Download Human cells have how many chromosomes? Mitosis: Place the

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Human cells have how many chromosomes?
Mitosis: Place the following pictures in the correct order and label the parts of the cell cycle by dragging and
dropping the name and step number over the correct picture.
What is the difference between mitosis and interphase?
What happens in the different stages of interphase?
What cycle are they both part of?
Answer the following questions regarding mitosis.
1. What happens to the chromatin as a cell moves from interphase to prophase?
2. How much DNA is present in the cell during prophase (is it the same as always, doubled, tripled?)? Why?
3. What structure is broken down during prophase?
4. What protein structures start to appear during prophase and begin to migrate to opposite ends of the cell?
5. What is the name of the protein disc at the center of a chromosome that holds the sister chromatids together?
6. Where do the chromosomes line up?
7. What is the name of the thin protein structures that attach to the center of the chromosomes?
8. Where do the spindle fibers attach to the chromosome?
9. What do the spindle fibers do to the chromatids?
10. Where do the spindle fibers move the chromatids?
11. What structure begins to reform around the chromosomes which are each bunched up at opposite poles?
12. What structures disappear?
13. In the plant cell, what forms between the two new cells (in the picture, the white arrow is pointing to it)?
14. How are the mother and daughter cells similar with relation to chromosome number?
15. In an animal cell, what forms between the two cells to cause the two to separate from each other?
16. What is the part of the cell cycle in which the nucleus is divided?
17. What is the part of the cell division in which the cytoplasm is divided?