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Unit 4: Cells
Chapter 4
1. Distinguish between the detail seen and the size of the field of view when viewing a specimen under low verses
high power.
2. What limits how big a cell can be and how small?
3. What are the differences between a light microscope, a TEM, and an SEM? What are each used for? Be able to
tell from a micrograph which type of microscope was the image taken from.
4. Be able to sketch the structure of the plasma membrane making sure to include the following
a. Phospholipid bilayer
b. Arrangement of hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic heads
c. Proteins
5. Describe the function of plasma membrane
6. Be able to identify on a diagram the structures listed on the cell structure handout
7. Identify which structures from above are found in prokaryotic cells. Identify which are found in eukaryotic cells.
Identify those found in plants and those found in animal cells
8. Describe the different types of cell/cell junctions and give examples of where they are found (tight junctions,
gap junctions, anchoring junctions, plasmodesmata
9. List organelles that are “membrane bound”
10. Describe the components of the endomembrane system that would be involved in secreting a protein hormone
into the blood. (what are they and how do they play a role in this process). Describe how they would produce a
lipid that is secreted. How would they make the hydrolytic enzymes of a lysosome?
Chapter 5: sections 5.1 – 5.9
1. Describe the function of the various membrane proteins: integrin, glycoproteins, transport proteins, enzymes,
2. Describe the movement of materials across membrane
a. Passive transport (describe in terms of concentration of molecules and energy)
b. Diffusion (describe in terms of concentration of molecules and energy)
c. Facilitated diffusion (describe in terms of concentration of molecules and energy and why this is
different from simple diffusion above)
d. Active transport (describe in terms of concentration of molecules and energy)
e. Exocytosis/endocytosis (what is happening?)
f. Explain receptor mediated endocytosis and give an example of something that is taken into the cell in
this way.
3. What materials can pass through the phospholipids?
4. Which need to be transported through proteins?
5. Which have to pass by exocytosis/endocytosis?
6. Describe the concentration of solutes in Hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic solutions.
7. If a cell is placed into each to the types of solutions above, where does the water move (into the cell out of the
cell) and what happens to the size of the cell?
8. What type of cells would have turgor pressure? Explain
Labs/activities : Best shaped cell?, Osmosis Lab, microscope activity
Unit 4: Cells
Agenda and Reading Assignments
Mon: 11/11
Cell Structures
Tue 11/12
Cell structures
Wed 11/13
Reading quiz 4.1-4.5
Microscope activity
Thurs 11/14
Microscope activity
Fri 11/15
Cell analogy
Mon 11/18
Agar cubes
Tues 11/19
Membrane structure/ Transport
Read 4.1-4.5
Take notes
Read 4.1-4.5
Take notes
Finish Cell structures worksheet
Read 4.6-4.16
Take notes
Take notes
Take notes
Take notes
Take notes
Wed 11/20
Transport across a membrane
Take notes
Thurs 11/21
Fri 11/22
Reading quiz 5.1-5.9
Osmosis lab
Osmosis lab
Mon 11/25
Organelle relationships
Tues 11/26
Lab due Tues after Thanksgiving