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4 Prokaryotes
1. Which cells have a plasma membrane?
2. What types of substances does the plasma
membrane allow to enter and exit?
3. What are the functions of the plasma
4. How do substances enter and exit the
plasma membrane by using a concentration
5. Does it require energy ?
6. What would happen if a substance ruptured
the plasma membrane?
7. What types of substances would rupture the
plasma membrane?
8. Is the plasma membrane impermeable,
semipermeable, or omnipermeable?
9. What type of solution is salty water?
10. Will the concentration of salt outside the
cell be higher or lower than the
concentration inside the cell in hypertonic
11. What type of solution is pure water?
12. Will the concentration of salt outside the
cell be higher or lower than the
concentration inside the cell in a hypotonic
13. Which way will water diffuse if a cell is
placed in a hypotonic solution?
14. Which way will water diffuse if a cell is
placed in a hypertonic solution?
15. What type of solution has the same amount
of salt inside the cell and outside the cell?
16. What is osmosis?
17. What is osmotic pressure?
All cells, Prokaryote and Eukaryote
It allows low molecular weight (small sized)
substances (such as water) to get in and out depending
on their concentration within the cell and outside of it.
- It holds the organelles inside of the cell
- Allows some substances to come and go (oxygen and
water molecules), but does not allow other things to
get inside or leave.
- It regulates the flow of nutrients in the cell.
This is called diffusion, and does not require the cell to
expend any energy.
Any substance that can rupture the plasma membrane
will kill the whole organism
Alcohol, soaps, and other detergents easily rupture the
plasma membrane.
The plasma membrane is semipermeable
Hypertonic solution
Hypertonic solution will have higher concentration of
salt outside the cell
Hypotonic solution
Hypotonic solution will have higher concentration of
salt inside the cell
Water will diffuse into the cell and make it pop
Water will diffuse out of the cell and make it shrink
Isotonic solution
Movement of water across a selectively permeable
membrane from an area of high water concentration to
an area of lower water concentration
The pressure needed to stop the movement of water
across the membrane.
4 Prokaryotes
18. What is the phospholipid bilayer in a plasma Two layers of a compound consisting of phosphates and
lipids (fats). The outer and inner sides of the membrane
are water soluble, and the area between is not water
19. What gives the plasma membrane
the phospholipid bilayer
semipermeability, which allows it to take in
certain substances and keep out other
20. What are lipoproteins and what is their
Lipoproteins are made up of fat and proteins and are
purpose in the cell membrane?
found in the plasma cell membrane. They are special
proteins that can transport larger molecules like sugars
into the cell.
21. When lipoproteins transport molecules,
Active transport because it requires some energy in the
what kind of transport is this called?
form of ATP.
22. Gram negative organisms have what type of They have an inner and outer plasma membrane
cell membrane?
separated by a cell wall. The cell wall is thin, and
made of peptidoglycan.
23. Gram positive organisms have what type of They have only one plasma membrane inside of its cell
cell membrane?
wall. The cell wall is thick, and made of
24. What is the difference between gram
negative and gram positive organisms?
Plasma membrane
Cell Wall
Outer plasma
25. In a gram-negative organism what does the
outer plasma membrane contain? And what
is it made of?
26. What are O antigens?
27. What are K antigens?
28. What are H Antigens?
29. What is the endotoxin in the LPS called?
Lipopolysachharide (LPS) which is made of lipids
(fats) and many sugars (polysachharides).
The string portion of LPS in Gram negative bacteria.
The capsule of bacteria which have capsules
The flagella of bacteria which have flagella
Lipid A.
4 Prokaryotes
O Antigen
Inner plasma membrane
Cell Wall
Lipid A
Outer plasma
30. What has a more complex cell wall bacteria
or humans?
31. What keeps an organism from exploding
from osmotic shock?
32. What can only be found in bacteria?
33. What are the only two bacteria that do not
have a normal cell wall?
34. Is Mycobacteria Gram negative or positive?
35. What does a peptidoglycan consist of and
what are they linked by?
36. How are the sugars arranged?
More complex in Prokaryotes (bacteria) than in
Eukaryotes (humans).
The rigidity of the cell wall keeps the organism from
exploding from osmotic shock. Humans do not have
cell walls.
Peptidoglycan is only found in bacteria.
Mycobacteria (causes TB or leprosy, depending on the
species) has a cell wall that is 60% waxy. Mycoplasma
has no cell wall; it can cause pneumonia.
It is neither Gram-positive nor Gram-negative. It is
called “Acid-fast” because it takes an acidic stain to
color it.
Consists of a chain of two types of sugars (NAM and
NAG) linked by proteins.
37. What is peptidoglycan also known as?
38. What is a bacterial cell wall made up of?
The sugars are arranged in this order: NAG-NAMNAG.
Peptidoglycan is also known as the murein layer.
made up of polymer of:
N-acetylglucosamine (NAG)
N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM)
39. What are the two polymers connected by?
NAM is connected to NAG via a beta 1,4 linkage
40. What breaks down the beta 1, 4 linkage?
Lysozyme enzymes break the beta 1,4 linkage that
binds NAM and NAG together.
By breaking down the existing beta 1,4 linkage in the
cell wall that binds NAM and NAG together
41. How do Lysozyme enzymes kill bacteria?
4 Prokaryotes
42. How does penicillin kill bacteria?
43. What results in Gram positive organisms
when penicillin is taken?
44. What results in Gram negative organisms
when penicillin is taken?
45. What happens to cells that become a
protoplast or spheroplast?
46. Which Gram type bacteria has less (thinner)
47. Which Gram type bacteria have an inner
and outer plasma membrane?
48. Where is the outer plasma membrane
49. Where is the inner plasma membrane
50. Which organisms have more peptidoglycan,
Gram positive or Gram negative?
51. For both Gram positive and Gram negative,
where does the Gram stain enter the cells?
52. Why is the iodine unable to leave the cell
53. How does the Crystal Violet-Iodine
complex leak out?
54. Which cells absorb safranin, Gram negative
Prevents cell wall synthesis by preventing the NAMNAG beta 1,4 linkage. Although it breaks the protein
bonds in the cell wall, it is NOT considered to work by
inhibiting protein synthesis.
Protoplast (cell wall dissolves away)
Partially lose cell wall, becomes a spheroplast (round
Osmotic pressure occurs and the cell bursts and dies
Gram negative
Gram negative
External to the cell wall
Internal to the cell wall
Gram positive
The dye enters the cytoplasm of both Gram positive and
Gram negative cells.
The iodine forms large crystals with the dye that are too
large to escape through the cell wall.
Alcohol dissolves the outer membrane of the gram negative
cells and leaves small holes in the thin peptidoglycan layer
through which the iodine leaks.
Gram negative and Gram positive both absorb safranin.
or positive?
55. What applies only to gram positive cells in
relation to safranin?
56. Describe the characteristics of a Glycocalyx
57. What does a Glycocalyx consist of?
58. What is the capsule made of?
59. Is a capsule neatly organized?
60. Does every bacterium have a capsule?
61. What is the purpose of a capsule?
The pink color of safranin is masked by the darker purple
dye previously absorbed by gram positive cells.
-Outside of cell wall
-Usually sticky
-Extracellular polysaccharide allows cells to attach
Capsule and Slime Layer
Non-slimy proteins (made of polypeptides) and sugars
To store nutrients and inhibit phagocytosis
4 Prokaryotes
62. What is a flagellum?
63. Can you see the flagella in live cells?
64. What is a flagellum made of?
65. What are the three parts of a flagellum?
66. What is needed to turn the disk, which turns
the flagella?
67. What is the process of an organism sensing
chemicals in the environment and moving
towards or away from them?
68. What protein antigen do bacteria flagella
69. In the strain of E. coli called O157.H7, what
does the “O” mean, and what does the “H7”
Whip-like tail used for motility.
Not without a special stain, which would kill the cell.
However, you can see the live organism moving
without the stain
a protein called flagellin
Filament, hook, and turning discs
H-antigen (Flagellar Antigen)
The letter “O” followed by a number indicates the
type of cell wall Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the
H-7 indicates the type of flagellar antigen.
70. What is the term for many flagella around
the perimeter of cells?
71. What is the term for a group of flagella at
one end of the cell?
72. What is the term for one flagellum coming
out of each end of the cell?
73. What is the term for a cell with only one
flagellum that comes out of one end of the
74. What are the three types of motility allowed
by flagella?
75. What are axial filaments?
Special flagella (endoflagella) found only in
Move in a rotational motion like a corkscrew.
76. What do the axial filaments allow the
spirochete to do?
77. What does this motion allow?
78. What is an example of a spirochete?
79. What is the function of a sex pilus?
80. What are fimbrae?
Run – move in straight line
Tumble – roll around themselves
Run and Tumble – doing both movements alternately
Allows the spirochete to penetrate tissue.
The bacterium that causes syphilis.
It helps cells connect to each other during conjugation
so they can transfer DNA from one cell to another
(sexual reproduction).
Hair like structures made of protein, found in bacteria.
In Eukaryotes, they are called cilia
4 Prokaryotes
81. What is the function of fimbrae?
82. What is an example of a bacterium with
83. What are the three types of bacterial
antigens and where on a bacterium are they
84. What is a CYTOPLASM?
Allows bacteria to attach to host
Neisseria gonorrhoeae (causes gonorrhea)
85. What consist of the cytoplasm’s watery
86. What is a NUCEIOD?
It is made up of 80% water and contains proteins
(enzymes), carbohydrates, and lipids.
A nuclear area (prokaryotes without nucleus)
Only has one chromosome and DNA is circular instead
of linear.
Histones are structures Eukaryotes use to organize
their DNA by wrapping around it. Prokaryotes do not
have histones.
Small pieces of DNA fragments which are separate
from the chromosome. They may carry genes for
antibiotic resistance, production of toxins, etc.Can be
transferred from one bacterium to another.
Plasmid DNA is used for gene manipulation and
They are “protein factories”
10,000 ribosomes can fit in a cytoplasm
They give the cytoplasm a granular appearance
They are made of two subunits:
30S and 50S
Together, they are called a 70S ribosome unit (the
numbers are NOT added to get this figure).
Streptomycin and Gentamycin
Erythromycin and Chloramphenicol
Inclusions are reserve deposits of nutrients within the
cytoplasm. These nutrients can be in the form of
phosphate, glycogen, starch, and lipids.
Specialized resting cells formed by gram-positive
bacteria when essential nutrients are depleted.
Clostrtidium, which causes diseases such as gangrene,
tetanus, botulism, and food poisoning.
87. What are HISTONES and which cells have
it/ does not have it?
88. What are PLASMIDS?
89. How do plasmids benefit humans?
90. What are 3 characteristics of
91. Name 4 antibiotics that work by inhibiting
the protein synthesis of ribosomes
92. What two subunits are ribosomes made up
93. The two subunits of ribosomes are called
what when put together?
94. Which antibiotics attack the 30S unit?
95. Which antibiotics attack the 50S unit?
96. Describe inclusions
97. What are Endospores?
98. What is an example of a pathological
organism that produces endospores?
 O Antigen: LPS of gram-negative
 H Antigen: Flagella
 K Antigen: Capsule
The watery substance inside of the plasma membrane
4 Prokaryotes
99. What organisms make endospores?
What are characteristics of
101. What is the function of endospores?
Only Gram positive rod bacteria make endospores.
They are highly durable, dehydrated cells with thick
They can survive extreme heat, lack of water, and
exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation.
102. What effect does boiling water have on
103. How can we tell if an unknown organism
is an endospore producer?
104. What is the process by which endospores
are formed?
105. Is sporulation the same as reproduction?
Endospores can survive in boiling water for several
hours or more.
Endospores require a special endospore stain to be
106. Describe the process of sporulation
107. What is germination?
108. What triggers germination?
109. How does germination occur?
110. What are the three types of Endospores
Only one cell comes from one endospore, therefore
sporulation is not reproduction.
The cytoplasm of the vegetative cell dries up, the cell
wall ruptures, and the endospore is released into the
The endospore returns to its vegetative state.
This is triggered by a change in the environment.
Water enters into the endospore, and metabolism
Terminal endospore
Sub-terminal endospore
Central endospore