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7.3, 7.4 Test Review
1. Diffusion occurs because (p. 208)______________________________________________________
2. During diffusion, when the concentration of molecules on both sides of a membrane is the same, the
molecules will continue to move _______________________________________________(p. 209)
3. The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane is called __________________(p. 210)
4. An animal cell that is surrounded by fresh water will burst because the osmotic pressure causes water to
move (into/ out of) the cell (p. 211)
5. Which means of particle transport requires input of energy from the cell? (p. 212)
facilitated diffusion
active transport
6. Which means of particle transport is shown in the figure above?__________________________(p. 212)
7. Which term describes the relatively constant internal physical conditions of an organism____________
(p. 214)
8. The cells of unicellular organisms are able to carry out _______________________________(p.215)
9. A group of similar cells that perform a particular function is called ______________________(p. 216)
10. The levels of organization in a multicellular organism listed from simplest to most complicated are
________________________, tissues, _________________________, and organ systems (p. 216)
11. Some materials can move across the cell membrane against a concentration gradient by_____________
(p. 212)
12. The cell takes in food and water and eliminates wastes through its selectively permeable____________
(p. 212)
13. A cell’s relatively constant internal physical and chemical conditions are called___________________
(p. 214)
14. List the levels of organization in a multicellular organism from the simplest level to the most complex
level: (p. 216)________________________________________________________________________
15. Define diffusion. (p. 208)___________________________________________________________
16. What advantages do cell walls provide plant cells that contact fresh water? (p. 211)_______________
17. Explain, in terms of osmosis, why a raisin placed in a cup of pure water overnight will puff up with water.
(p. 211)____________________________________________________________________________
18. How are endocytosis and exocytosis similar? How are they different? (p. 213)____________________