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BIO.A.1 – Basic Biological Principles
Bio.A.1.1 - Explain the characteristics common to
all organisms
Bio.A.1.2 – Describe relationships between
structure & function at biological levels of
BIO.A.1 – Basic Biological Principles
• Bio.A.1.1.1 – Describe the characteristics of life
shared by all prokaryotic and eukaryotic
• Bio.A.1.2.1 – Compare cellular structures & their
functions in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
• Bio.A.1.2.2 – Describe & interpret relationships
between structure & function at various levels of
biological organization
Cell theory
Cell membrane
Golgi apparatus
cell wall
lipid bilayer
selectively permeable
endoplasmic reticulum
The Cell Theory
• Cells are the basic unit of life
• All living things are made of cells
– Plants, animals, bacteria, etc.
• Cells are the basic unit of structure and function
in living things
– Can you give an example from your own body?
• New cells are produced only from existing cells
• We use various types of microscopes to see into and study
• We will use a compound light microscope
– Uses light and 2 lenses to create an image of the cell
– Can only magnify the image about 1000 times
– Not every part of a cell can be clearly seen with a light
• Electron microscopes use a beam of electrons and offer
much higher resolution – can be used to study cell
structures that are one billionth of a meter in size!
• There are 2 types of electron microscopes
– Transmission electron microscopes produce images
that are flat and 2 dimensional because the specimen
must be cut into ultra-thin slices
– Scanning electron microscopes produce 3 dimensional
images of the specimen’s surface
• Electron microscopes require the specimen to be
preserved & placed in a vacuum – which means
only non-living cells and tissues can be examined
What Do You Think?
• What type of microscope would you use to
examine cellular life in a drop of pond water?
• What type of microscope would you use to
examine the surface of the nucleus? Why?
• You are presented with a specimen to examine.
What are two questions you could ask to
determine the best microscope to use?
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
• There are a variety of cells, but all cells have a few
characteristics in common
All cells (at some point) have DNA (genetic material)
All cells have a cell membrane (flexible barrier)
All cells have cytoplasm (watery substance)
All cells have proteins and ribosomes (structure that
makes proteins)
– All cells (living things) grow, reproduce, obtain and use
materials/energy, maintain a stable internal environment
and respond to their environment
• Prokaryotes are generally smaller and simpler than
• Prokaryotic cells do not separate their genetic
material into a nucleus
• They do not have specialized organelles
• ALL prokaryotes are single celled organisms
• Bacteria are prokaryotes
Typical Prokaryote
What type of
microscope do
you think would
be best to use to
examine a typical
prokaryotic cell?
• Eukaryotes are generally larger and much more
complex than prokaryotes
• Eukaryotic cells contain many highly specialized
internal structures (organelles)
• One organelle is called the nucleus – Eukaryotes
store DNA inside the nucleus.
• Some eukaryotes are single celled (amoeba) and
some are multicellular (us)
• Not all eukaryotic cells are the same but there are
many parts most or all have in common
– Nucleus – where the DNA is stored
Ribosomes – make the proteins, also found in prokaryotes
– Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum – modifies proteins
and is studded with ribosomes
• How is the rough ER’s structure related to its function?
– Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum – synthesizes
membrane lipids and detoxifies drugs
• What human organ would you expect to have large amounts of
smooth ER?
– Golgi Apparatus – modifies, sorts and packages
proteins from the rough ER
– Vacuoles – membrane bound storage facilities for the
cell, often large and filled with water in plants
– Lysosomes – membrane bound and filled with enzymes,
for breaking down large molecules or older cell parts
– Centrioles – help organize cell division, in animal cells
but not plant cells
– Cytoskeleton – helps the cell maintain its shape and
also helps control cell movement
– Mitochondria – convert chemical energy stored in food
(glucose) into more useful chemical energy (ATP)
– Chloroplasts – found in plant but not animal cells,
convert light energy into chemical energy (glucose)
– Cell membrane – all cells have a cell membrane, a
fluid-mosaic, phospholipid bilayer that is selectively
– Cell wall –provides extra rigid support and protection
for the cell, most are porous, not found in animal cells
What do you think?
• The cell has been compared to a city. Can you
determine which cell part would be most like the
following parts of a city and why?
City Hall
Post Office
Streets and Highways
Recycling Plant
Water Tower