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Organic molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes other
elements such as nitrogen and sulfur.
Proteins make up the structural materials, hormones and enzymes that allow
living things to function correctly. If the proteins are denatured (break
down), they do not function correctly and the organism suffers and perhaps
I can explain the structure and function of proteins.
I can explain how proteins are applied in biotechnology.
By the end of this unit of study, you should be able to do the following.
1. Explain why proteins are considered to be an organic molecule.
2. List and explain three functions of proteins.
3. Describe and explain the function of amino acids and how they relate to
4. Describe and explain what happens when a protein is denatured.
5. Be able to demonstrate your understanding of the following words:
enzyme action
hormone action
Proteins are also organic molecules. They are made from carbon, hydrogen,
oxygen like carbohydrates and lipids. However, proteins also contain nitrogen and
sometimes other elements such as sulfur. It is important to remember that
proteins have many functions, but we will concentrate on the following three
1) Structural
2) Enzyme action
3) Hormone action.
Structural Example
Proteins (the big blue blobs) are used as structural parts of the cell.
Enzyme Action Example
The TOP line shows a
reaction taking place
without the use of an
enzyme. The BOTTOM line
shows a reaction that has
an enzyme helping it.
Notice that the BOTTOM
line is not as big, meaning
the reaction can happen
faster and more
Proteins have 3 important functions:
1) They are used to build cells and important components of cells
2) They make enzymes that control many chemical reactions in the cells
3) They make hormones that control many functions in all cells.
Interesting Scientific Fact: One enzyme made of protein is called amylase. It is
found in the saliva in your mouth. Its job is to begin the digestion of certain
Interesting Scientific Fact: Adrenalin and insulin are hormones found in the human
body that are made from protein. Adrenalin is used to activate the body to escape
danger or “play at a higher level” in athletic events. Insulin is needed to promote
cellular absorption of glucose. Diabetes is a disease cause by a lack of insulin in
the body. People with diabetes have to take extra insulin on a regular basis to
remain healthy.
Interesting Scientific Fact: Muscles and skin are mostly made of protein. Most
organs and tissues in your body are also made of protein.
Proteins are made up of amino acids. Amino acids are often called the building
blocks of proteins. There are 20 different types of amino acids. Like letters of
the alphabet, they are joined together to make many different types of proteins.
There are many types of protein. They each have a different job within the living
Interesting Scientific Fact: Proteins control almost everything that happens
inside of a living organism. However, proteins are easily destroyed, or denatured.
When they are denatured, they no longer work properly. They can be denatured by
extreme temperatures and pH. That is why it is important that your body
temperature remains around 98.60 F.
Question 1. What are three major roles for proteins?
Question 2. Why are amino acids often called the building blocks of proteins?
Question 3. What happens to a protein when it becomes denatured?
Question 4. Since proteins make up most of your body, what might happen to the
growth of high school students if protein is with held from their diet?
_____1. proteins
a. protein that acts as a hormone
_____ 2. amino acids
b. protein that acts as an enzyme
_____ 3. denatured
c. the act of destroying a protein
_____ 4. enzyme
d. a chain of amino acids
_____ 5. insulin
e. a protein that controls chemical
_____ 6 amylase
f. building block of a protein
True or False
_____ 1. Proteins are inorganic molecules.
_____ 2. Proteins are organic molecules.
_____ 3. Proteins can serve as enzymes.
_____ 4. Proteins are made of nucleic acids.
_____ 5. Proteins are made of amino acids.
_____ 6. All enzymes are proteins that give energy to a cell.
_____ 7. An enzyme is a protein that causes chemical reactions to occur in
a cell.
_____ 8. Muscles are made of protein.
_____ 9. Some proteins are hormones.
_____ 10. Proteins can serve many different functions.
_____ 11. Proteins are made of carbon and water
_____ 12. Insulin is an example of a protein.
_____ 13. Glucose is an example of a protein.
_____ 14. A protein will denature if it is put into a strong acid
_____ 15. A protein will denature if it is heated too much.
_____ 16. If a protein is denatured, it cannot do its job.
Completing Sentences
amino acids
adrenalin and insulin
high temperatures
1. ___________________ are the building block molecules of proteins.
2. __________________ serve may different functions.
3. The ________________are combined in chains to make a protein.
4. ____________________ and ____________________ may cause a protein
to denature.
5. When protein is destroyed, the protein has been __________________.
6. Proteins, such as ________________________________, may act as
7. Most of the structural components of plants and animals are made of
8. Proteins, such as ________________________________, may act as
Answer the following.
1. What are the building blocks of proteins?
2. Name three examples of proteins.
3. List describe, and explain the three functions of proteins.
4. What does it mean to say a protein is denatured?
5. What are enzymes? Give an example
6. What are hormones? Give an example.