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Nervous System Notesheet
Name: __________________ Date of Test: ______________
Nervous System
1. Two main divisions
a. Central Nervous System (CNS) –
b. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) –
2. Neurons a. Sensory Neurons –
ex. Playing games in computer lab.
b. Motor Neurons –
c. Interneurons – connect neurons
3. Structure and Functions of Neurons
a. Cell Body –
b. Dendrites –
Axon Diagram
c. Axons –
d. Synapse –
e. Myelin Sheath –
f. Axon Terminals –
The Central Nervous System
1. The brain
b. Divided into three main parts:
2. The Cerebrum
c. left hemisphere is for
d. right hemisphere is for
3. Four lobes (parts) of the cerebrum
a. Frontal Lobe –
b. Parietal Lobe –
c. Occipital Lobe –
d. Temporal –
4. The Cerebellum
5. The Brain Stem
b. five parts
c. Medulla Oblongata –
d. Pons –
e. Midbrain –
f. Thalamus –
g. Hypothalamus –
- also controls pituitary gland which affects metabolism, sexual development, and
The Peripheral Nervous System
Remember…What does PERIPHERAL Vision mean?
1. Broken into two parts
a. Autonomic Nervous System –
b. Somatic Nervous System –
2. Autonomic Nervous System
b. Sympathetic nervous system –
- “Fight or flight response”
- Example… you are riding in a car and a deer jumps
out in front of you. Think about how you feel. Your body prepares you to make a sudden reaction.
c. Parasympathetic nervous system –
- slows heartbeat, relaxes blood vessels, lowers blood pressure
Problems of the Nervous System
1. Headaches –
2. Head injuries
a. concussion –
b. contusion –
3. Spinal Injuries
4. Meningitis –
a. symptoms include fever, headache, light and sound sensitivity, and neck stiffness.
How to care for/prevent these problems:
Nervous System Organizational Chart
Name: _____________________________________________________________ Class:________________________________________________
Directions: The nervous system can be broken down in to smaller parts. This chart will help you organize the information you have learned throughout the
Bell Ringer Answer Sheet
Name: _________________________________________________ Period: ______________________________
Directions: From time to time, you will have a bell ringer question to answer at the very beginning of class. Answer the bell ringers below. DON’T
LOSE THIS SHEET! You will be turning it in to Mr. B for credit! If you miss one due to absence, ask a neighbor or go to my website!
Bell Ringer #1:
Bell Ringer #2:
Bell Ringer #3:
Bell Ringer #4:
Bell Ringer #5: