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Chapter 7: Genes and Inheritance
Family resemblance: how traits are inherited
Lectures by Mark Manteuffel, St. Louis Community College
7.1 Family
your mother
and father
equally to your
How can a single bad gene make you smell like
a rotten fish?
Take-home message 7.1
 Offspring
resemble their parents because
they inherit genes from their parents.
 Genes
are instruction sets for biochemical,
physical, and behavioral traits.
traits are
by a single
 Heredity
• the passing of characteristics from parent to
offspring through their genes
Selective Breeding: Observing Heredity
Some traits are
determined by the
instructions an
organism carries on
one gene.
Are there multiple-gene traits
• Yes
• Let’s first examine the mechanism by
which single-gene traits pass from parent
to child
• We’ll then expand this model of heritability
Take-home message 7.2
• Some traits are determined by instructions
that an individual carries on a single gene,
and these traits exhibit straightforward
patterns of inheritance.
7.3 Mendel learned about heredity
by conducting experiments.
Take-home message 7.3
• In the mid-1800s, Gregor Mendel
conducted studies that help us understand
• He focused on easily observed and
categorized traits in garden peas and
applied methodical experimentation and
rigorous hypothesis testing to determine
how traits are inherited.
7.4 Segregation: you’ve got two
copies of each gene but put only
one copy in each sperm or egg.
dominant trait
masks the effect
of a recessive
Three Ideas Mendel Used for
Explaining This Pattern of
1) Each parent puts into every sperm or
egg it makes a single set of instructions
for building the trait.
Three Ideas Mendel Used for
Explaining This Pattern of
2) Offspring receive two copies of the
instructions for any trait (called alleles).
Three Ideas Mendel Used for
Explaining This Pattern of
3) The trait observed in an individual
depends on the two copies of the gene it
inherits from its parents.
• homozygous and heterozygous
Take-home message 7.4
• Each parent puts a single set of instructions
for building a particular trait into every
sperm or egg he or she makes.
• This instruction set is called a gene.
• The trait observed in an individual depends
on the two copies (alleles) of the gene it
inherits from its parents.
7.5 Observing an individual’s
phenotype is not sufficient
for determining its genotype.
Phenotypes and Genotypes
 The
outward appearance of an individual
is called their phenotype.
 Underlying
the phenotype is the
• This is an organism’s genetic composition.
 Homozygous
 Heterozygous
How do we analyze and predict the
outcome of crosses?
 Assign
symbols to represent the different
variants of a gene.
 Generally
we use an uppercase letter for
the dominant allele and lowercase for the
recessive allele.
Take-home message 7.5
• It is not always possible to determine an
individual’s genetic makeup, known as its
genotype, by observation of the organism’s
outward appearance, known as its
Take-home message 7.5
• For a particular trait, an individual may
carry a recessive allele whose phenotypic
effect is masked by the presence of a
dominant allele.
• Much genetic analysis makes use of clever
experiments and careful recordkeeping,
often using Punnett squares, to determine
organisms’ genotypes.
and chance
play central
roles in
7.6 Chance is important in genetics.
Probability has a central role in
genetics for two reasons:
 The
 The
first is a consequence of segregation.
second reason is that fertilization, too,
is a chance event.
 Any
gamete produced by an individual
heterozygous for a trait has a 50%
probability of carrying the dominant allele
and a 50% probability of carrying the
recessive allele.
a male is heterozygous for albinism (Mm)
and a female is homozygous for albinism
(mm), what is the probability that their child
will be homozygous for albinism (mm)?
 If
Take-home message 7.6
• Probability plays a central role in genetics.
• In segregation, each gamete that an
individual produces receives only one of
the two copies of each gene the individual
• It is impossible to know which allele goes
into the gamete.
Take-home message 7.6
• Chance plays a role in fertilization, too: all
of the sperm or eggs produced by an
individual are different from one another,
and any one of those gametes may be the
gamete involved in fertilization.
7.7 A test-cross enables us to
figure out which alleles an
individual carries.
You would like to produce white alligators via a
mating program.
 The problem is that you cannot be certain of the
genotype of your alligators.
They might be
homozygous dominant,
MM, or they might be
heterozygous, Mm.
 In either case their
phenotype is normal
 How can you figure out
which of these two
possibilities is the actual
Take-home message 7.7
• In a test-cross, an individual that exhibits
a dominant trait but has an unknown
genotype is mated with an individual that
is homozygous recessive.
Take-home message 7.7
• The phenotypes of the offspring reveal
whether the unknown-genotype individual
is homozygous dominant (all of the
offspring exhibit the dominant trait) or
heterozygous (half of the offspring show
the dominant trait and half show the
recessive trait).
7.8 Using pedigrees to
decipher and predict the
inheritance patterns of genes.
Pedigree: a type of family tree
Analyzing Which Individuals Manifest the
Trait and Which Do Not
Sex-Linked Traits
A Trait’s Mode of Inheritance Is Not Always
Completely Obvious
 Some
traits may not show complete
 Many
traits are influenced by the environment
Take-home message 7.8
 Pedigrees
help scientists, doctors, animal
and plant breeders, and prospective
parents determine:
• the genes that individuals carry
• the likelihood that the offspring of two
individuals will exhibit a given trait.
How are
translated into
7.9 Incomplete dominance and
codominance: the effects of both
alleles in a genotype can show up in
the phenotype.
Incomplete dominance, in which the
heterozygote appears to be intermediate
between the two homozygotes.
Codominance, in which the heterozygote
displays characteristics of both homozygotes.
Take-home message 7.9
• Sometimes the effects of both alleles in a
heterozygous genotype are evident in the
Take-home message 7.9
• With incomplete dominance, the
phenotype of a heterozygote appears to
be an intermediate blend of the
phenotypes of the two homozygotes.
• With codominance, a heterozygote has a
phenotype that exhibits characteristics of
both homozygotes.
7.10 What’s your blood type?
Some genes may have more
than two alleles.
Multiple Allelism
 in
which a single gene has more than two
 each
individual still carries only two alleles
Inheritance of the ABO Blood Groups
A, B, and O alleles
The A and B alleles are both completely
dominant to O.
The A and B alleles are codominant to each
Individuals can be one of four different blood
types: A, B, AB, and O.
Why are people with type O blood considered
“universal donors”? Why are those with type AB
considered “universal acceptors”?
Take-home message 7.10
 In
multiple allelism, a single gene has
more than two alleles.
 Each
individual still only carries two
alleles, but more alleles occur in the
 This
is the case for the ABO blood groups
in humans.
7.11 Multi-gene Traits
How are continuously varying traits
such as height influenced by genes?
Polygenic Trait
trait that is influenced by many different
Additive Effects
what happens when the effects of alleles
from multiple genes all contribute to the
ultimate phenotype
Take-home message 7.11
 Many
traits, including continuously varying
traits such as height, eye color, and skin
color, are influenced by multiple genes.
7.12 Sometimes one gene
influences multiple traits
What is the benefit of “almost” having
sickle cell disease?
The SRY Gene
 “Sex-determining
Region on the Y-
 Causes
fetal gonads to develop as testes
shortly after fertilization.
 Following
the gonads’ secretion of
testosterone, other developmental changes
also occur.
Take-home message 7.12
 In
pleiotropy, one gene influences multiple
unrelated traits.
 Most,
if not all, genes may be pleiotropic.
7.13 Why are more men
than women color-blind?
Sex-linked traits differ in their
patterns of expression in males
and females.
If a man is color-blind, did he
inherit this condition from his
mother, his father, or both
Take-home message 7.13
 The
patterns of inheritance of most traits
do not differ between males and females.
 When
a trait is coded for by a gene on a
sex chromosome, such as color vision on
the X chromosome, the effects differ in
males and females.
What is the cause of male-pattern
Can you propose how to
test the “hats cause
baldness” hypothesis?
Are these hypotheses falsifiable?
Propose how to test each of them.
“The hair follicles are clogged from shampoo and too
much washing.”
“Not enough blood is circulating around the scalp.”
“Hair gels and other products are toxic.”
A Modern Approach
Balding men commonly shared
a DNA sequence on their X
chromosome. What does that
tell us about whom they
inherited that DNA from?
Stopping short of the one-gene =
one trait conclusion.
Take-home message 7.14
• Observations of male-pattern baldness
within families and comparisons with
unrelated individuals suggest that the
baldness is caused by a sex-linked gene
that codes for an androgen receptor.
Take-home message 7.14
• Males inheriting an allele—always from
their mother—for higher activity of the
androgen receptor gene are more likely to
have male-pattern baldness than males
inheriting an alternative allele.
7.15 Environmental
effects: identical twins are
not identical.
Drinking diet soda can be
deadly if you carry a
single bad gene.
What gene is it and why is
it so deadly?
Could you create a
temporarily spotted Siamese
cat with an ice pack?
Take-home message 7.15
 Genotypes
are not like blueprints that
specify phenotypes.
 Phenotypes
are generally a product of the
genotype in combination with the
genes are
7.16 Most traits are passed on as
independent features: Mendel’s law
of independent assortment.
Take-home message 7.16
 Genes
 The
tend to behave independently.
inheritance pattern of one trait
doesn’t usually influence the inheritance of
any other trait.
7.17 Red Hair and Freckles
Genes on the same
chromosome are sometimes
inherited together.
Why do most redheads
have pale skin?
Linked genes: Genes on the
same chromosome, maybe even
right next to each other.
Take-home message 7.17
 Sometimes,
having one trait influences the
presence of another trait.
 This
is because the alleles for two genes
are inherited and expressed together
almost as a package deal when the genes
are located close together on the same