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The Cell Theory
All living things are made of _______.
Cells are the basic unit of structure and
New cells are produced from
2 Main Types of Cells
Prokaryotes & Eukaryotes
classified based on the presence of a
________ or not.
Eukaryotes are cells that contain
Prokaryotes are cells that lack nuclei.
Prokaryotes: cells have genetic material
that is not contained in the _________.
Generally _______ and _______ than eukaryotic
Generally less complex than eukaryotic cells
Lack membrane-bound organelles.
Carry out every activity associated with living
Example: __________
Eukaryotes: cells contain a nucleus in
which their genetic material is separated
from the rest of the cell.
Generally _________& more________ than
prokaryotic cells.
Contain dozens of structures & internal
Many are highly specialized
Unicellular organisms & large multicellular
Example: __________,__________,________, &
Chp. 7 Sec. 2
Eukaryotic Cell Structure:
Cytoplasm: the portion of the cell
outside the nucleus
Nucleus: contains nearly all the cell’s
______ & the coded instructions for
making __________ and other important
Surrounded by the Nuclear envelope.
Chromatin: the granular material
inside the nucleus; consists of ________
bound to protein.
Condenses to form ____________when the
cell prepares to divide.
Nucleolus: found inside the nucleus;
location of __________ assembly.
Ribosomes: location where proteins are
assembled; small particles of RNA and
protein found throughout the cytoplasm.
Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER): An
_______ __________ system
the site where lipid components of the cell
membrane are assembled, along with
proteins and other materials that are
exported from the cell.
2 Types:
Rough ER: the portion involved in protein
synthesis; ribosomes are found on its
 Smooth ER: ribosomes are not found on
the surface; may contain specialized
enzymes in certain cell types.
Golgi Apparatus: modifies, sorts,
& packages _________ and other
materials from the ER for storage
in the cell or secretion outside the
 Lysosomes: small organelles filled
with __________ that function in
the digestion of lipids, carbs, and
proteins. “Cleanup Crew”
Vacuoles: saclike structures that _______
________within the cell. (Salt, water, &
Mitochondria: __________source/
“Power House” of the cell; organelles
that convert the chemical energy
stored in food into compounds that are
more convenient for the cell to use.
Chloroplasts: organelles that
capture energy from _________
and convert it into chemical
energy in a process called
 Contain green pigment called
Cytoskeleton: supporting
structure which gives cells their
shape and internal organization
It is a network of protein
 It is also involved in movement
Microfilaments: threadlike structures
made of a protein called ______.
 Create a tough & flexible
Chapter 7 Section 3:
Cell membranes
 All cells are surrounded by a flexible
barrier called the ________
_______________. (plasma membrane)
 Plants cells produce a strong supporting
layer around the membrane called a
______ __________.
Cell Membrane
 The cell membrane regulates what
enters & leaves the cell.
 Also provides protection & support
 Involved in maintaining
 The cell membrane is composed of a
________ bi-layer
 2 layers of lipids (water-proof)
 The cell membrane also contains
_________ which form channels for large
molecules to pass through.
 The cell membrane is
 It allows some compounds to enter while
keeping others out.
Like a pasta strainer
Cell Walls
 Found in ____________cells
 The main function of the cell wall is to provide
___________ & _____________ for the cell.
 Cell Walls are composed mainly of cellulose, a
tough carbohydrate fiber.
 Regulates the movement of dissolved molecules
from one side of the membrane to the other.
 Diffusion = particles moving from a ______
concentration to a ________concentration.
 Occurs until the solution reaches Equillibrium
 Diffusion occurs across a membrane without
____________. (passive transport)
 The diffusion of _____________ through a
selectively permeable membrane.
 3 types of solutions involving osmosis:
 Isotonic: “Same Strength”
 Hypertonic: “Above Strength” more solute
 Hypotonic: “Below Strength” less solute
2 Types of Cellular Transport
 Passive Transport = Requires no______
 Diffusion
 Osmosis
 Active Transport = Requires Energy
 Particles move against the concentration
2 Types of Active Transport
 Endocytosis = particles move ______
the cell
 Exocytosis = particles move _______ of
the cell.
 Pinocytosis Small particles
 Phagocytosis  Large particles