Download Biology -SEMESTER I FINAL EXAM ____ 1. Identify the type of cell

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1. Identify the type of cell shown in Figure 3.1.
____ 10.
____ 11.
____ 12.
____ 13.
____ 14.
____ 15.
____ 16.
____ 17.
a. prokaryotic
b. eukaryotic
c. bacterial
d. animal
Which organelle is the storehouse for most of a cell's genetic information?
a. mitochondrion
b. chloroplast
c. centriole
d. nucleus
Which organelles contain enzymes that break down old cell parts?
a. centrosomes
b. lysosomes
c. vacuoles
d. chloroplasts
Transport proteins play a role in both
a. passive and active transport.
c. diffusion and vesicle transport.
b. exocytosis and endocytosis.
d. phagocytosis and passive transport.
Which process requires no energy from the cell?
a. exocytosis
c. active transport
b. endocytosis
d. facilitated diffusion
Which process is occurring when a vesicle fuses with the cell membrane and releases its contents outside the
a. endocytosis
b. phagocytosis
c. exocytosis
d. osmosis
Photosynthesis occurs inside the _________________.
a. lysosome
b. ribosome
c. nucleolus
d. chloroplast
Which organelles supply energy to the cell?
a. vacuoles
b. ribosomes
c. mitochondria
d. centrosomes
The primary function of the cell membrane is __________.
a. protection from damage for the cell
c. support for the cell
b. structure of the cell
d. controlling what passes in/out of the cell
Transport proteins play a role in both
a. diffusion and vesicle transport.
c. passive and active transport.
b. phagocytosis and passive transport.
d. exocytosis and endocytosis.
What is the term for the jellylike substance that is contained inside the cell membrane?
a. nucleus
b. DNA
c. cytoplasm
d. organelle
A solution that is hypertonic to a cell has
a. too many solutes.
b. more solutes than the cell.
c. the same concentration of solutes as the cell.
d. fewer solutes than the cell.
Which of the following is a major principle upon which cell theory is based?
a. Cells are the basic building blocks of
c. All cells form by free-cell formation.
living things.
b. All cells are eukaryotic.
d. All cells have DNA.
Identify the organelle responsible for making proteins in the cell.
a. vesicles
b. Golgi apparatus
c. ribosomes
d. central vacuole
Which phrase best describes atoms?
a. single-celled organism
c. parts of a nucleus
b. smallest basic units of matter
d. positively charged particles
The attraction among molecules of different substances is called
a. cohesion.
b. adhesion.
c. specific heat.
d. surface tension.
Why is water necessary to your body?
a. It prevents large changes in blood pH.
c. It dissolves nonpolar fats and oils.
b. It dissolves and transports substances.
d. It forms the solutes in blood plasma.
____ 18. A solution with a low pH____.
a. is good for living things.
c. is very basic (alkaline.)
b. kills all organisms.
d. is very acidic.
____ 19. Which category of carbon-based molecules includes sugars and starches?
a. unsaturated fatty b. phospholipids
c. proteins
d. carbohydrates
____ 20.
____ 21.
____ 22.
____ 23.
____ 24.
____ 25.
____ 26.
____ 27.
____ 28.
____ 29.
Which structure appears in the plant cell, above, but not the animal cell?
a. cytoplasm
b. mitochondria
c. Golgi body
d. central vacuole
If a cell cannot move enough material through its membrane to survive, then the ratio of its surface area to volume
a. too large.
b. just the right size. c. too small.
d. growing too
Before a cell can proceed to gap 2 from the gap 1 stage of the cell cycle, it must
a. double in size.
c. undergo cytokinesis.
b. complete a full cell cycle.
d. duplicate its DNA.
During interphase a cell grows, duplicates organelles, and
a. copies DNA.
c. divides the cytoplasm.
b. divides the nucleus.
d. produces a new cell.
Why do the cells lining the stomach divide more quickly than those in the liver?
a. They are much smaller cells.
c. They need much more surface area.
b. They have fewer chromosomes.
d. They undergo more wear and tear.
Cyclins are internal factors that
a. cause apoptosis.
c. cause cancer cells to break away.
b. control the cell cycle.
d. prevent mitosis.
Proteins from outside a cell that stimulate it to divide are called
a. oncogenes.
b. stem cells.
c. cyclins.
d. growth factors.
In a single-celled organism, mitosis is used for
a. development.
b. reproduction.
c. growth.
d. epair.
One difference between a cancer cell and a normal cell is that
a. cancer cells divide uncontrollably.
b. normal cells divide uncontrollably.
c. cancer cells cannot make copies of DNA.
d. normal cells cannot make copies of DNA.
In the picture below, identify the cell the arrow is pointing at. What stage is the cell in?
a. prophase
b. metaphase
c. anaphase
d. telophase
____ 30. Cells in a living thing undergo division at different rates based on
a. the amount of ATP present.
c. their particular function.
b. the size of the nucleus.
d. their size.
____ 31. Why must a cell replicate its DNA prior to mitosis?
a. each cell needs 2 copies of DNA
b. each cell formed in mitosis needs its own copy of DNA
c. some of the DNA gets destroyed in mitosis
d. new cells require more DNA that older cells
____ 32. Chemotherapy involves using ______ to treat cancer, while radiation involves using _____ to treat cancer.
a. medicine/high-energy waves
c. high energy waves/medicine
b. X-rays/the sun’s rays
d. the sun’s rays/X-rays
____ 33. Consider figure 5.3. Which lettered diagram shows the cell in metaphase?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
____ 34. What molecule carries chemical energy that cells use for their functions?
a. ADP
b. ATP
d. Oxygen picks up electrons.
____ 35. Which of the following is a reactant in photosynthesis?
____ 36. Which process is best represented by the following chemical equation?
sugars + oxygen
carbon dioxide + water
a. cellular respiration b. photosynthesis
c. glycolysis
d. fermentation
____ 37. In which process is lactic acid formed when there is not enough oxygen present for cellular respiration to take
a. ATP synthase
b. photosystem I
c. glycolysis
d. fermentation
____ 38.
Using Figure 4.3, identify the process taking place in this organelle.
a. cell respiration
c. DNA replication
b. photosynthesis
d. Mitosis
____ 39. During which of the following stages shown in Figure 5.1 does the cytoplasm of a cell divide?
a. gap 1
b. synthesis
c. gap 2
d. mitosis
____ 40. Two similar chromosomes that you inherit from your parents (one from your mother, one from your father) are
a. homologous
b. sister chromatids. c. sex chromosomes. d. homozygous
____ 41. Meiosis produces cells with how many chromosomes?
a. 44
b. 22
c. 46
d. 23
____ 42. Which of the following cell types is diploid?
a. ovum (egg)
b. sex cell
d. gamete
c. somatic (body)
____ 43.
Consider Figure 6.3. Identify correctly the process occuring in Diagram 1___ and Diagram 2___.
a. Diag 1 is mitosis/Diag 2 is meiosis
c. Diag 1 is meiosis/ Diag 2 is mitosis
b. Diag 1 is mitosis/ Diag 2 is cytokinesis
d. Diag 1 is transcription/ Diag 2 is
____ 44. Figure 8.1 shows a single strand of DNA. Choose the first three nucleotides of the other DNA strand.
a. GGT
b. CCT
c. GGC
d. TTA
____ 45. The main difference between the four nucleotides that make up DNA is that they have different
a. sugars.
b. uracil.
c. bonds.
d. bases.
____ 46. DNA polymerase is a/n__________.
a. enzyme
b. nucleic acid
c. sugar
d. phosphate
____ 47. Figure 8.2 shows a single strand of DNA. Choose the first three nucleotides of the complementary RNA strand.
a. AUT
b. CTA
c. AUC
d. ACG
____ 48. The central dogma states that information flows from
a. RNA to DNA to polysaccharides.
c. RNA to DNA to proteins.
b. DNA to RNA to proteins.
d. DNA to polysaccharides to RNA.