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Seventh Grade Second Quarter EQT Study Guide:
1. Today, why can bacteria resist antibiotics?
Genetic variation allowed some to survive.
2. **What happens before mitosis begins?
The cell grows and copies its DNA.
3. Why are chromosomes even numbers?
So that they may divide in half because one comes from mom and one from dad.
4. A change in ocean current causes the climate on an island to become drier. As a result, the grasses
that cover the island change from dark green to light brown. Over time, how might a species of
green toads that hide in the grasses and are subjected to predation respond to these changes?
Their coloration will change to brown.
5. **When effective insecticide is used on a population of insects, most of the insects are killed.
However, a few may survive due to genes that make the resistant to the insecticide. What is the
BEST explanation of why this occurs?
Insects that survived sprayings passed their resistant genes to their offspring.
6. Snowshoe hares experience a change in fur color from brown in the summer to white in the winter.
Which statement best describes how the appearance of a particular snowshoe hare may change
after it lives in a warm climate year-round, for many generations?
It would have brown fur all year long.
7. Less than ten thousand years ago, environmental changes separated some individuals of a squirrel
population to one side of the Grand Canyon. Today, these squirrels now show a white tail and black
belly. Their ancestors exhibited gray tails and white bellies. This difference in fur coloring most
Is evidence of speciation due to geographical isolation.
8. Which student correctly identified the number of chromosomes in each organism?
Gypsies Moth
Guinea Pig
Student 3
9. **The sperm cells (gametes) of a squirrel have 20 chromosomes. How many are found in a body
cell of the same animal?
40 Chromosomes
10. How would a gene be described?
As the coded instructions for a specific trait on a portion of the DNA
What is the function of the cell part labeled X?
It contains the genetic instructions to control cell processes.
12. Which student has identified correct functions of a chromosome?
Student 3
13. How will an organism be affected if part of its chromosome is missing? (A picture with a missing
piece will be used)
The organism will lack the necessary information to control cell processed. Genes are missing.
14. If a scientist is trying to decide if a molecule is RNA or DNA, for what should he test?
15. The order of bases along a gene determines the order in which
Amino acids are put together to form a protein.
16. **What is the function of RNA?
Copy the coded message from the DNA and carry it into the cytoplasm.
17. What nucleic acids are present in both DNA and RNA?
Guanine and Adenine
18. DNA molecule is being changed (transcribed) into a RNA molecule. The next base to be transcribed
on the DNA sequence is adenine. Which base will be the complement in the RNA molecule?
19. Which strand must be DNA, and not RNA?
21 A science student was asked to construct models of DNA and RNA sections. Which section is correctly
constructed and should be placed into a DNA strand?
22. **When does a mutation occur?
When there is a change in the order of the bases in an organism’s DNA
(insertion, deletion, and substitution)
23 A pea plant has alleles for green and yellow seed colors. According to Mendel’s law of segregation of
characteristics, what must a gamete of the plant carry?
Only one allele
24. A pea plant has white flowers and yellow seeds. What does Mendel’s law of independent assortment say
about these traits?
Inheritance of one trait does not affect the other.
25. In a cross of parents that are pure for contrasting traits, only one form of the trait will appear in the next
generation. Offspring that are hybrid for a trait will have only the dominant trait in the phenotype. This is an
example of which of Mendel’s laws?
Law of Dominance
26. **In a plant, tall (D) is the dominant allele. Short (d) is the recessive allele. Which GENOTYPE would a
short offspring have?
27. Be able to interpret a pedigree chart:
a. males= squares
b. females= circles
c. carrier= half colored in squares or circles
d.has the trait= fully colored in squares or circles
e. generations= each horizontal row
28. Using the punnett square below, what percent of the offspring from the cross will have white leaves?
W=white leaves (dominant trait)
w=gray leaves (recessive trait)
29. If a male dog is homozygous dominate (GG) and it mates with a homozygous recessive female (gg), what
will the results of the offspring be?
l will be a heterozygous (Gg)
30 What occurs in the phases of mitosis? Be able to pick out picture of phases also. “P.M.A.T.”
a. Prophase= chromosomes are copied
b. Metaphase= Chromosomes line up in the middle
c. Anaphase= Chromosomes pull apart
d. Telophase= Nuclear membrane separate
31. Using the punnett square below, which phenotype has a 1:4, ¼, or 25% chance of being produced?
R=dominant / red
a. red
c. red and white
R= recessive / white
b. white d. pink
32. Alleles for different traits are distributed to gametes and offspring independently of one another. What
law does this represent?
Law of Independent Assortment
33. A pure dominant plant is crossed with a pure recessive plant. The first generations of offspring are mixed
plants. What law of heredity does this represent?
Law of Dominance
34. **You have a group of “tufted squirrels” that are new to an area. These squirrels are surviving more
than any other squirrels in the area. Why is this?
Natural selection- stronger traits are passed on and allow for the “survival of the fittest”
35. The managers of the Mobile Municipal Park have been fighting kudzu in our area. They are trying to
remove all evidence of it by killing the plants that are here. The kudzu is hurting the area and pushing out
local species. What type of species are these plants?
Invasive Species
36. **What are the beginning and end products of mitosis (body cells)?
Beginning= Prior to mitosis, the cell’s genetic material and organelles are copied, so that
copies ach chromosome.
End= 1 cell with 2 identical nuclei are produced.
Mitosis produces 2 genetically identical body cells.
there are two
37. What is the correct order of the cell cycle (three parts)? Know it by pictures also.
The cell cycle consists of three stages: interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis
38. What are the beginning and end products of meiosis (sex cells)?
One diploid cell produces four haploid cells
The cells are genetically reduced by half and there are four genetically different cells produced
39. A river caused one population of squirrels become separated into two populations. Members of these two
populations were later brought together but were not able to breed. What is this an example of?
Speciation due to changing landforms
40. The arctic fox goes through two color phases. During the winter, the fox is white. During the summer, it
is a brown and grey mix. What is being described?
Species variation due to climate
41. How can beaver, that build dams, help the environment?
By flooding an area and making a pond for fish to swim in.
42. Animals that are not to live in an area but do are called what?
Invasive species
43. **What is the process where animals that are able to survive and reproduce in an area is called what?
Natural Selection
44. **If an animal changes to better fit its environment, it is called what?
45. **Natural selection helps to lead to a new species how?
Good changes get passed on in living members
46. How does DNA make RNA?
DNA-transcribes (changes) into RNA-then into amino acids & proteins.
47. What is the genotype for each parent from the given information?
Tt and Tt
48. If only one parent has a trait, then it shows up in later generations, is the trait a dominant trait or
Recessive- only way to show is to get tow recessive traits together
49. **What are the two ways that proteins are made?
a. transcription= mRNA is made from DNA and takes it out to the ribosomes
b. translation= ribosomes make the proteins using the mRNA plan (transcript)
50. **Given this example, list the combinations. BbFf
BF, Bf, fB, and fb
Remember to take the first letter and combine it with both of the second paired letters.
Then take the second letter and combine it with both of the second pared letter
51. **Given this example: BbFf (B-blue b= pink F=fluff f= tuff). What is the phenotype?
Blue and fluff
52. **Be able to read a dihybrid cross. (crossing two alleles)!! B=blue b=pink F=flair f=tuff Pick any box
and give the phenotype for it.
53. **Given the dihybrid cross, what are all cross offspring (Genotype and Phenotype)
B=blue b=pink F=fluff f=tuff
genotype= BbFf
phenotype=100% = heterozygous, blue, fluffed
54. STEM What describes a scientific investigation but not an engineering investigation?
It explores the natural world and the universe.
55. STEM What expression explains what a scientist does but what an engineer does not do?
They do scientific investigations.