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Exam 3 Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
A repeating DNA sequence at the end of
that prevents them from losing base pair
sequences at their
ends and from fusing together is:
a. centromere
b. telomere
c. promoter
d. transcription protein
All of the following are ways cells
communicate except:
a. direct intracellular signaling
b. contact dependent signaling
c. signal dependent signaling
d. endocrine signaling
b. DAG
c. IP3
d. tRNA
Steroid hormones are:
a. derived from cholesterol
b. systemic signals
c. are endocrine signals
d. all of the above
Heterochromatin are more compacted than
a. true b. false
A lignad molecules is:
a. a signal molecule
b. non-covalent
c. high degree of specificity
d. reversible
e. all of the above
f. none of the above
Transcription produces _______ from the
__________ strand.
a. DNA, template
b. RNA, template
c. DNA, coded
d. RNA, coded
Which of the following isn’t a step in a cell
a. receptor activator
b. signal transport
c. signal transduction
d. cellular response
What changes can signal transduction elicit in
a cell?
a. activation of enzyme activity
b. change in cytoskeleton organization
c. change in ion permeability
d. activation of DNA synthesis
e. activation of RNA synthesis
f. Any of the above
Which of the following is not an example of
2nd messengers?
a. cAMP
tRAN translates _______ into _________.
a. mRNA, DNA
b. DNA, mRNA
c. mRNA, amino acids
d. DNA, amino acids
Which is not a step transcription?
a. initiation
b. elongation c. termination
d. propagation
What direction does transcription proceed?
Supplemental Instruction
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  294-6624 
a. 3’->5’ along the DNA
template strand
b. 3’->5’ along the DNA
template strand
c. 3’->5’ along the RNA trascript
d. 5’->3’ along the RNA
Prokaryotes mRNA is:
a. capped
b. spliced
c. tailed
d. turned to amino acids
e. all of the above
Which of the following is NOT a
function for the ECM?
a. Cell secretion
b. Cell signaling
c. Tissue strength
d. Cell shape
e. Cell connections
b) Each cell type inherits
different genes
c) Each cell type discards
different genes
d) Each gene codes different
proteins in different cells
Which of the following is not involved in
a. mRNA
b. DNA
c. tRNA
d. ribosomes
What makes each insect body segment
different from another?
a) Each inherits different genes
b) Each expresses different genes
c) Each discards different genes
d) Each gene codes different proteins
in different segments.
Which of the following is not in animal cells?
a. anchoring junctions
b. middle lamella
c. tight junctions
d. gap junctions -
What does a fertilized zygote need to form
into a complete embryo?
a. morphogen gradients
b. cell signaling/cell contacts
c. transcriptional hierarchies
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
What types of cells make a continuos sheet
that are connected by tight junctions?
a. Epithelial tissue
b. Connective tissue
c. Nervous tissue
d. Muscle tissue
Which of the following may be involved in
combinatorial control of eukaryotic gene
a. Activator proteins
b. Repressor proteins
c. DNA methylation
d. Alteration of chromatin structure
e. All of the above
Within an organism, what makes one
cell type different from another?
a) Each cell type expresses
different genes
GTFs (general transcription factors) are
that bind to DNA. What is their function?
a.Blocking the formation of mediator proteins
b. Suppression of transcription by binding to
the TATA box
c. Initiate transcription by forming an
initiation complex
d. Allosteric inhibition of RNA polymerase
e. None of the above
When an effector molecule binds to a
transcription repressor protein, the repressor
protein changes shape and is no longer able to
bind to DNA. What would happen to the rate
of transcription if the concentration of the
effector molecules was reduced?
a. Increase
b. Decrease
c. Remain the same
Why is the genetic code degenerate?
a. Because the DNA is not precisely copied
into RNA.
b. Because more than one codon in a mRNA
can code for a single amino acid.
c. Because more than one amino acid can be
specified by the same sequence in the mRNA.
d. Because the genetic code was discovered
by hippies
Which of the following involves moving
petidyl-tRNA from the A site to the P site?
a. Initiation of translation
b. Elongation of translation
c. Termination of translation
d. Initiation of transcription
e. Transcription elongation