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Cell Structure Project
Due Date: ____________________
Every living organism is composed of cells. Each cell is specialized with functions that
the organism needs to survive. Cells consist of structures within that are required to keep
them functioning. It could almost be said that cells function like a small city. Each
organelle within a cell has a specific job requirement. For example, the Endoplasmic
Reticulum is responsible for transporting materials throughout the cell, therefore, they
could be compared to a highway system in a city. Lysosomes are responsible for clean
up and digestion of waste materials, so they could be compared to the city clean up crew
or waste management.
The purpose of this project is for each student to get a better understanding that cells are
composed of individual membrane bound organelles. It is also for students to realize that
each organelle has its own function and is necessary for the survival of the cell.
Here is your project: You and your partner/group members will be responsible for
creating a project that represents a cell model. Some ideas are building a 3-D model of a
cell out of clay, creating a city presentation on poster board or 3-D with each cell
organelle included, a mobile, or any other creative idea you and your group can come up
with. If you are unsure, please get prior approval by Ms. Park. The project should
include (at minimum) each of the organelles studied in class including:
Golgi Apparatus
Endoplasmic Reticulum
Cell Membrane
Cell Wall
Cilia and/or Flagella
Along with the organelles, you must include somewhere on your project, the function of
each organelle within a cell. Please also include whether your cell is an animal or plant
cell. Also, with each project, each group should submit a 1-page (at least) typed
summary of their project. You should answer the following questions:
What is your project? How did you represent each organelle? How did you
represent their functions? At least 2 interesting facts that you learned while
completing this project. What is unique about your project? Include anything else
you would like for me to know or keep in mind while grading your projects. Also,
include a description of each group member’s contribution to the project.
You will be graded on the following:
20 points
Each organelle with correct function
24 points
Correctly representing organelle
16 points
60 points
I will give students some class time to meet with their groups and work on their projects
but they should not depend on this time because it will not be enough to complete their
projects. They should plan on meeting outside of school to work on their projects.