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Biology 212 General Genetics
Lecture 13 "DNA Replication"
Spring 2007
Reading: Chap. 6 pp. 210-224
Lecture Outline:
1. DNA structure review
2. Semiconservative replication model
3. Replication forks
4. Process of replication
a. Key enzymes and requirements
b. Leading and lagging strands
1. Review of DNA structure
DNA double helix model:
 DNA made of nucleotide building blocks linked into polymer chains
 Bases are on inside, sugars and phosphates form a backbone on outside
 Two strands exist in an antiparallel arrangement
5'----------- 3'
3'----------- 5'
 hydrogen bonds between the complementary bases A pairs with T; G pairs with C
2. Semiconservative model of DNA replication
 in simplest form, the concept that each strand of DNA serves as the template for
synthesis of the daughter strand (Fig. 6.8)
experimental evidence for the model
Meselson and Stahl 1958
Experimental system
o E. coli bacterium
 One large double stranded circular chromosome
 Duplicates itself in about 30 min.
o Minimal growth requirements
 Glucose (carbon source)
glucose minimal
 Ammonium salts (nitrogen source)
 Various salts
 Water
o Used heavy (15N) or normal (14N) isotopes in different minimal media.
o Separate 15N-tagged DNA from 14N DNA by equilibrium density gradient
N-DNA (less dense)
N-DNA (more dense)
1. grow bacteria for many generations in 15N-containing medium (heavy)
2. transfer bacteria to 14N-containing medium (light)
3. isolate DNA from bacteria periodically and determine relative density on equilibrium
density gradient.
4. interpretation of results based on model of semi-conservative replication
Figs. 6.9 and 6.10
3. Replication forks
a. Replication begins at origins of replication
E. coli bacterial DNA
 1 unique origin
 bidirectional replication from origin
 replication bubble (theta structure) intermediate
higher organisms
 multiple replication origins
b. Replication forks
sites where double stranded DNA strands have separated
new DNA is laid down
4. Process of DNA replication
 multistep process
 catalyzed by many enzymes and proteins
 requires deoxynucleotide triphosphates
a. Key steps and key enzymes: E. coli replication
Key steps
1. unwind DNA at origin
keep DNA unwound
relieve stress on DNA from
2. lay down short RNA primer
Key enzymes and proteins
single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSB)
DNA gyrase
RNA polymerase (primase)
3. extend primer with dNTPs in
5'  3' direction
proofread to remove mispaired
4. remove RNA primer and
replace with DNA
5. seals nicks in DNA backbone
so strand is continuous
DNA polymerase III
DNA polymerase I
DNA ligase
b. DNA replication is discontinuous
 DNA is copied in pieces then assembled
 Due to unique nature of DNA polymerase enzymes--only work in 5' 3' direction
 Discovered by Okazaki
 One strand is synthesized continuously=leading strand
 One strand is synthesized discontinuously=lagging strand