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Date: __________________
Parts of a Cell
Cells are the basic units of life found in both plants and animals. Cells must be able to carry
out all life functions of the organism, such as making new materials and removing energy from
food. Cells contain many parts with special jobs that work together to carry out these life
functions. Organelles are small structures inside of cells that carry out specialized jobs.
In this activity, you will learn the structure and the function of nine important cellular
Cell membrane
Cell wall
1. Read pages 16-22 of Cells and Heredity (Prentice Hall Science Explorer) and
complete the second (plant cell, animal cell, or both), third (location- where is it found), and
fourth columns (function- what does it do) in the chart.
2. Sometimes, it is easier to remember new information when you compare it something you
already know about. Comparing a new idea to an old idea is called making an analogy.
Compare each of the seven cell organelles to a part of a city and fill in the fifth
column of the chart. This will help you remember what each organelle does inside of a cell.
You may choose from the list below or create your comparison.
City Hall
Food Processing Plant
City Storage
Waste Disposal Plant
Power plants
Construction Site
Bus and subway systems inside the city
City Gate
Border Patrol Check points
Chart: Important Cell Organelles
Is it in plant
cells, animal
cells, or both?
Cell membrane
Cell wall
Where in a cell
is it located?
What does this
organelle do in
the cell?
Compare this
organelle to a
part of a city.
Explain your
3. Locate and label the nine cell organelles on the diagrams below. Keep in mind
that not all nine organelles are present in all types of cells.
Animal Cell
Plant Cell
Summary Questions
1. Which organelles are present in both animal and plant cells? __________________
___________________ ______________________ _____________________
_____________________ ________________
2. Which organelles are present only in plant cells? _______________ ________________
3. Which organelles are present only in animal cells? ____________________
4..List organelles that specialize in protecting the cell. _________________ _______________
5. Some organelles are specialized to extract energy from food. List the organelle that help cells
extract energy from food. _________________________
6. Some organelles are specialized to make new materials. List organelles that help cells make
new materials. ______________________ ____________________
(BONUS: _____________________________ ____________________________________)
Specialized Cells in Plants and Animals
Plants and animals are called multi-cellular organisms because they contain many
cells. Some of the cells within plants and animals are specialized to perform specific functions.
1. View the two animal cells below. The first is a nerve cell and the second is a red blood cell.
Both cells are found in humans, as well as in other animals.
nerve cell
red blood cells
a) What do both cell types have in common?
b) What is unique about the nerve cell?
c) Nerve cells carry information between the brain and the rest of the body. How do you think
their shape helps them carry out this function?
d) What is unique about the red blood cells?
e) Red blood cells roll through the blood carrying oxygen to all the parts of the body. How do
you think their shape helps them carry out this function?
2. View the two plant cells below. The first is a leaf cell and the second is a root cell.
a) The leaf cell has chloroplasts, but the root cell does not. Why do you think this is so?
b) The root cell has root hairs, but the leaf cell does not. Why do you think this is so?