP
b) NADP+ and ATP
c) NADP+ and ADP
d) Electrons and Hydronium Ions
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, 22. A nucleic acid was analyzed for its nucleotides and found to contain 12 percent A, 24
percent T, 24 Percent G, and 40 percent C. The nucleic acid must be which of the
a) A double stranded DNA molecule
b) A double stranded RNA molecule
c) A single stranded DNA molecule
d) A single stranded RNA molecule
23. Why is chlorophyll green?
a) Because cholorphyll can only absorb the energy in a green photon, which allows it
to emit a green colour.
b) Because chlorophyll is unable to absorb the energy of a green photon, and all green
light is reflected off the pigment instead.
c) Because green is chlorophyll’s favourite colour.
d) Because chlorophyll can only absorb the energy in blue, yellow, and green photons,
which combine to be viewed as a green colour.
24. What occurs during glycolysis?
a) Substrate level phosphorylation
b) Reduction of fatty acids
c) Oxidation of acetyl groups
d) Oxidative phosphorylation
25. What can be the limiting factor of cell growth?
a) Availability of micronutrients (Fe2+, Mg2+, etc.)
b) Availability of carbon
c) Availability of nitrogen
d) All of the above
26. You cross two flies that are heterozygous for two genes and find that the phenotypic
ratios of their offspring occur in the proportion 9:3:3:1. Does this mean they are
independently assorted?
a) Yes, they are definitely independently assorted
b) No, they are definitely not independently assorted
c) They may be independently sorted, but the genes may also be over 25mu apart on
the chromosome
d) They may be independently sorted, but the genes may also be over 50mu apart on
the chromosome
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, 27. Which one of the following occurs in the stroma of the chloroplast?
a) Photophosphorylation
b) Light reactions
c) The Calvin cycle
d) Electron transport chain
28. Which of the following sequences represent a correct order of enzymes required for DNA
a) Helicase, DNA polymerase, Primase, Ligase.
b) Helicase, Ligase, DNA Polymerase, Primase.
c) DNA Polymerase, Helicase, Primase, Ligase.
d) Helicase, Primase, DNA Polymerase, Ligase.
29. Does all mRNA contain a start codon?
a) No, because rRNA and tRNA do not code for proteins and therefore do not require
start codons
b) Yes, because mRNAs code for proteins and therefore require a start codon
c) Yes, because rRNA and tRNA code for proteins and therefore require a start codon
d) No, because mRNA does not code for protein and therefore does not need a start
30. Any diploid individual may only have how many alleles of each individual gene?
a) 23
b) 2
c) 46
d) 12
31. Which of the following is NOT a common cellular component of both eukaryotic and
prokaryotic cells?
a) RNA
b) Plasma membrane
c) Ribosomes
d) Mitochondria
32. Rubisco, Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase, is the..
a) Sugar of the Calvin cycle that catalyzes the fixation of CO2 into organic form
b) Sugar of photosynthesis that catalyzes the fixation of CO2 into inorganic form
c) Enzyme of the Calvin cycle that catalyzes the fixation of CO2 into organic form
d) Enzyme of the Calvin cycle that catalyzes the fixation of CO2 into inorganic form
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, 33. Glycolysis occurs in the __________, pyruvate oxidation occurs in the __________, and
the citric acid cycle occurs in the __________________, respectively.
a) Mitochondrion intermembrane compartment, mitochondrial outer membrane,
b) Cytosol, mitochondrial matrix, mitochondrial matrix.
c) Mitochondrial matrix, mitochondrial matrix, cytosol.
d) Cytosol, cytosol, mitochondrial matrix.
34. In Drosophila, two genes, one for body colour and one for eye colour, are carried on the
same chromosome. The wild type grey body colour (G) is dominant to black body colour
(g) and wild-type red eyes (R) are dominant to purple eyes (r). You make a cross between
a fly with a grey body and red eyes and a fly with a black body and purple eyes. Among
the offspring, about half have grey bodies and red eyes and half have black bodies and
purple eyes. A small percentage have black bodies and red eyes or grey bodies and
purple eyes. Which alleles are carried together on the chromosomes in each of the flies
(parents) used in the cross?
a) Gr & gR in the first parent and gr in the second
b) GR in the first parent and gr in the second
c) GR & gr in the first parent and gr in the second
d) gr in both parents
35. Which of the differences between DNA and RNA are true?
a) DNA uses cytosine, guanine, uracil, and adenine; whereas RNA uses cytosine,
thymine, guanine, and adenine
b) DNA has no free hydroxyl group on the 2’ carbon and RNA has a free hydroxyl
group on the 2’ carbon
c) DNA is usually single-stranded and RNA is usually double-stranded
d) None of the above are true
36. The citric acid cycle yields:
c) CO2, NADH, acetyl-CoA
d) ATP
37. A recently replicated DNA daughter helix has a 5’ to 3’ strand with many fragments
ending in disconnected adjacent sugar and phosphate groups. This cell likely has a
problem with which enzyme?
a) DNA Polymerase
b) Primase
c) Ligase
d) Helicase
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, 38. A major effect of the rise in cyanobacteria 2.5 billion years ago was…
a) The accumulation of O2 in the atmosphere
b) The widespread use of H2O as an electron donor for photosynthesis
c) Formation of banded iron deposits
d) All of the above
39. In which of the following is structure and function matched incorrectly?
a) Thylakoids, light absorption by chlorophylls and carotenoids
b) Thylakoids, Calvin cycle
c) Thylakoids, electron transport
d) Thylakoids, ATP synthesis by ATP synthase
40. What is one of the products of one turn in the Calvin cycle?
b) A three carbon sugar molecule (G3P)
c) ATP
d) Glucose
41. C. Botulinum is a rod-shaped bacterium that produces a toxin that causes botulism in
humans. Most botulism cases occur when food that was improperly canned is eaten.
These bacteria can only grow in the oxygen-free environment of a sealed can, and the
moist food provides the bacteria with a ready energy source. How would C. botulinum be
a) As a facultative anaerobe
b) As a obligate aerobe
c) As a strict anaerobe
d) As a photosynthetic aerobe
42. A chromosome is undergoing DNA replication. If the template strand has a sequence of
5’ – CGATTATCG – 3’, the enzyme primase will create a primer with which sequence (all
sequences are written 3’ to 5’)?
43. Sickle cell anemia is a disease in which a glutamate is substituted by a valine. What kind
of mutation is this?
a) missense
b) deletion
c) nonsense
d) insertion
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, 44. Which of the following statements describes a strand of eukaryotic mRNA?
a) It must be spliced to cut out exons and seal together translatable introns
b) It is transcribed by RNA polymerase prior to export from the nucleus, and translation
by a ribosome
c) It has a guanine cap on its 3’ end and a poly-A tail on its 5’ end
d) It is a polymer of adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine bases
45. Where are electrons donated to from photosystem I?
a) A complex located on the lumen face of the thylakoid membrane called NADP+
reductase where NADP+ is reduced to NADPH
b) A complex located on the lumen face of the thylakoid membrane called NADP+
reductase where NADPH is reduced to NADP+
c) A complex located on the stroma face of the thylakoid membrane called NADP+
reductase where NADP+ is reduced to NADPH
d) A complex located on the stroma face of the thylakoid membrane called NADP+
reductase where NADPH is reduced to NADP+
46. In glycolysis, _________ is invested, but will pay off by producing _________ and
_________ (forms of energy), respectively.
a) 2 ADP, 4 ATP, 2 NADH
b) 2 ATP, 4 ATP, 2 NAD+
c) 2 ATP, 4 ATP, 2 NADH
d) 2 ADP, 4 ATP, 2 NAD+
47. Colour-blindness is an X-linked genetic trait. If your dad was colour blind but your mom
wasn’t colour blind or a carrier, what would be the probability of you being colour blind?
a) 0%
b) 50%
c) 25%
d) It depends on whether I am a boy or a girl
48. The result of epistasis is:
a) Individuals with a variation of a disease from one extreme to another.
b) When one genes influences multiple phenotypes in the offspring.
c) Some expected phenotypes do not appear among offspring.
d) When all expected phenotypes occur in a 1:1:1:1 ratio.
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, 49. The electromagnetic spectrum contains a wide range of electromagnetic radiation.
However, in that range most of the radiation reaching the surface of the earth is contained
in ultraviolet light, visible light and infrared radiation. Of visible light which of the following
is true?
a) Red light is more energetic and of a longer wavelength than blue light.
b) Red light is less energetic and of a shorter wavelength than blue light.
c) Red light is more energetic and of a shorter wavelength than blue light
d) Red light is less energetic and of a longer wavelength than blue light
50. As the electrons flow through the Electron Transfer Chain, the electronegativity of the
electron acceptors:
a) increases, ensuring that the energy flows from high to low down the chain.
b) increases, ensuring that the energy flows from low to high down the chain.
c) decreases, ensuring that the energy flows from high to low down the chain.
d) stays the same all the way down the chain.
The end!
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event, ANSWERS:
1. d
2. c
3. d
4. b
5. b
6. d
7. b
8. c
9. a
10. b
11. c
12. c
13. d
14. b
15. c
16. c
17. b
18. c
19. c
20. d
21. a
22. c
23. b
24. a
25. d
26. d
27. c
28. d
29. b
30. b
31. d
32. c
33. b
34. c
35. b
36. b
37. c
38. d
39. b
40. b
41. c
42. d
43. a
44. b
45. c
46. c
47. a
48. c
49. d
50. a
Questions and answers for this mock exam will be posted after today’s event,