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Organelles Quick Check KEY
cell membrane
cell wall
endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi complex (apparatus)
 1. Organelle Functions. Identify the organelle that each function is describing.
a. lysosome
small sacs of digestive enzymes that help devour cell debris
b. cell wall
tough outer structure of plant cells that provides shape, support & protection
c. vesicles
small packages that are used to help move materials into or out of the cell
d. chloroplast
contains green pigment in plant cells to make glucose
e. ribosome
builds proteins
f. cytoskeleton
microtubules that help provide shape in animal cells
g. cytoplasm
fluid that holds the cell’s organelles in place
h. Golgi complex
lipids that modify & package proteins before being transported out of the cell
i. mitochondria
converts glucose to ATP
j. nucleus
contains the instructions to build an organism’s traits
k. centrioles
structures that aid in the division of chromosomes during cell division
l. vacuoles
used for storing water or food
m. cell membrane
cell’s outer barrier that regulates the exchange of materials into & out of the cell
n. endoplasmic reticulum network of passageways that materials travel through in the cell
 2. Glucose Pathway. Trace the pathway that glucose takes as it enters a cell & gets to its destination of usage.
glucose enters the a. cell membrane
 travels through the b. cytoplasm
 arrives in the c. mitochondria
 is used to be converted into d. ATP
e. Cellular respiration is the chemical reaction that uses glucose.
 3. Protein Synthesis Pathway. Trace the pathway in which a protein is formed then moved out of the cell.
DNA gives RNA the instructions to build protein in the a. __nucleus_________________  RNA then
travels to the b. _ER____________________, where the c. __ribosome______________ builds the protein
 protein travels through the d. __ER/cytoplasm________  arrives at the e. Golgi apparatus to be packaged
up into a f. _vesicles__________  fuses with the g. cell membrane
and gets pushed out of the cell.
4. Why are cells so small? To be able to efficiently get materials into and out of the cell
Rank these cells by size from smallest to largest & give reasons for size: animal, bacteria, plant
a. bacteria
b. animal
c. plant
 5. Compare prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic cells
a. smaller
e. larger
b. smaller, floating in cytoplasm
f. in nucleus
c. None (except ribosomes and CM)
g. yes
d. bacteria
h. everything else (plants, animals, fungus, etc.)