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Ch 4 Modern Bio
Cell Biology
Student copy
I. The History of Cell Biology
a. What is a cell?
b. What do cells make up?
c. The creation or discovery of what, led to the study of cells?
d. Hooke
i. Describe a light microscope
ii. What did Hooke see when looking through it?
e. Leeuwenhoek
i. What did he see?
ii. What are animalcules
f. Cell Theory
i. Who was Schleiden? And what did he discover?
ii. Who was Schwann? And what did he discover?
iii. Who was Virchow and what did he discover?
iv. What is a cell theory?
v. List 7 events in cell theory development
vi. The Cellular Basis of Life
1. List each component listed here
2. What is homeostasis?
II. Introduction to Cells
a. Talk about the diversity of cells (intro)
b. Cell Diversity
i. Talk about the relationship of shape to function of cells.
c. Cell size
i. Describe the diversity of cell size
ii. Why is surface area-to volume ratio important
d. Basic Parts of a cell
i. What is the plasma membrane and what is its function
ii. Cytoplasm – what is it and what is the function.
1. What is cytocol?
iii. Discuss the nucleus as a control center? What actually controls the cells
organelle function?
e. Two Basic Types of cells
i. Prokaryotes
1. Discuss characteristics that qualify a critter as a prokaryote
2. What is the difference between Archaea and Bacteria domains
3. What is a neucloid
ii. Eukaryotes
1. Discuss characteristics that qualify a critter as a eukaryote
2. What is an organelle?
a. What do eukaryote organelles have in common?
f. Cellular Organization
i. What are colonial organisms?
ii. What does it mean – True multicelularity?
iii. What is tissue?
iv. What are organs
v. What is an organ system?
III. Cell Organelles and Features
a. Plasma Membrane
i. Functions of plasma membrane?
ii. Membrane Lipids
1. What are plasma membranes made of?
2. Talk about the hydrophobic and hydrophilic qualities of membranes?
3. What is meant by phospholipid bilayer?
4. What do sterols do for the membrane?
iii. Membrane proteins
1. What are integral proteins?
2. How do they differ from receptor proteins and transport proteins
3. What are peripheral proteins
4. What is often attached to integral proteins?
5. What function do some integral proteins have?
iv. Fluid Mosaic Model
1. What is meand by the fluid mosaic model of the bilayer?
b. Nucleus
i. What is nucleoplasm and what is it’s function:
ii. What does the nucleus house and protect?
iii. Explain the difference between chromatin and chromosomes.?
iv. Where is RNA made?
v. Nuclear envelope
1. Describe the nuclear membrane and its function
2. What is the function of the nuclear pore?
vi. Nucleolus
1. What is the function of the nucleolus?
2. What are the functions of ribosomes and where will you find them?
vii. Mitochondria
1. What is the function of the mitochondria?
2. What is ATP and what is its function?
3. Describe mitochondrial DNA, where does it come from?
viii. Ribosomes
1. Describe ribosomes
2. What do ribosomes like to attach to, even though you can find them
everywhere in the cell?
ix. Endoplasmic Teticulum
1. Describe ER and tell what the function is
2. What is the difference both structurally and functionally between rough
and smooth ER?
a. Rough:
b. Smooth:
x. Golgi Apparatus
1. Describe the structure and function of the golgi apparatus
xi. Vesicles- What is the function of each of the following:
1. Lysosomes
2. Peroxisomes
3. Briefly describe protein synthesis
xii. Cytoskeleton
1. What is cytoskeleton in general
2. Discuss microtubules
3. Discuss microfilaments
4. Compare intermediate filaments to the previous to types
5. Compare cilia and flagella. Where would you find them and what do they
6. What are centrioles?
IV. Unique Features of Plant Cells
a. Name three additional organelles found in plants that you do not find in animal cells?
b. How do plants differ from animals in general?
c. What does photosynthesis do?
d. Cell Wall
i. Describe a cell wall. What is it made of and what does it do for the cell?
ii. What is the difference between an primary and secondary cell wall?
e. Central Vacuole
i. Describe the structure and function of the central vacuole.
ii. How much of a cell is comprised of the central vacuole?
iii. What happens to vacuoles when plants don’t get enough water?
iv. Other vacuoles
1. What is the function of other vacuoles in the cell?
f. Plastids
i. What is a plastid in general?
ii. Name several types
iii. Chloroplasts
1. What is the function
2. Where would you find them?
3. What is a thylakoid?
4. What is the function of chlorophyll?
5. Describe endosymbiosis
iv. Chromoplast
1. What is a chromoplast? Where would you find them?
v. Other plastids
1. Describe the function of some other plastid types
vi. Comparing cells
1. Compare prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes
2. Compare plant cells to animals cells