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Science Vocabulary: Cells and Behavior Traits
Name: ________________ Homeroom: _________________
Date: _____
1. Cell: the smallest part of a living thing, the basic unit of function in
all living things
2. Organism: a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or
function independently
3. Microorganism: An organism that is too small to be seen with the
naked eye.
4. Cell Membrane: the thin “skin” that covers the cell and gives the cell
its shape (found in animal and plant cells)
5. Nucleus: part of the cell that controls ALL the cell’s activities; it’s the
boss of the cell! (found in animal and plant cells)
6. Cytoplasm: living material inside the cell membrane – NOT including
the nucleus (found in animal and plant cells)
7. Cell Wall: the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane of a plant cell.
It is made of nonliving material called cellulose. The cell wall is more
rigid (stiff) than the cell membrane. It provides the plant with its shape
and stiffness.
8. Chloroplast: chloroplasts are found in the cytoplasm of a plant cell.
Chloroplasts contain a green substance called chlorophyll.
9. Chlorophyll: Chlorophyll is the green pigment needed by plants to
make food. It is usually found in the leaf cells of green plants.
10. Photosynthesis: the food-making process in plants; in which
plants that contain chlorophyll make carbohydrates from water and from
carbon dioxide in the air in the presence of light
11. Inherited Trait: characteristics that occur among members of a
family usually by heredity (genes)
12 Dominant gene: the stronger gene or trait that always shows itself
13. Recessive gene: the weaker gene or trait that is hidden when the
dominant gene is present
14. Heredity: the passing on of genes and genetic traits from parent to
Science Study Guide: Cells and Behavior Traits
Name: ________________ Homeroom: _________________
Date: _____
1. What is the purpose or function of a cell?
2. What are the parts of a plant cell? What are the parts of an
animal cell?
Plant Cell
Animal Cell
3. What is the difference between a multi-celled organism and a
single-celled organism?
 Multi-celled organism –
 Single-celled organism –
4. What are genes?
5. What is a dominant trait? What is a recessive trait?
 Dominant Trait –
 Recessive Trait -
6. What are some traits that we inherit?
5th Grade Study Guide: Cells
1. What is the purpose or function of a cell?
The cell is the basic structure of all living things. It carries on ALL
of life’s processes.
2. What are the parts of a plant cell? What are the parts of an
animal cell?
Plant Cell
Cell Membrane
Animal Cell
Cell Membrane
***Cell Wall
3. What is the difference between a multi-celled organism and a
single-celled organism?
 Multi-celled organism – an organism with similar cells, it has
more than one cell. These cells work together
Animals, plants, and fungus are all multi-celled organisms
 Single-celled organism – organisms that are made up of one cell,
some, like bacteria, do not even have a nucleus
Bacteria and protist are single-celled
4. What are genes?
A gene is a small part of a chromosome that determines the traits
of an organism. Chromosomes are rod shaped and found in pairs.
5. What is a dominant trait? What is a recessive trait?
 Dominant Trait – the stronger gene or trait that always shows
itself…Examples include: brown eyes, dark hair, curly hair, dimples,
freckles, unattached earlobes
 Recessive Trait – the weaker gene that is hidden when the
dominant trait is present...Examples include: green/hazel/blue eyes,
blonde/red/light color hair, no dimples, no freckles, attached earlobes
6. What are some traits that we inherit?
Eye color, hair color, eyelash length, earlobe shape, skin color,
right or left handed, height, rolled tongue, gap in teeth, widows peak
Science Vocabulary Test: Cells and Behavior Traits
Directions: Choose the correct vocabulary word from the box below. Write the
correct word on the line provided.
Inherited Trait
Dominant Gene
Recessive Gene
1. The ________________ is the stronger gene or trait that always shows itself
2. ________________ is the passing on of genes and genetic traits from parent to
3. ________________ characteristics that occur among members of a family usually
by heredity (genes)
4. ________________ the weaker gene or trait that is hidden when the dominant
gene is present
Cell Membrane
5. The _______________ is the thin “skin” that covers the cell and gives the cell its
shape (animal and plant cells)
6. The _________________ is living material inside the cell membrane – not including
the nucleus (animal and plant cells)
7. A ________________ is the smallest part of a living thing, the basic unit of
function in all living things
8. The ________________ is part of the cell that controls ALL the cell’s activities; it’s
the boss of the cell (animal and plant cells)
9. An ________________ is a living thing that has the ability to act or function
10. A _______________ is an organism that is too small to be seen with the naked
Cell Wall
11. ______________ is the green pigment needed by plants to make food; usually
found in the leaf cells of green plants
12. The ______________ surrounds the cell membrane of a plant cell; it is made of
nonliving material called cellulose; provides the plant with its shape and stiffness
13. ______________ is the food-making process in plants
14. ______________ found in the cytoplasm of a plant cell; contains a green
substance called chlorophyll
Science Test:
Cells, Behavior Traits, the 6 Kingdoms
Directions: Read each question carefully. Circle the correct answer.
1. In which kingdom can single-cell organisms be found?
A. Animal kingdom
B. Plant kingdom
C. Bacteria kingdom
2. Which two features will identify a cell as a plant cell and not an animal cell?
A. chloroplast and cell wall
B. cell membrane and mitochondria
C. cell wall and nucleus
3. In both an animal and a plant cell, which gel-like structure holds the organelles
inside the cell?
A. vacuole
B. cytoplasm
C. cell membrane
4. List below the two main groups that the animal kingdom and the plant
kingdom can be divided into:
5. Which structure of an animal and a plant cell is the control center, or the boss?
A. Endoplasmic Reticulum
B. Mitochondria
C. Nucleus
6. What is the difference between a multi-celled and a single-celled organism?
7. The stronger gene or trait that always shows itself is the….
A. recessive gene B. nucleus gene
C. dominant gene
***Please give a few examples:
D. heredity
8. The weaker gene or trait that is sometimes hidden is the….
A. recessive gene B. nucleus gene
C. dominant gene
D. heredity
*** Please give a few examples:
9. List at least 3 traits that we can inherit from our family?
10. What organelles of a cell are found in BOTH an animal and a plant cell?
(name at least 3)
1. If you could choose to be any organelle in a plant or animal cell, which would
you choose and why?
2. What type of plant can make fruit and flowers from the seeds?
3. What type of plant can make seeds but not fruit or flowers?
4. Below list the animal vertebrates that are cold-blooded and those that are
Characteristics in the left-hand column dominate over those characteristics listed
in the right-hand column.
eye coloring
brown eyes
grey, green, hazel, blue eyes
normal vision
normal vision
normal vision
normal vision
night blindness
color blindness*
dark hair
non-red hair
curly hair
full head of hair
widow's peak
blonde, light, red hair
red hair
straight hair
normal hairline
facial features
unattached earlobes
broad lips
no dimples
attached earlobes
no freckles
thin lips
extra digits
fused digits
short digits
fingers lack 1 joint
limb dwarfing
clubbed thumb
normal number
normal digits
normal digits
normal joints
normal proportion
normal thumb
normal joints
immunity to poison ivy
normal pigmented skin
normal blood clotting
normal hearing
normal hearing and speaking
normal- no PKU
susceptibility to poison ivy
congenital deafness
deaf mutism
phenylketonuria (PKU)