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Chapter 17: From Gene to Protein
One gene  one polypeptide
 Transcription
o DNA acts as a template for the new RNA molecule
o Carries DNA “message” to protein-synthesizing machine (mRNA = messenger
o Occurs in nucleus
 Translation
o RNA polypeptide
o Translate base sequence to amino acid sequence
o Occurs at the ribosomes
Genetic Code
 4 nucleic acids
43 = 64 combinations
 20 amino acids
 in transcription, one strand of DNA is the template strand  mRNA is complementary
to the template
 in RNA code, Uracil takes the place of Thymine
o ex: template strand of DNA has ACC … mRNA complement is UGG
 codon= triplet of nucleotides that codes for one amino acid
o # nucleotides on an mRNA is 3x the number of amino acids
o see chart on p. 299
o start codon is AUG
 also codes for Met
 polypeptide starts being made here
o stop codons are UAA, UAG, UGA; these indicate the end of translation
o reading frame: grouped sequence in which the code is read
Transcription (transcribe = copy)
 RNA polymerase
o first pulls 2 DNA strands apart
o also adds new RNA nucleotides (to 3’ end only)
o transcription unit = piece of DNA that is transcribed onto RNA (the whole DNA
molecule isn’t transcribed at once!!)
 Stages
1. Initiation
 Promoter region
o Initial site of RNA polymerase attachment
o Includes start codon and several dozen nucleotide pairs “upstream”
 Transcription factors
o Mediate binding of RNA polymerase and initiation of transcription
o Transcription factors + RNA polymerase = transcription initiation
 TATA box
o Transcription factor binds here
2. Elongation
 RNA polymerase moves down DNA sequence, unwinding it 10 – 20 bases at a
 Rate of 60 nucleotides / second
 Several molecules of polymerase may work on transcribing the same gene at the
same time in order to speed things up
3. Termination
 Terminator = RNA sequence that signals the end of transcription
 Transcription produces a precursor to the polished RNA molecule called pre-RNA
 Modifications to RNA
o Alterations of ends
5’ cap = modified G is added to 5’ end, protecting RNA from being
degraded by enzymes and serving as a signal for ribosome attachment
poly (A) tail = 30-200 amino acids on the 3’ end that prevents enzyme
degradation and helps ribosome attachment; also helps transport RNA
out of nucleus
o RNA splicing
Exons are coding regions of the RNA that are eventually expressed
Introns are noncoding regions in between the exons that must be
Introns are removed from pre-RNA sequence before export to the
Sequences at the end of introns signal snRNP’s (small nuclear
ribonucleoproteins) to splice at those locations
snRNP’s work with other proteins to cut and paste together the exons
o ribozymes
intron RNA catalyzes its own removal
 tRNA (transfer RNA) translates the mRNA code by transferring amino acids within the
cytoplasm to the ribosome
o each type of tRNA links a specific codon wth its corresponding amino acid
o anticodon: sequence of tRNA complementary to mRNA codon
o made in the nucleus during transcription
o strand of 80 nucleotides folded into cloverleaf-like shape
o 45 different tRNA’s
 the base-pairing rules relax a bit on tRNA molecules; this is known as wobble
o ex: U in 3rd position of anticodon can pair with A or G
o ex: I (inosine) in 3rd position of anticodon can pair with U, C, or A
o aha! This is why 1 amino acid may correspond with multiple codons, only
differing in the last letter
 aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase joins amino acids to their respective tRNA’s (20 types)
 ribosomes consist of 2 subunits (large and small)
o both subunits are made in nucleolus and combine in cytoplasm
proteins + rRNA (ribosomal RNA)
o binding sites
P site: holds tRNA carrying growing polypeptide
A site: holds tRNA carrying the on-deck amino acid
E site: where tRNA molecules exit the ribosome
 Stages (same as transcription)
1. Initiation
 Requires GTP (source of energy)
 mRNA, tRNA, 2 ribosomal subunits come together
2. Elongation
 Requires GTP
 Amino acids added single file, with peptide bonds forming in between
 Translocation: tRNA in A site moves to P site, then E site
3. Termination
 Release factor binds to the site where the stop codon is “read”
 Causes H2O to bind to pp, hydrolyzing pp from ribosome
 Everything dissasembles, leaving completed pp behind
 Changes in genetic material
 Point mutations can change only a tiny piece in the DNA and may or may not have
dramatic results
 Base pair substitutions
o Replacement of nucleotide pair with another pair
o Silent mutations do not change which amino acid is synthesized
o Missense mutations still codes for an amino acid, but the wrong one
o Nonsense mutations code for stop codon, causing production of
nonfunctional protein
 Insertions and Deletions
o + or – one or more nucleotide pairs
o usually have a more profound effect than bp substitutions
o frameshift mutation occurs if # of nucleotides added or deleted  3
alters all codons located “downstream”