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Plant vs Animal
A large vesicle made from the endoplasmic
reticulum and the golgi apparatus
Two types in plant cells
Food vacuoles- formed by phagocytosis
Contractile vacuole- pumps excess water out of cell
to maintain a suitable concentration of ions and
molecules inside the cell
Certain vacuoles carry out enzymatic
Can also hold important organic compounds
Ex: the proteins in storage cells in seeds
Also stores “poisonous” compounds to protect
the plants against herbivores
The central vacuole is made up of smaller
Inside has cell sap which is made up of inorganic
ions like potassium and chloride
Central vacuole plays a major role in the growth of
plant cells
 How? As the cell absorbs more water, the vacuole gets
bigger too which enlarges the whole cell
Plant cells mainly have one large central
vacuole that stores water and retains the
turgidity of the cell
Central vacuole can take up to 90% of cell volume
In some animal cells, vacuoles are absent.
Vacuoles in animal cells are much smaller than
those found in plant cells.
Although they are smaller, they are more
abundant in number.
Common vacuoles found in animal cells are
phagocytic vacuoles, food vacuoles, and
contractile vacuoles.
Animal cells have multiple vacuoles that store
water, ions, wastes, and food reserves like
sugars and mineral salts.
These vacuoles assist in the large processes of
exocytosis and endocytosis.
They are used as storage vesicles that contain and
transport selected proteins and lipids before disposing
them to the extracellular compartment of the cell.
With endocytosis, the vacuoles are helpful after
phagocytosis. When the engulfed material is pinched off,
they are enclosed within these vacuoles.